Can and how should a bra with underwire be washed in a washing machine or by hand?

foto10988-1Beautiful delicate underwear requires careful care. A wide variety of models allows every woman to choose a bra that will be not only comfortable, but also beautiful.

Many of them are equipped with bones that allow them to better keep their shape. Washing such products requires compliance with a number of rules.

We will tell you in the article about whether it is possible and how to properly wash a bra with underwire in an automatic washing machine and not spoil any household appliances or product.

In a typewriter or by hand: which is better?

foto10988-2Hand wash allows you to take into account all the nuances of each model, fabric features, and the presence of decor during processing.

Due to the complexity of the process many women prefer automatic washing, but it is not always possible.

When deciding which type of washing, automatic or manual, to give preference, you must first examine the label for the product. If the manufacturer prohibits machining, then you will have to adopt the manual method.

It is also recommended for bras that have the following features:

  • extensive decor;
  • the presence of glued elements (rhinestones, etc.);
  • molt;
  • have a dilapidated appearance.

Before washing, whichever option is chosen, it is necessary to inspect the thing for defects. It should be borne in mind that during operation, and even more so during washing, bones can break through the fabric. If this happens, then the repair must be done before starting the washing.

The presence of underwire in a model of a bra is not in itself a prohibition against machine washing. Most of these models can be processed automatically.

For bra washing tips, see this section.

Automatic wash

The main advantage of the washing machine is the ease of labor. When caring for underwired bras, certain conditions must be observed, as these products are not only delicate and can suffer from careless handling, but also are able to spoil the appliance itself.

For washing bras in a machine, there is a basic rule - mandatory use spherical container or special laundry bag.


  1. foto10988-3Prepare a bra. If necessary, the item should be repaired. Check that the bones are well fixed.
  2. Sort all linen by color. Along with delicate items, only clothes made from fine fabrics (tops, other underwear, etc.) can be put into one load.
  3. If there are visible traces of wear on the product, the bra must be soaked in the detergent solution a quarter of an hour before the start of the main wash.
  4. The bra must be closed.
  5. The bra is placed in a special laundry bag or in a ball-shaped container. The biggest danger to the machine is the sconce bones. They can not only scratch the surface of the drum, but also jam the system and damage the tank wall.
  6. Pour liquid detergent into the container of the washing machine.
  7. Set the mode "delicate" or "manual".
  8. Correct the water heating temperature, it should not exceed + 40ºС.
  9. Set spin to minimum.
  10. Start washing mode.
  11. After the end of the cycle, the product should be taken out of the container or net, and straightened, paying attention to the cups. This should be done immediately after washing, without leaving things in the machine for a long time.
  12. Squeeze excess moisture through a terry cloth if necessary.
  13. Send to dry.

Do not use an automatic dryer for delicate items.

Delicate fabrics require proper care. For their washing, special products are produced that are marked "for underwear".

If such a household chemical is not available, then a gel detergent is used that can be used in a washing machine.

How is it right with your hands?

foto10988-4Hand wash can be recommended for the care of even those things that are allowed to machine processing. Delicate impact, absence of excessive loads, and control over the cleaning process, prolongs the life of bras.

With such processing, the temperature should be no more than + 40 ° C... It is advisable to use a liquid detergent that dissolves well in water, and then rinses out well.

You can read more about the features of hand washing here.

Features of shades and materials

Having sorted the laundry taking into account the color and characteristics of the models, you can start washing.

White items will have to be washed especially thoroughly.... For them, there are special products marked "for white things". How to wash white bras correctly tells this article.

It is better not to cover bras of any shade, but with regard to whites, this statement is especially important.

The use of serious bleaches is partly acceptable on cotton items, but not on those that consist of boiled white lace, have compacted cups and push-ups. It is recommended to wash white linen after one wear.

foto10988-5If possible, for washing it is advisable to use products in liquid form, which are intended directly for white linen... These are delicate preparations, perfect even for the care of delicate lace fabrics.

In cases where you need to wash traces of sweat on a white fabric, you can use laundry soap.

Similar products are available for black clothes.... If you use them for washing regularly, then the dark shade will not fade, will not wash off, and will not lose brightness.

Colored bras should also be washed with gels. The liquid texture of the detergent is optimal for delicate materials.

Products with a large number of thin laces, ribbons, beads and other decor are recommended to be washed by hand, even if the manufacturer allows automatic processing.

Drying: where and how?

Underwired bras must be dried to maintain their shape. To dry, the product should be turned onto the front side, the cups should be straightened. If this moment is not paid attention, creases will remain on the cups, which will disrupt the aesthetics.

You can dry products in several ways:

  1. Place horizontally on top of a terry towel.This option is especially suitable for difficultly decorated items.
  2. Hang on a rope, fixing it in the middle, and without loading the straps.
The bra should be hung to dry in a warm place with good ventilation. Under suitable conditions, the material will dry faster, and the metal of the bones will not have time to rust.

It is forbidden to dry the bra:

  • on heating devices;
  • in not straightened, crumpled form;
  • hanging on a rope by the straps;
  • in the bright sun;
  • near a fire source;
  • in contact with other things.

The use of clothespins is not advisable, as they can leave creases in the material.

8 recommendations

The following tips will help you cope with washing:

  1. foto10988-6Along with bras, you should not wash bulky items made from coarse and dense fabrics (jackets, jeans, bedspreads, etc.).
  2. Hot water should not be used during washing, as its effect will lead to deformation of materials, shrinkage and violation of elasticity.
  3. The presence of a bag during automatic processing will not only protect a delicate item, but also prevent possible damage to the machine by hard bones.
  4. It is necessary to study the label to the thing.
  5. The washing time for delicate items should not be long.
  6. Poorly rinsed laundry gets dirty more quickly, as the remaining particles of detergent attract dust and dirt and hold them on the fabric.
  7. Bleach with chlorine and other aggressive detergents cannot be used - they can not only damage the fabric, but also provoke the appearance of rust on metal bones.
  8. If the material on the straps or on the bones is worn out, then it can be washed with laundry soap and an old toothbrush.
Low-quality underwired bras made by an unknown manufacturer do not always tolerate even delicate washing well. And their bones can have poorly processed edges that can break through the material and even injure.

To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to give preference to things of decent quality.

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Beautiful quality lingerie adds confidence to a woman. In order to stay this way, behind the thing there should be regular care, including washing according to all the rules.

If you have doubts about whether it is possible to send the bra to the washing machine, it is better to play it safe and wash the product with your hands.



