Rating of hypoallergenic washing powders: features, cost, customer reviews

foto26327-1If there is an inscription “hypoallergenic” on the packaging with washing powder, this does not always mean that it is absolutely safe for people suffering from hypersensitivity to household chemicals.

To choose a really high-quality and safe laundry detergent, you need to carefully study its composition and familiarize yourself with the reviews that other consumers leave about it.

Read about this, as well as what else to look for when buying a hypoallergenic powder for washing, in the article.

What is this detergent?

Daily contact of the skin with household chemicals, as well as the influence of aggressive environmental factors on the body, leads to the fact that it activates the defenses.

Constant tension of the immune system provokes a failure in its worke, which results in allergies. If the reaction was observed once, then with a 99% probability it will happen again.

To protect yourself from inflammation and prevent its appearance, you need to use hypoallergenic agents. Such household chemicals are presented in stores in a wide range.

GOST imposes certain requirements on hypoallergenic powders, violation of which is unacceptable. They include adherence to a certain concentration:

  • Surfactant,
  • phosphoric salts,
  • active oxygen and other components included in the composition.

The hypoallergenic label suggests that the most powerful irritants that can cause an inflammatory reaction in the skin are excluded from the formula. However, this slogan does not guarantee their complete absence in the composition.

foto26327-2The list of allergens with their trade and chemical names is fixed in GOST 32479-2013. Among them:

  • citral,
  • eugenol,
  • isoeugenol,
  • cinnamon alcohol
  • coumarin,
  • geraniol,
  • anise alcohol, etc.

None of these components should be present in a high-quality hypoallergenic automatic powder, or their mass fraction should not exceed 0.01%.

Differences in composition

In general, the fewer chemicals in the composition, the better. Natural ingredients rarely cause redness, flaking and itching of the skin, do not lead to the development of allergic rhinitis and asthma.

Features of the composition hypoallergenic powders:

  1. The content of anionic surfactants should not exceed 5%.
  2. Optical brighteners do not include hypoallergenic powders in the formula, as they lead to irritation on contact with the skin.
  3. Flavors and fragrances in the "correct" hypoallergenic powder are either absent altogether, or replaced with natural additives.
  4. No place in hypoallergenic powder phosphates and phosphonates. They soften water well, but negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  5. Chlorine is one of the poisonous components that harms not only health, but also tissues, therefore it cannot be part of a hypoallergenic powder.
A high-quality hypoallergenic powder should not contain any of these components, or their content should not exceed the established standards.

A powder formula that may be called hypoallergenic, should be represented by the following substances:

  1. foto26327-3Soap. It is desirable that it be natural, made from organic fatty acids.
  2. Soda. This additive is safe for the body, as it is even used as a food preservative.
  3. Lemon acid. It is designed to improve the quality of washing, protect the machine from scale, and also acts as a safe bleach.
  4. Herbal and plant extracts, extracts and oils. They are necessary to protect the skin and to give things a pleasant scent.
  5. Vegetable surfactants.
  6. Enzymes. These are natural enzymes that are not able to harm the body or provoke skin irritation.

These components are familiar to everyone. If, in addition to them, the washing powder does not contain other substances, then it can be safely used to care for the things of people with increased skin sensitivity and for washing children's products.

How to choose for kids and adults?

To choose a quality hypoallergenic powder, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Examine the composition. Typically, it matches the inner content. The risk of buying a fake is less if you make a purchase in large retail or online stores.
  2. Sniff the packaging. A strong smell of household chemicals should not come from it. If there are no fragrances in the composition, then there should be no smell at all.
  3. During hand washing, pay attention to how the detergent particles dissolve in the water. If they quickly disappear, then the powder is of high quality.
  4. With the predominance of natural components in the composition, little foam will form during washing.
  5. Shelf life. Natural ingredients cannot be stored for a long time. If the shelf life of the powder is 2-3 years, then it is made with the use of potent preservatives.

Many parents believe that if there is an inscription "for children" on the washing powder, then it is automatically hypoallergenic. In fact, this is not the case.

The “0+” mark can be on the packaging with a detergent if its toxicity index does not exceed 70-120%. However, this does not prohibit manufacturers from adding flavorings and petrochemical products to their formulations.

They decompose fat and other impurities well, but can cause an acute allergic reaction in a child.

foto26327-4A high-quality hypoallergenic powder for children should be based on vegetable surfactants. They are obtained from:

  • nuts,
  • seeds,
  • bones,
  • animal fats.

They do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, but at the same time they wash clothes well.

Powders based on natural surfactants can be used for children from the first days of life... However, their production is associated with certain technological difficulties, so they cannot be cheap.

Top 5 best brands

The best modern hypoallergenic powders:


Its composition is completely natural. It contains soap, soda and citric acid. This detergent can be used for washing:

  • children's things,
  • pregnant lactating women,
  • people suffering from allergies.
It does not irritate the skin, cannot provoke a spasm of the respiratory tract, and does not harm the environment.

The cost of a 0.6 kg package is 170 rubles.



This is a concentrated detergent based on organic herbal soap. It is fragrance and fragrance free and phosphate free... At the same time, the composition has a high quality wash. It can be used to care for babies' belongings.

The cost of a package weighing 1.2 kg is 1250 rubles.


Klar Vollwaschmittel

Soap nut based laundry detergent. This composition is recommended for people suffering from allergies and asthma.... In addition to natural soap, the formula includes safe organic ingredients designed to improve the quality of washing. Powder is consumed sparingly.

The price of a package weighing 1100 g is 1500 rubles.


Garden Eco Kids

It is an eco-friendly formula that does not contain fragrances and fragrances... For high-quality cleaning and deodorization of laundry, the formula is reinforced with silver ions.

The basis of the detergent is soap, soda and citric acid. The powder is suitable for all types of fabrics and for all types of washing.

The cost of a package weighing 1.4 kg is 400 rubles.


Bio mio

Hypoallergenic powder contains:

  • cotton extract,
  • enzymes,
  • biodegradable bleaches.
The composition is economical in consumption. It copes well with various types of stains and can be used for hand and machine wash.

The cost of packaging 1.5 kg is 430 rubles.


Helpful information

Information that will come in handy when buying and using hypoallergenic washing powder:

  1. When reading the composition of the washing powder, you need to pay attention to where this or that component is on the list. They are listed in descending order of their mass fraction.
  2. If some substance in the composition of the washing powder is in doubt, or it is completely unfamiliar, you need to find out what kind of component it is and how it affects the body.
  3. Hypoallergenic formulations for washing clothes of adults may contain small amounts of synthetic surfactants. However, such products are not recommended for children.

A lot of useful and important information about washing powder is presented in given section of the site.


Hypoallergenic powder should not contain harmful ingredients. Only a subtle pleasant aroma of natural herbs can come from a quality detergent. Such household chemicals should be used by people with hypersensitive skin, as well as for the care of baby clothes.



