An urgent question: is it possible to pour powder directly into the drum of an automatic washing machine?

foto26191-1Automatic washing in the machine includes putting things in the drum, making settings, and also adding detergent.

The safety of the working units of the apparatus and the quality of the washing process itself depend on how correctly this is done.

Is it possible to pour powder directly into the drum of an automatic washing machine, how can it be dangerous? Let's try to figure it out.

Is it acceptable?

foto26191-2When the cycle starts, the washing machine starts to pump water into the cuvette. Then it enters the drum.

Regardless of the presence or absence of a detergent in the compartment, the operating procedure of the automatic machine does not change. The location of the powder filling does not radically affect the functionality of the device itself.

If the dry mixture was poured into the cuvette before washing, then the pressure of water not only rinses it off to the laundry, but also dissolves all particles. Otherwise, when the powder was poured directly into the drum, the incoming water begins to dissolve it only as it is set.

At the same time, there is a danger that the previously undissolved granules can give an unexpected reaction on things - leave stains.

Stain removers and bleach products are even more dangerous.... These are agents that are aggressive in their effect and can not only leave stains on the laundry, but even ruin the fabric.

Manufacturers of household chemicals do not recommend pouring the drug directly into the drum of the washing machine.

In what cases is this the norm?

In some cases, placing the product directly on the clothing is not only acceptable, but also the only possible option. These are exceptions to the general rule.


Pillow-shaped capsules are produced by many manufacturers of household chemicals. This product is for automatic processing only.

foto26191-3Application of capsules:

  1. Place 1 capsule per standard load in an empty drum.
  2. Top live linen.
  3. Set the processing mode.
  4. Start a wash cycle.

Any other way of using the capsules is unacceptable.

Soap powder

If the soap powder designed for automatic processing is coarse, it is better not to put it in the cuvette. Upon contact with water, such a composition will become viscous, and may not be completely washed out and not delivered to the laundry.

For better dissolution of soap-based mixtures, it is advisable to first dilute them with water, and send them to the drum in this form.


Powder in liquid release form it is permissible not only to pour into the cuvette, but also to place directly into the drum... Since the product is homogeneous, without grains and granules, then the option with pouring directly to the clothes is acceptable.

If the gel is poured directly into the drum, then it is advisable to start the wash cycle immediately, without delay. This will prevent the undiluted product from contacting with the laundry for a long time.

He will tell you about where to pour the gel for washing in the washing machine this article.

Other options

In the drum, if necessary, it is possible to place also mild detergents, plant-based. Also it is permissible to lay drugs sold in compressed form.

What is the right thing to do?

The traditional use of powder in a washing machine is to pour it into a drawer specially designed for this. When the program starts, water is supplied automatically, which washes and dissolves all particles. This avoids contact of dry powder grains with the laundry.

In modern automatic machines, the cuvette has three compartments:

  • for a prewash detergent;
  • for a preparation intended for the main wash;
  • for the air conditioner.

If ordinary powder is used, then the procedure is as follows:

  1. foto26191-4Fold the laundry into an empty machine.
  2. Measure the dose of the mixture required for the wash cycle. When using the gel, it is poured into the compartment of the cuvette, which is intended for powder.
  3. Pour the preparation into the appropriate compartment of the cuvette.
  4. Slide the compartment.
  5. Select the washing mode.
  6. Click start.

The product is washed off completely in cases where:

  • the holes in the water supply pipes are not clogged and function normally;
  • the amount of powder placed in the cuvette complies with the general recommendations for the preparation (not exceeded);
  • the detergent is suitable for this application.
If there is a leakage of water from the cuvette, this unit needs to identify the cause of the malfunction and repair.


Tips from experts will help you make home washing easier and avoid common mistakes:

  1. Even if the powder compartment on the washing machine is used correctly, it will get dirty during use. Grains remain on the plastic, which are not washed into the drum and dust. As a result, the cuvette becomes dirty. The solution to the issue is regular cleaning.
  2. If the washing machine is to be built into the headset, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of free extension of the cuvette for filling in the powder.
  3. If pouring the detergent into the drawer is impossible for any reason, you can put the previously diluted powder into the drum. But the risk of tissue damage is still present.
  4. The required amount of the product must take into account the hardness of the supplied water and the degree of contamination of the products.
  5. If the need to pour the detergent into the drum is caused by a breakdown of the pull-out tray, you should try to repair the machine as soon as possible.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about washing powder here.


Whether it is possible to put washing powder into the drum depends on the form of the detergent and the characteristics of its use. In some cases, this approach is not only acceptable, but even recommended.



