Is it possible and how to properly use Vanish to clean the car interior?

foto6281-1Most drivers carefully monitor the condition of their "brainchild". They are concerned not only with the appearance of the car, but also with the comfort in the cabin.

And if a general cleaning is required, then the owner uses a certain set of means for cleaning the salon, and "wool" the Internet in search of universal stain removers.

Let's try to figure out if it fits "Vanish" for cleaning the interior of the car, is it possible to process glass, panel, seats with it?

The composition of the product, its advantages and disadvantages

The Vanish brand funds quickly conquered the Russian market and established themselves in it. Given that the range of products is rich and new brands of brand stain remover are constantly appearing, ordinary people are interested in the question of how effective it is.

The instructions say that it removes any stains with ease and speed and this is one of its main properties.

The basic products are the Vanish Oxi Action oxygen series, which are available in powder and spray form.

foto6281-2The composition includes:

  • about 30% oxygen bleach;
  • 5% surfactants;
  • enzymes (enzymes);
  • flavoring.

Such not rich in components "Vanish" works by removing stains from fleecy and fabric surfaces not only in the apartment, but also in the car.

It is logical to assume that if cleaning home carpets gives results, then why not use a cleaner for stains from seats, ceilings, fluffy rugs. At the same time, it frees the interior from dust and debris, giving it a gloss and a pristine appearance.

Positive and negative sides

The undoubted advantages of the new generation tools include:

  • ease of use;
  • easy removal;
  • economical consumption.


  • does not cope well with old stains and dirt that has already eaten into the surface;
  • difficult to work on vertical surfaces;
  • if applied excessively, streaks are formed.
Divorces from "Vanish" appear immediately if the product was used in a specific place in excess. When processing the entire interior, they appear later: after water hit the fleecy surface.

Remains of a wet product tend to stick.In this case, you need advice and help from professionals.

What is the best way to clean?

"Vanish" is used exclusively on fleecy and fabric surfaces. And the selection of a product is an important point, since the driver tries to achieve the maximum effect during a one-time dry cleaning of the car interior.

There are several lines in the Vanish series:

  1. foto6281-3A 500 ml spray is suitable for removing stains. It contains less oxygenated bleach and is designed to remove stain content (coffee, tea, yoghurt, lipstick, wine, etc.) from upholstery.

    It is used to remove fresh stains, old and stubborn stains "beyond his power". Cost - within 400 rubles. The rating of the tool is low.

  2. The "Gold Standard" is Vanish powders. Their formula is fortified with additional ingredients, so no pre-treatment is needed. Available in packages and cans. A kilogram package costs 400 rubles. Powders are rated 4 out of 5 points.
  3. New products include gels, which are considered a good find for all fabrics, including delicate ones (wool, silk). The thick formula penetrates the lint and fibers for better cleaning.

    Sold in 450 ml and 1 liter bottles. The cost of a 450 mg bottle is about 300 rubles. In otzovik, most of the opinions boil down to the fact that the gel does a poor job with the functions declared by the manufacturer.

"Vanish" copes only with household stains. He does not remove stains from varnishes, paints, drips of polyurethane foam. A strong solvent is needed to process them.

The "Crystal White" series works only on white fabrics and its main component is oxygen bleach.

Do-it-yourself car dealership dry cleaning, reviews

In preparation for the general cleaning of the salon, the owner of the car uses other means in parallel with the "Vanish". There is no universal cleaner and therefore a certain arsenal is needed.

More often than others they use:

  • foto6281-4preparations of the "Profoam" series: designed for plastic parts of the car, doors, smooth ceilings;
  • Autosol and PRO Line professionally clean leather surfaces (armchairs, upholstery);
  • for Alcantra or artificial suede, a foamy Alcantra cleaner is more suitable;
  • "Facile" from the Gold Line series is universal: it removes dirt from leather, fabric, alcantra.

Most of the products are cleaning foam preparations in cylinders, which are sprayed over the contaminated surface and removed after 1-2 minutes with a cloth. Foam draws in dirt for a pristine clean surface.

Salon dry cleaning with the help of "Vanish" means includes several main stages, which should be discussed in more detail.

Preparatory stage

The preparation of the salon is necessary so that later it would be convenient to work and all unnecessary things would be left “overboard”, and the important things for processing would be at hand.

It is better to remove the seats from the car, as it is more convenient to handle them separately. In addition, a lot of dust and debris accumulates under the seats, which are easier to remove in free space.

You also need:

  1. foto6281-5Disconnect the radio and other internal devices to avoid short circuits.
  2. Unload the contents of the car by removing everything from the trunk, from the rear seats, from the glove compartment.
  3. Get out rugs, bedspreads, covers.
  4. Vacuum the inner surface to remove most dust and dirt.
  5. In inaccessible places, use an air compressor nozzle to blow dust out of the passenger compartment.

Cleaning the seats

Wet powder without lumps is evenly applied to armchairs, armrests and headrests (you should not be too zealous, excess funds will lead to divorces). After 20-40 minutes, when the product dries up and absorbs the dirt, it is carefully collected with a vacuum cleaner.

You can read more about cleaning car seats using Vanish products here.

Ceiling treatment

The ceiling area is divided into several parts, processing in stages. Each part is covered with foam in turn.The foam is prepared according to the instructions on the powder package.

It is applied with a sponge, passing it in one direction several times to avoid streaks. In case of heavy contamination, the procedure should be repeated. Then wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

Practitioner shares tips on processing with Vanish foam at one of the otzoviks.

Window glass should be covered with plastic wrap or filled with soapy water so that no foam gets on it.... If it dries up, then it will not be easy to wash the dried "Vanish". Toning, which is unstable to the action of chemicals, will suffer.

Washing doors and front panel

foto6281-6The foam is applied to the fleecy part with a sponge. The treatment is continued for 20-40 minutes, having previously applied a soap solution to the glass. Having absorbed dirt, "Vanish" is washed with a napkin, passing it in one direction.

If there are stains, do not rub or soak the dirty area, so as not to get new problems in the form of streaks.... Try to evenly treat the entire surface and if the result is not satisfactory, then work with the stain separately. There is also an alternative opinion about the treatment with "Vanish".

For other surfaces, use "Profoam 4000" or another proven and reliable product. After completing dry cleaning, the salon is dried from 2 to 6 hours, depending on the weather.

How much will professional cleaning cost?

For some drivers, the best option is professional cleaning in car dealerships. The motorists will carry out a special treatment with selected detergents, removing all visible and invisible contaminants, getting rid of dust and carrying out disinfection.

The price of such a miracle cleaning is from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles depending on the degree of soiling.


There are inexpensive alternatives that work well for cleaning fluffy surfaces in a car:

  1. foto6281-7"Ace oxi magic" Available in 0.5 kg cartons. Suitable for white colored hair. It has a pleasant aroma and is recommended for delicate fabrics. It acts weaker than "Vanish", but differs in low chemical aggressiveness.
  2. "Udalix Oxi Ultra" sold in cans of 0.5 kg. Removes difficult spots. He can do brilliant green, resin, fat. Due to its highly effective formula it is versatile. Not always on sale.
  3. "Sarma Active 5 in 1" due to the content of enzymes, it allows the surface to return bright colors. Long-term processing is required to obtain the result. Removes stubborn stains and whitens villi well.
These are "TOP-3" of the most famous substitutes for "Vanish". There are other remedies that have the effect of the advertised household chemicals.

Useful video

Watch a video on cleaning the car interior with Vanish powder and a vacuum cleaner:


Do-it-yourself cleaning of the car interior is a cost-effective and doable process. You need to make some effort and the result will be "on the face". Car dealership dry cleaning takes from 2 to 5 hours and with the right approach, the desired goal will be achieved.

Which means to use is up to the driver to check the chemistry on his own car and gain experience. "Vanish" is only one of the options, but there is no consensus on its use.



