Rating of washing powders for hand washing: prices, customer reviews
In the care of things, not only washing powders are used for automatic processing, but also products that are intended for manual care.
The choice should be approached with all responsibility, since not only the quality of washing, but also health depends on its correctness.
The rating of the best washing powders for hand washing is presented in the article.
Features of tools for processing things manually
On packages with detergents, the manufacturer always indicates the type of treatment for which the detergent composition is intended.
Tools for manual processing have their own characteristics:
Increased, in comparison with powders "Avtomat", foaming. This makes it easier and better to put things in order with your hands.
- The concentration of the hand wash is often lower than that of the machine washable products. This composition is quite enough, since a more saturated one may not even dissolve completely.
- The composition of "Automatic" products from many manufacturers includes additional components that are designed to protect the parts of the washing machine from the effects of household chemicals and hard water. For handcrafting textiles, these components are redundant.
Do not put hand wash powder into the washing machine, as doing so often can cause equipment damage.
Advantages and disadvantages
Manual formulations have advantages and disadvantages over automated formulations.
- often the cost of washing powders by hand is lower than that of similar items marked "Automatic";
- the composition does not include additional chemical ingredients to protect the machine parts, which do not directly affect the quality of the wash itself;
- any soapy detergent is suitable for manual care.
- hand wash powder cannot be used in a washing machine;
- large amounts of foam can be difficult to rinse out.
Top 7 best manufacturers
Almost all manufacturers of washing preparations in the list of products have products for hand washing. Choosing an option for the home, many housewives give preference to the products of well-known manufacturing companies, which are not only heard, but also lead the ratings.
Persil is one of the popular powders... The formula of the product is an advanced development, it has an intelligent system for recognizing and removing stains.
This synthetic detergent is formulated with ingredients that protect the brightness and prevent washout. The powder gives a good dissolution, and allows you to wash things with high quality even in not hot water.
The price for a cardboard box of 450 g is from 75 rubles.
The myth is a product of P & G, which has long been known to housewives... The product is produced by the Novomoskovsk plant.
The product allows you to remove stains during washing and soaking in a wide range of temperatures. Products are available with various flavors. Produced in packages of various capacities.
The price for a package of 1.8 kg is about 180 rubles.
Washing powder Tide Lenore is an economical product that provides good processing results... The manufacturer guarantees the effectiveness of the presented product in relation to the most common stains (tea, blood, chocolate, etc.).
The delicate scent of Lenore is preserved on the washed clothes, and the products themselves remain soft. Price - around 70 rubles. for a carton of 450 g Read reviews here.
Hand wash gloss is a preparation that can help deal with dirt even in cold water... Produced by Henkel.
The powder form dissolves well and rinses out. A separate plus is a pleasant aroma. The price of a small pack is about 60 rubles.
Ariel is an effective product that has high performance in terms of wash quality. This remedy removes stains thanks to an innovative formula and takes care of the material.
Ariel's aroma is very light. Suitable for hot and cold water treatment. Price for 450 g - about 70 rubles. You can find reviews here.
In the line of Sarma powders of the domestic manufacturer "Nevskaya kosmetika" there are products that are intended separately for machine and hand wash.
The Mountain Freshness preparation is distinguished by:
- washing efficiency white things,
- dissolves well
- can be used for washing in a basin and for soaking.
Additional use of bleach from the same manufacturer will help enhance the effect. Available in packages from 400 grams to 2.4 kg.
Price - around 60 rubles for a cardboard box. Read reviews here.
Burti baby liquid
Burti for baby linen has a composition without phosphates and dyes... The liquid form of the drug dissolves well and rinses out with high quality. Suitable for processing things in a wide temperature range.
The drug is hypoallergenic. It can be used to take care of things not only for children, but also for people with sensitive skin.
The price for a bottle of 1.5 liters is about 500 rubles.
Can I use formulations marked "automatic"?
If you do not have a detergent for hand washing at hand, you can use a detergent marked "Automatic". But at the same time, you can face some difficulties:
- Low foam formation. This may make you want to pour more products into the basin. This should not be done. The manufacturer clearly prescribes all dosages on the packaging, and they should not be exceeded.
- Powders for the machine are focused on intensive washing in a drum, and therefore, the composition may not dissolve quickly enough when diluted in a basin. Therefore, the quality of the mixture dilution in water must be especially carefully monitored.
- Rinsing problem. Even though there is no foam, things must be rinsed thoroughly after washing, as powder particles still remain on it.
How to make it yourself?
One of the options for hand detergent is a self-made powder. Most recipes are based on the use of natural ingredients. This makes the powder environmentally friendly and safe for health. Popular and uncomplicated recipes include formulations based on laundry soap and soda (food and soda ash).
It is not difficult to make the simplest washing powder, for this you need:
- grate 200 g of soap;
- pour soap shavings into the container;
- add ½ kg of baking soda;
- add 400 g of soda ash;
- stir well;
- After making sure that the powder is dry enough, it must be poured into a storage container.
You can use a few drops of an essential oil of your choice as a flavoring agent.
6 recommendations
Hand washing with powder will be more successful if take into account the following tips:
- It is recommended to take care of things with rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands.
- Hand wash should be done in a well-ventilated area, as the suspension of dry mixture and fumes can irritate the respiratory tract.
- After washing, you need to rinse things out, changing the water several times.
- The recommended washing temperature should be adhered to, since if the recommendations of the powder manufacturer are violated, the processing quality will significantly decrease.
- If both manual and automatic washing are planned, then the best option is to purchase two types of powders - for each type of processing separately.
- Powders for hand washing, as well as for automatic washing, can be divided into “for color” and “for white”. At this point, you need to pay attention when buying.
For tips from experienced laundresses on how to wash your clothes by hand, see this article.
All the most important and useful information about washing powder is in this section.
Powders for hand washing allow high-quality cleaning of things, even without a washing machine. At the same time, the effect of processing is not lower than after automatic processing.