Tips and tricks for cleaning Vanish car seats

foto5290-1On the websites of organizations offering dry cleaning and car washing, a large number of photographs are presented in the “before and after” format. The effect is stunning: the dirty, unkempt seats end up being practically new.

But not every car enthusiast is ready to resort to the services of professionals: some are stopped by the high cost of work, others - by the desire to do everything on their own.

The main task for those who decided to clean the car seats with their own hands is to choose the best tool. It must be efficient, safe and affordable.

Many car enthusiasts make their choice in favor of Vanish (Vanish), but what is behind it - the right advertising or the actual effectiveness of the product? In this article, we present step-by-step instructions for cleaning car seats. Vanish.

What types of dirt in the car interior can be removed?

foto5290-2The more often you drive, the higher the risk of staining the seats. This is especially true for families with children: babies constantly spill something, rub and smear something.

Reviews of motorists indicate that Vanish can remove all kinds of stains:

  • from drinks (tea, juice, coffee, etc.);
  • from products (chocolate, fat);
  • shoe marks, dirt spots.

The logic behind choosing Vanish is simple - if it's suitable for carpets or furniture, why not use it for cleaning textile car seats?

Vanish is used not only for home cleaning, but also in cleaning services that provide professional cleaning services for furniture, carpets and other textiles.

This popularity of the tool is explained by the fact that it:

  • suitable for processing pile of any length;
  • prevents fading of bright colors;
  • cleans gently without damaging the fibers.

Which Vanish car to choose?

foto5290-3The Vanish name is a group of products for cleaning dirt from clothing, carpets, upholstery and other textiles.

The release form is different:

  • spray;
  • moistened powder;
  • shampoo.

The spray is completely ready to use, just press the dispenser. Shampoo must first be diluted with water in certain proportions and beat with a sponge or brush until foam appears.

The powder, like the spray, is ready for immediate use. Each of these tools has advantages and disadvantages.

Shampoo or spray?

Two types of Vanish products are most popular with car enthusiasts:

  1. Shampoo for manual cleaning of carpets... It is a liquid of medium thickness, which is whipped in water to a rich foam. The resulting foam is distributed over the contaminated surface, wait for it to dry completely and thoroughly vacuum it. Judging by the reviews, the tool is spent sparingly, and its cost is fully justified - 300-370 rubles. for 600 ml.
  2. Foam for cleaning upholstery... The product comes in the form of a spray and gives a foam immediately after spraying, which should simplify the cleaning process. However, motorists who leave reviews on Internet forums note that the spray is not very convenient to use. The foam is absorbed into the upholstery instantly, so it is difficult to process the entire surface evenly and efficiently. The spray is consumed quickly, and its cost is slightly higher than that of shampoo: 350-410 rubles. for 600 ml.

Powder: effective but inconvenient

Vanish powder can also be used to clean seats, but several significant disadvantages do not allow making a final choice in its favor:

  1. foto5290-4The powder cleans worse than analogs in the form of a shampoo or spray. It is suitable for removing fresh, superficial stains.
  2. When cleaning with powder, no water is required, it is enough to sprinkle the product over the surface On the one hand, this is an advantage, but on the other, it is a disadvantage.

    The powder cannot be evenly distributed on a vertical surface, so the seat backs will have to be removed or another product must be used to clean them.

  3. The powder is difficult to remove completely. Its microscopic particles fall between the fibers of the fabric and become inaccessible to the vacuum cleaner. On such a seat, at the slightest ingress of moisture, stains will begin to appear (for example, if you sit on the seat after running a few meters in the rain).

    In no case should such upholstery be washed, as the manufacturer himself notes in the instructions, you can only vacuum it after it has completely dried. If reprocessing with a vacuum cleaner does not help, you will have to contact a cleaning specialist for help.

Shampoo for washing vacuums: firm "no"

It is worth noting a product such as shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners.... In theory, they can clean car seats, but in practice this is not feasible. Even the smallest nozzle will be too bulky for seating.

The idea of ​​using a cleaner for vacuum cleaners during manual cleaning is also not a good one. Means intended for special equipment are always distinguished by a higher concentration of active substances.

This means that you will have to come into contact with a rather aggressive substance for a long time, which can affect your overall well-being. And it is not known how safe such an active agent for upholstery is.

Checklist of required items for manual cleaning

To effectively clean car seats, in addition to the cleaning agent itself, you will need:

  1. foto5290-5Soft coarse sponge... The smaller it is, the longer it will take to apply the foam, so it is better to choose a larger size.
  2. Delicate brush... The soft bristles allow the cleaner to apply intensively without damaging the upholstery.
  3. Gloves. Vanish is considered a mild product, but even the most gentle hand cleaners have a negative impact on your skin.
  4. Bucket or bowl of water... We will dilute shampoo in it.
  5. Vacuum cleaner. Required to prepare seats for wet cleaning.
  6. A pair of soft microfiber cloths... You will need them to complete the cleaning.

How to clean it yourself: detailed instructions

It will take about 4-5 hours for a high-quality self-cleaning of the seats, taking into account the time required for their complete drying. First of all, consider the process of cleaning textile upholstery.

The work can be divided into several stages:

  1. Preparing the seats for processing. We pre-clean them with a vacuum cleaner. If you don't have a vacuum cleaner, you can clean the seats with a damp brush. In the latter case, it is important not to rub dust and dirt on the upholstery, but to make short movements from the center of the seat to the edges, as if you were sweeping with a brush.
  2. We dilute Vanish shampoo in a suitable container. The instructions recommend a 1: 9 ratio, but for seat cleaning the concentration can be increased to 1: 5 (1 part Vanish x 5 parts water). Using a sponge, beat the water until a thick foam appears.
  3. foto5290-6We prepare improvised means: a basin or a bucket of water and rags.
  4. Spread the foam over the seat and rub it using a brush or sponge. Apply foam evenly, directing your movements in one direction, for example, from the back of the seat to the front.

    We carefully process every centimeter of the upholstery so as not to leave dirty areas. It is important to apply the foam and not squeeze the wet sponge onto the seat. Excess moisture will complicate subsequent cleaning and drying of the upholstery.

  5. We leave the product on the seat upholstery until it dries completely, on average it takes 1.5-2 hours. The same period of time is indicated on the label. During this time, the active substances will penetrate into the fibers of the fabric and "push out" the impurities, due to which the drying foam will turn gray.
  6. Removing the remaining shampoo:
    • using a vacuum cleaner: we collect the remaining foam, moving from the center to the edges, there is no need to exert pressure on the brush, so as not to rub the contaminated foam over the upholstery;
    • using a microfiber cloth: moisten it in water, squeeze and remove the foam from the upholstery, then, after rinsing and squeezing again, wipe the surface of the seats with effort in a circular motion; if foam comes out again, carefully remove it and rinse the cloth in clean water, repeat until the remains of the product stop foaming.
  7. We finish cleaning. When there is no foam left on the seat, use pressure to wipe the moistened upholstery with a dry cloth to dry it as much as possible.
  8. Leave the seats for final drying for at least 1.5-2 hours. If possible, it is better to leave the car with the windows ajar for the whole night: the seats will completely dry out, and there will be no foreign odors in the cabin.

Can a velor surface be cleaned?

foto5290-7Velor belongs to the fabric types of upholstery, but it is much more demanding in care than ordinary textiles.... Since this material easily accumulates dust, first of all you need a good vacuum cleaner with a delicate attachment to clean it. This will remove dust from the seats without damaging the delicate fabric.

Stains on the surface of these seats can be wiped off with a soft cloth dampened with soapy water. Vanish products are not suitable for handling velor because it contains bleaching agents.

In case of significant contamination, it is wiser to contact a specialist... They have in their arsenal cleansers suitable for delicate fabrics.

Is it suitable for leather?

The leather interior, like the velor interior, requires careful handling. There are special care products for leather goods, which Vanish does not apply.

Products designed for leather goods include shampoos, conditioners, tint or colorless creams. Their use allows not only to clean the leather seat surface, but also prevents the appearance of cracks and abrasions on them.

And for vinyl?

foto5290-8Vinyl upholstery is one of the most unpretentious to maintain.... For easy cleaning, just apply a glass cleaner or dishwashing detergent to its surface and wipe it with a soft cloth.

For more significant contamination, the use of simple home remedies, such as soda, ammonia, soap, is allowed. Hard-to-reach areas such as seams can be brushed out with a toothbrush.

Vinyl can be cleaned without difficulty with simple home remedies... There is no need to use Vanish to clean these seats.

Professional dry cleaning: how much and when?

One of the reasons for self-cleaning of car seats is the high prices for this type of service. In the regions, the cost is 3000 rubles. and higher; in Moscow - from 5000 rubles.

It is difficult to designate the upper price limit, it depends on the related services, the location of the passenger compartment, the type of upholstery, the type of car body and many other factors.

In some cases, you should still turn to professionals, despite the high prices... These include:

  1. Old stubborn stains. There is a risk of wasting your time and nerves without any tangible results.
  2. Traces of glue, plasticine, gum. Vanish is not designed to remove this kind of contamination, so it is a smart idea to seek professional advice.
  3. foto5290-9The need not only to clean the seats, but also the entire interior. Practice shows that it is possible to cope with the seats yourself, but cleaning the ceiling is very difficult.

    You have to constantly keep your hands up, rubbing the cleansing shampoo with effort. As a result, the hands quickly get tired, it is impossible to apply foam evenly, and as a result, stains from the cleaning agent also join the dirt on the ceiling.

  4. Lack of time. Preparing the seats for cleaning will take about 30-40 minutes. Add to this the time for applying the foam, for waiting, for the subsequent cleaning of the foam and for the final drying.

    As a result, the entire cleaning will take at least 5-6 hours. At the same time, for the sake of saving time, you should not neglect any stage.

    During the same time, specialists will clean not only the seats, but the entire interior. In addition, professionals use special equipment to dry the car, which reduces cleaning time without compromising quality.

TOP-3 alternative means

Any upholstery is susceptible to wear and tear, but modern motorists are lucky: the choice of tools designed to solve this problem is great.

The following tips will help you choose the right product:

  • the use of the drug allows you to remove dirt without damaging the fibers and maintaining the brightness of the fabric;
  • the detergent contains no hard particles that can damage the product;
  • the product is produced by a well-known brand with a good reputation.

In accordance with the listed criteria and customer reviews, we can distinguish a rating of three textile cleaning products that are a worthy replacement for Vanish:

  1. foto5290-10L.O.C. from AMWAY, USA... A concentrated multifunctional cleaning agent is offered by Amway.

    It removes not only fresh stains, but also old dirt. Simultaneously with cleaning, the preparation disinfects the surface and leaves an unobtrusive scent.

    The advantage of the tool is its economical consumption, and the disadvantages include the cost - 550-600 rubles. per bottle.

  2. Unicum Spray for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture, Russia. It copes with both new and old traces of dirt, retains the brightness of the color, and leaves a protective layer on the treated surface that prevents early re-contamination. Unique for sale at a democratic price - 170-220 rubles.
  3. Kärcher, Germany... This tool is one of the best in its category. The main advantage is the combination of a high degree of efficiency with an environmentally friendly composition. It not only effectively cleans, but also creates a protective layer on the treated surface that prolongs freshness and purity.

    The product is completely environmentally friendly and safe, including for people suffering from allergies. The consumption is quite economical, which justifies the high cost - 590-650 rubles.

Reviews of motorists

A simple search is enough to find many Vanish seat cleaning reviews on the internet with real photos and videos.

Some authors get rid of stains by applying undiluted product directly to the stain.

This method may be effective in some cases, but it creates the risk of stains on the upholstery. seat. Use it or not - decide for yourself.

Useful video

How to clean stains on car seats with Vanish, video instruction:


You can use your own hands to clean and refresh dirty car seats. It is important to choose the right cleaning agent and use it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

You also need to objectively assess your strengths, and in case of serious pollution, contact a specialist without experimenting with various folk remedies.



