Varieties, cost, consumer opinions about capsules for washing Tide
Capsules for washing Tide appeared on the detergent market not so long ago. Some housewives actively use them, completely abandoning washing powder, while others do not dare to try the new development of Procter & Gamble.
Find answers to the most common questions about capsules Tide for washing, see the article. It will be about what they are, what is included in their composition, what are the varieties of capsules, how to choose and use them correctly.
What are the photos
Tide capsules are a kind of mini-container that contains a high concentration of gel-like detergent. On contact with water, the shell dissolves completely and the contents flow out.
The product has a dosage required for one wash... Products are produced under the Procter & Gamble brand.
All the information you need can be found on the detergent packaging. Powders and gels can be universal (suitable for machine and hand wash), or targeted (only for hand washing or only for automatic washing). The capsules are for machine wash only.
The composition includes the following components:
- anionic surfactants and soap - 15-30%;
- nonionic surfactants - 5-15%;
- enzymes;
- optical brighteners;
- flavoring;
- Evengol;
- geraniol;
- benzyl salicylate.
On sale you can find the following types of Tide capsules:
Tide Pods with Lenor scent... The package may include 15 or 23 pcs. You can wash with their help even in cool water, starting from 30 degrees.
The tool effectively copes with stubborn stains, refreshes things, gives them a pleasant aroma, and helps to preserve color.
- "Alpine freshness"... On sale you can find packs of 12, 15, 23 and 30 pcs. They are used for washing white and colored items. The minimum water temperature is 30 degrees.
- For colored laundry Tide Color... The package can contain 12, 15, 23 and 30 pieces. Tide color detergent is suitable for washing colored items.The composition is designed in such a way as to prevent leaching of the pigment from the fabric fibers.
Each unit weighs 24.8 g. This is enough to wash a full drum of dirty laundry (approx. 5 kg).
Selection features
The capsules meet all safety requirements and are phosphate-free. Tide Pods with Lenor scent and Alpine Freshness capsules can be used to wash all kinds of clothes, as they are universal. Their main difference is aroma..
Due to the presence of optical brightener in the composition, light-colored fabrics do not turn gray or yellow.
Despite the name differences, all capsules do an excellent job of removing stubborn stains.
How to use: instructions for use
Tide pods are easy to use... Unlike powder or gel, a person does not have to deal with calculating the dose of detergent.
How to use them and how much to put in the automatic machine? The formula is simple: “1 wash = 1 capsule”.
Universal instructions for use:
- Place the capsule in the drum of the washing machine.
- Load the soiled laundry sorted by color on top of it.
- Select a suitable wash cycle and start the cycle.
Additional rinsing is not required. The detergent rinses out quickly, leaving no white residue or stains on the items.
The gel inside the water-soluble shell is equally gentle to all types of tissue. Therefore, there is no need to purchase any separate detergents for washing delicate items.
The casing is not opened, it should dissolve on its own upon contact with water... Violation of the integrity of the film is dangerous, since it contains a high concentration of detergents. If they come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, they can cause a chemical burn.
Surfactants and other active ingredients begin to work at 30 degrees and above. Therefore, Tide can be used to wash delicate fabrics. The gel foams well, copes with difficult dirt and is easy to rinse out.
Tide pods are put on the bottom of the drum first. Only then is the laundry loaded into the washing machine.
What is the price, where to buy?
You can buy Tide pods in stores that have a department with household chemicals... This is a fairly popular product, so it won't be difficult to find it. You can also order detergent from any online store.
How much do capsules cost? The cost depends on the specific point of sale, as well as on the number of pieces in the package.
Estimated prices:
- Tide Color, 15 pieces - 350 rubles, 30 pieces - 600 rubles;
- "Alpine freshness" 15 pieces - 350 rubles;
- with Lenor scent 15 pieces - 420 rubles.
The larger the package, the higher the price, but if you calculate it per unit of product, you can see significant savings.
Top 3 laundry detergents from other manufacturers
In addition to Tide capsules, there are similar detergents from other manufacturers on sale:
The production is handled by the German company Henkel. It is a highly effective detergent that copes well with tough stains. The formula contains several active ingredients:
- concentrated gel for washing,
- bleach,
- stain remover,
- enzymes.
On sale you can find products for white and colored clothes, as well as universal capsules that are suitable for the care of all types of fabrics. For a package of 14 pieces, you will need to pay about 370 rubles. The weight of one capsule is 25 g.
Contains 6 active ingredients, each of which fights different types of pollution... There are capsules on sale for washing colored and white things... Products are manufactured under the Henkel brand. The cost of a package with 21 capsules is 380 rubles.
They are produced by the same company as Tide (Procter & Gamble). The assortment is represented by 4 types of capsules: Color, Touch of Lenor Fresh, Mountain Spring, Shea Butter. There are no fundamental differences in detergents.
All capsules are washed equally well the formula is based on 3 active ingredients, therefore all packages have the inscription "3 in 1"... The cost of a box with 12 capsules is 250 rubles.
You can find many reviews about Tide pods. This suggests that the product is in demand. Most people appreciate the cleaning power of this innovative formula.
The main disadvantage, according to people, is their high cost.... Some are annoyed by their pungent smell, which wears off for a long time.
There are housewives in whom the capsule shell does not dissolve completely. It gets under the rubber band of the drum and has to be removed manually. Most often this happens due to a violation of the sequence of actions when the capsule is placed in the drum on top of things.
Tide capsules consist of 3 chambers, which contain a highly concentrated detergent and auxiliary components designed to improve the quality of washing. Upon contact with water, the film dissolves, the active substances are released and effectively remove various impurities.
They are easy to use, it takes one wash per wash... They are compact, do not take up much space, are lightweight and work even in cool water.