Tips and Secrets on How to Wash Black Jeans

foto10004-1Black jeans are a versatile piece of clothing. They are worn to school, to work, to meetings with friends. Dirt on them is hardly noticeable, but you still need to wash them periodically.

The main problem facing the owner of black jeans is the washout of their color.

In order to preserve the pigment inside the fibers of the fabric and not to get a faded product after the first wash, you need to know some rules for caring for black things.

About whether it is possible and how to wash jeans black in the washing machine and by hand, so that they do not lose color, we will tell in the article.

Is it possible?

foto10004-2You can wash black jeans, but you shouldn't do it too often. The less often they come into contact with water, the better.... This will keep their original color and shape.

Denim is presented with cotton fibers. Initially, all pants are white. They are dyed in production, giving the desired color.

If the washout of pigment from light jeans is subtle, then faded black pants look pale. To prevent the thing from "aging" ahead of time, it should be washed at low temperatures and as rarely as possible.

Hand washing is considered to be more gentle than automatic processing... The correct selection of the program and detergent is important.

You should not save on buying black jeans. From low-quality products, the pigment will come out into the water after the first wash.

Hand wash rules

It is recommended to hand wash black jeans to keep their color saturation. This will allow you to control the process at every stage.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. foto10004-3Prepare the pants: remove all things from the pockets, shake them out, fasten the zippers and turn the product to the wrong side.
  2. Fill the bath with warm water (up to 30 degrees), dissolve the detergent in it.
  3. Immerse jeans in the prepared solution.
  4. If they are heavily soiled, then they are soaked for 30-60 minutes.
  5. Existing stains are rubbed with a soft spongy cloth.
  6. Dirty water is drained, the product is rinsed under running water.

The pants are not wrung out after washing. When the water drains, the product is shaken and hung out to dry. Read more about hand washing jeans here.

What's the right thing to do in a washing machine so that they don't fade?

Machine wash requires more intensive processing... The washing out of the pigment is facilitated by active rubbing of the thing against the drum.

If you turn on the spin, then the pants will wrinkle. This will create white streaks that will be difficult to get rid of.

To avoid color loss, you must strictly follow the suggested instructions:

  • turn the pants to the wrong side, after removing all things from the pockets;
  • foto10004-4place the product in a bag for washing - this will reduce the friction force against the drum;
  • pour the detergent into the compartment of the washing machine;
  • turn on the selected washing mode by turning off the spin;
  • wait for the end of the cycle;
  • let the pants drain over the bathroom, hang them up to dry.

You can load other things into the machine, but only if they are black. Even the most permanently dyed pants will fade, so white items will take on an earthy tint when washed together.

Optimum temperature

The recommended washing temperature for black jeans is 20-30 degrees. In such conditions, the pigment is washed out in minimal quantities. Therefore, after drying, the pants will have a bright color.

If the item is heavily soiled, then you can set the toggle switch to 40 degrees. This is the maximum threshold that should not be exceeded. Otherwise, the paint will go into the water, and the pants themselves will shrink by 1-2 sizes.

Mode selection

You can wash black pants in one of the following modes:

  1. foto10004-5Gentle or delicate wash... It assumes processing in cool water at minimum speed.
  2. Quick wash or "Express 15"... The program name will differ depending on the type of washing machine. Such processing is applicable when you just need to refresh the thing.
  3. "Jeans". Modern washing machines are equipped with a program for washing jeans.

Before starting the wash cycle, you need to make sure that the spin is turned off and the water temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.

Suitable detergent

When choosing a detergent for washing black jeans, you need to pay attention to its composition. It should not contain bleaching components: chlorine, acids, alkalis or active oxygen. These powders can only be used for washing white or light colored items.

It is recommended to give preference to gel capsules or liquid concentrates. They dissolve well in cool water, effectively wash off existing dirt and rinse out quickly.

It is strictly forbidden to put powder for hand washing into the compartment of the washing machine. It foams strongly, and its particles are retained in the fibers of the fabric.

foto10004-6There are detergents on sale designed for the care of black clothes, among them:

  1. Gel Laska 3D black restoration effect. The cost of 2 liters of detergent is 220 rubles.
  2. Burti Noir liquid... Its price is 470 rubles.
  3. Sarma Active Gel for black things. The cost of the product is 160 rubles.

Such formulations prevent the washing out of the coloring pigment and take care of the fabric, preventing the formation of fibers on it. Therefore, jeans retain their attractive appearance longer.

What things are together?

You can wash black jeans with dark clothes. The pigment in the water will not harm the products. However, do not load more than 3 pairs of pants into the washing machine drum.

Many housewives are wondering if blue and black jeans can be washed together. Their simultaneous loading is possible, but only on condition that the black fabric does not fade.

You can check this in the following way:

  • wet a light cloth;
  • attach it to black jeans, leave for 2-3 minutes;
  • lightly walk over the cloth with an iron.

If black stains remain on the white fabric, then washing the pants together is unacceptable. This simple test does not take long, but it avoids damage to the product. The risk of shedding is lower if the jeans are not new and have been washed multiple times.

He will tell you about which things you can wash jeans with and which ones are undesirable. this article.

How to dry?

The drying process for black jeans is just as important as washing them. There are some tips you shouldn't ignore:

  1. foto10004-7Hang up the pants so that they are straight.
  2. Do not expose the product to direct sunlight. This will cause the pigment to burn out.
  3. Do not dry your pants on a heating radiator. This will provoke the appearance of white spots and smudges.
  4. The drier and warmer the room, the faster the pants dry. It is good if they are blown by a cool wind.

Throughout the entire drying period, the product must be turned inside out. You cannot put on wet pants, you need to wait until they are completely dry. Dust will settle on the damp cloth and the wash will have to be repeated.

Learn how to dry jeans here.

How to get rich color back?

If the pigment is washed out during the washing process and the jeans become pale, you can fix the situation as follows:

  1. Wash your pants with other faded black items.
  2. Use hair dye. It is prepared according to the instructions on the package. Then the composition is dissolved in the amount of water that is enough to soak the jeans, a little vinegar is added. The pants are left in the basin for an hour, periodically turning them over. All that remains is to rinse and dry them.
  3. Use special paint for things. You need to act according to the existing instructions.
Having returned the color saturation to the pants, you need to be prepared for the fact that at first they will stain your skin and other clothes.

How to color black jeans back, video recipe:

Important recommendations

To wash your black jeans without ruining them you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. foto10004-8When using a powdery product, you need to rinse the product 2 times. Its particles tend to accumulate in the tissue and lead to the appearance of white spots and streaks. As a result, the pants will have to be washed again.
  2. Before you start washing, you need to familiarize yourself with the information indicated on the tag of the item.
  3. Black pants can only be ironed from the wrong side.

If your jeans become stiff after washing, you can iron them through cheesecloth by activating the steam function.


Observing the simple rules of caring for black jeans, you can preserve their rich and deep color for a long time. The less often they come into contact with water, the better.



