What is the shelf life of washing powder and how to store it correctly?

foto25935-1When choosing a detergent, few people think about the shelf life of the product. First of all, attention is paid to the composition and cost of the washing powder. And this is a fundamentally wrong position.

The thing is that the chemical elements that make up the detergent are effective only for a certain period of time (subject to the storage rules).

Expired powder is not only useless for high-quality washing, but also hazardous to human health. We will talk about the shelf life of the washing powder in the article.

How much is stored?

The opinion that washing powder can be stored indefinitely is a myth. In fact, the activity of the chemical components responsible for the effective removal of stains from fabric lasts for a certain period (on average, three to five years).

The storage period is indicated by the manufacturer on the product packaging (depends on the components of the detergent). So in a hermetically sealed package, subject to storage conditions:

  • foto25935-2ordinary washing powder is suitable for use within five years (after opening the package no more than twelve months);
  • Bio products, which include components of natural origin, are effective for three years from the date of release (after opening the package, no more than six months);
  • detergents baby linen, which contain biologically active components (enzymes), retain their positive qualities for a minimum amount of time - only two years (after opening the package no more than six months).

If the expiration date is not indicated on the package, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. The lack of shelf life labeling violates the requirements of the current legislation and, most likely, such a product will not meet the quality and safety requirements.

How to organize storage conditions correctly?

Maintain the effectiveness of washing powder throughout the entire period of its use is possible only subject to certain storage rules:

  1. Store the packages with detergent away from heating appliances. The thing is that high temperature accelerates chemical processes in granules, thereby reducing the shelf life of household chemicals.For the same reason, it is necessary to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the powder.
  2. The optimum air temperature in the room where the detergent is stored varies from + 15 ° C to + 25 ° C.
  3. Store detergents in a dry, well-ventilated area. High humidity is the first enemy of dry washing powder. When wet, the granules knock into dense lumps, which are not only ineffective in the fight against dirt on clothes, but can also adversely affect the operation of the mechanisms of the washing machine. The humidity indicator in the room where the detergent is stored should not exceed the 60% mark.
  4. When choosing a storage location, it is very important to remember that all detergents are, first of all, chemicals. This means that the washing powder is stored out of the reach of children and pets, away from food and personal hygiene products, toys, dishes and other household items. The slightest hit of particles of washing powder inside the body can provoke severe poisoning.

If expired, can they be washed?

foto25935-3The main question that any housewife asks: "What if the expiration date has expired, and the product has not been used up to the end?"

Definitely, it is not worth washing with such a powder... To achieve perfect cleanliness and freshness of linen, removing all stains by washing with an expired product will no longer work.

Also, do not forget that dense, clumped, odorless granules are very poorly washed out of the fabric fibers. Contact through clothing with human skin, they can cause severe irritation and redness, and if inhaled, accumulating in the lungs, provoke an asthma attack in allergy sufferers.

It is especially dangerous to use expired powder for washing clothes of young children, whose immune system is sensitive to contact with harmful chemicals.

What to do with expired?

Don't rush to throw away your expired detergent... And although it is not recommended to use such a product for washing clothes, expired powder is perfect for cleaning plumbing fixtures (toilets, and sinks), plastic and other surfaces.

The main thing in the cleaning process is not to forget to protect your hands with rubber gloves and thoroughly rinse off the soap solution.


A few tips from experienced housewives will help keep healthy properties longer washing powder:

  1. foto25935-4When purchasing a large amount of powder in various packages, you should not open all packages and boxes at once. In a sealed container, the detergent retains its useful properties longer.
  2. To protect the powder from moisture, a clothespin will help, which is used to clamp the hole on an already opened package.
  3. Buying a special container for household chemicals will help solve the problem of storing detergents. A plastic container with a tight-fitting lid will protect the dry powder from moisture.

    A special locking mechanism prevents the free opening of the container by young children, and the especially durable, colored plastic from which the container is made will protect the product from direct sunlight. A convenient recess at the end of the container and a measuring cup in the set will help to gently pour the powder into the washing machine.

Strict adherence to the storage recommendations indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging will protect the washing powder from premature deterioration.

Find all the most useful and interesting about washing powder in this section of the site.


Observing the expiration dates and storage conditions of the washing powder, washing will always delight you with perfect cleanliness and freshness.



