Rules and tips on how to wash your cap and not ruin it

foto15018-1Even though a baseball cap is considered an accessory and not a garment, it gets dirty and needs cleaning.

But the difficulty lies in the original form that needs to be preserved. And for this, the product must be washed correctly.

Read about whether it is possible and how to properly wash a cap or baseball cap in the washing machine and by hand without spoiling it, how to dry it so that it does not lose its shape, read the article.

Is it possible?

foto15018-2Before washing a baseball cap, clarify what material it is sewn from... There is information about this on the product label, which also indicates the basic maintenance rules recommended by the manufacturer.

Then it becomes clear whether the baseball cap can be machine washed or not, at what temperature and so on. To check if the fabric does not fade after getting wet, run a damp, soapy sponge along the invisible area of ​​the cap on the seamy side.

If, after drying, the paint has not lost its color, then the product can be washed without fear. In case of streaks, wash only with clean cool water by hand or resort to dry cleaning.

The machine can be washed if:

  • the visor of the cap is made of plastic that does not deform;
  • the material from which the cap is sewn, cotton, denim or synthetics;
  • there is a permission mark on the tag.

Types of visors: how do they affect washing?

Caps have hard (plastic) and soft (cardboard) visors. The first option can be machine washed if it is heavily soiled, but it is advisable to do it by hand, since the visor can change shape when rinsing the product in the drum.

But caps with cardboard visors are generally unacceptable to wash. The paper instantly gets soaked and the cap loses its original appearance.

Handy tools for cleaning

To effectively clean a baseball cap, you will need some available tools:

  1. foto15018-3Special sticky clothes roller or tape... With their help, dust and fine lint are removed from the fabric.Only when cleaning a white cloth with tape, be careful, as it can leave adhesive traces.
  2. Soft brush... An unnecessary toothbrush can be an alternative. They easily remove stains that remain after detergents.
  3. Compact sponge... Helps wipe away dirt during hand washing.

Step-by-step processing instructions

The washing technology is different depending on the method. But the rules for preparing the product are universal:

  1. They clean the outer surface of the product, including the visor, from visible dirt with a brush. The remaining lint, hairs and animal hair are removed using tape or an adhesive roller for clothes.
  2. If stubborn stains are found, first treat them with any chlorine-free stain remover.


Hand wash sequence:

  1. Fill the container with cool water. A little warm is used when the cap is very dirty.
  2. Stir in a little detergent (any that does not contain bleaching agents will do) - 1 tbsp will be enough. l.
  3. First, wash the most dirty areas using a brush (tooth or regular). Only the cap is not completely immersed in a soapy solution, but is dipped locally and the spots begin to shuffle.
  4. Then the product is soaked and left to soak for several hours.
  5. Then the cap is thoroughly rinsed under warm running water.
  6. The remaining moisture is blotted with a clean towel. In no case are they squeezed out in the usual way (twisting, squeezing).
So that the soap solution does not spoil the sticker on the visor (if any), cover it with cling film in several layers by wrapping it.

In the washing machine

Basic conditions for a machine wash, compliance with which will preserve the original appearance of the product:

  • foto15018-4expose a delicate mode at a temperature of no more than 40 ᵒС (for natural fabrics) and within 30 ᵒС (from synthetics);
  • preference is given to baby washing powder or gels;
  • do not use a lot of detergent, otherwise stains will remain on the fabric;
  • turn off the spin function (for woolen products you can leave it, but at minimum speed).

In the dishwasher - so as not to lose its original appearance

Another common and effective way to wash a baseball cap is in the dishwasher. Its advantage is that the product is fixed in one position, which eliminates its deformation.

How to proceed:

  1. Place the cap on the top tray of the dishwasher (where glasses are usually placed).
  2. Add some dishwashing liquid.
  3. Start the program.

A jet of water from below will gently clean the hat.

Nuances for products from different materials

Baseball cap care rules differ depending on what material they are made from.


Felt head accessories should be washed gently, without crushing or stretching... Particularly stubborn dirt is first cleaned with a sponge dipped in soapy water, then passed through with a clean sponge. Only then is it rinsed sequentially under warm and cold water.


foto15018-5Woolen products need to be washed gently. They can shrink or stretch from prolonged contact with moisture.

To clean them, take means specially designed for this type of fabric.... To make the material soft, use a conditioner. Wash only in warm water, temperature not exceeding 30 ᵒС.

If the baseball cap is slightly stretched while wearing, then before washing it is soaked in hot water, then placed in cool water for 10 minutes.

It is unacceptable to wring out a woolen headdress - it is placed on a horizontal surface and allowed to dry naturally.

Read about the rules for washing wool products in this article.


Fur caps are only suitable for dry cleaning. If possible, it is better to contact a dry cleaner.

When self-cleaning it is recommended to use the following tools at hand:

  • salt;
  • semolina;
  • baby powder;
  • soda.
Any of these means sprinkle on the pile and begin to comb it out with a brush for clothes. And automatic washing will inevitably lead to damage to the fur headgear.

In case of strong salinity, it is allowed to soak the cap in soapy water, but for no more than 10 minutes. Then it is put on a jar and dried in the fresh air, protected from direct sunlight.

Read about how to properly wash fur and products from it. here.


foto15018-6Products made of genuine leather are contraindicated for prolonged exposure to moisture. This causes the skin to coarse, shrink and deform. Therefore, such caps cannot be washed.

The skin is effectively cleansed by onions... It is necessary to cut the head in half and wipe the surface with a cut. As it darkens, remove the onion layer and continue. Then the product is wiped off with a flannel cloth.

Particularly stubborn stains can be removed with a solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon is taken for 200 ml of water). And to restore the skin's former shine, coffee grounds will help, which is laid in a woolen fabric and processed (the method is not suitable for light and colored skin).

It is allowed to wash a suede cap in soapy water and then rinse... So that it does not dry out, immediately blot with a terry cloth and grease with glycerin.

He will tell you how to wash leather and products made of it. this article.


Leatherette caps do not have to be completely wet... You can clean individual, especially dirty areas dry using a cotton pad and alcohol. Stained areas are wiped with a damp cloth or treated with soda.

The lining is also cleaned without washing. They just turn the product inside out and wash the dirt with soapy water (Vanish does this well).

Then several times wipe the fabric with a sponge soaked in clean water, and pass it through with a dry terry towel. In the same form, the cap is hung out to dry.

If you intend to wash a baseball cap made of artificial leather, water should be poured no higher than 30 ᵒС. The machine is set to a delicate mode. Drying and spinning are turned off. You cannot soak leatherette caps.


It is permissible to wash synthetic hats in water, at a temperature not exceeding 30 ᵒС... To avoid damage to the product, they refuse aggressive detergents.

Read more about how to clean synthetic products. here.

Cotton / linen

Natural fabrics are not afraid of automatic washing and temperature rise up to 40 ᵒС. This only applies to caps with plastic visors. Then they set the delicate mode, and the spin is turned off.

You can find out about the rules for washing cotton products here, about cleaning linen clothes - here.

What not to do when washing a baseball cap?

When washing baseball caps, the following actions are not allowed:

  • foto15018-7use a lot of detergent;
  • use bleaching agents for colored and black products;
  • take too hot water;
  • use ordinary washing powders;
  • wring out the product in the washing machine at high speeds;
  • rub hard and twist the material.

How to remove stains without ruining the item?

Ways to deal with stains without washing your baseball cap:

  1. Sweat traces can be removed with hydrogen peroxide. They treat her dirty areas and leave for a couple of hours. Then remove the remnants with a damp cloth. But this option is not suitable for colored material, as it will most likely shed.
  2. Mix salt with soda and add water until a slurry is obtained. This composition is applied to the stains and rubbed with a soft brush. A mixture of only one salt does an excellent job of removing traces of grass, various drinks, food and others.
  3. Several aspirin tablets are ground to a powder and some water is added. It should be noted that this method will not help with old stains.
  4. Stubborn stains on white baseball caps can be removed with a mixture of acetic acid and citric acid. To do this, combine the ingredients in equal proportions and add 1 part of water.Apply the product to the stain.

How to get back in shape after washing?

So that the baseball cap does not lose its shape after washing, you need to pull it over a jar or balloon.

foto15018-8There are several more options that you should take note of:

  • using a steamer or holding a cap over the spout of a boiling kettle;
  • while drying, the baseball cap is stuffed with clean crumpled paper, and the visor is pressed down with something heavy so that it does not bend.

For how to smooth a cap or baseball cap after washing, read here.

How to dry properly?

Regardless of the material of the cap, after washing, it must not be twisted and squeezed. Excess moisture is removed by blotting with a towel (terry or waffle).

If the dress is of light colors, then an exclusively white towel is taken. After that, the cap is pulled over a suitable frame (jar, children's ball, balloon). As mentioned, you can push the paper inside.

You cannot dry your headgear on a battery or a hair dryer, only in natural conditions.

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By adhering to these recommendations, you can correctly determine the appropriate method for cleaning the cap and save money on buying a new one. The main thing is not to forget to first look at the tag from the manufacturer, where the main nuances of care are indicated.



