General rules on what to wash jeans with and what to do it with
Washing jeans while maintaining their color and shape is a result that any hostess wants to achieve. Most often, the manufacturer recommends washing denim clothes separately from other items.
But, in order to save time and water consumption, housewives go to the trick, combining denim clothes with other things in one wash.
Knowledge of secrets how to wash jeans with different clothes will help you achieve perfect cleanliness results. What can be used to wash jeans in the washing machine, is it possible with white and other colors? Details are in the article.
Is it possible to wash in the washing machine with other things?
Wash denim and other garments at the same time so as to maintain their appearance, some rules will help:
before loading jeans into the washing machine, do not forget to turn the product inside out and check the pockets for foreign objects;
- if previous washings have shown that denim clothes are shedding, before loading them into the washing machine, they must be soaked for twenty to thirty minutes in a weak vinegar solution;
- the temperature regime for washing jeans does not exceed 40C (check the information indicated on the manufacturer's label).
Most often, denim items are washed with cotton items (T-shirts, shorts, sweatpants).
Washing jeans with other things is possible, subject to the main rule: things should be approximately in the same color scheme and similar in structure.
With white
Light-colored clothing can only handle white denim items... Otherwise, there are high risks that light-colored items washed with blue or blue jeans will change their color.
Washing rules for white jeans with light-colored clothes:
- for washing, use only liquid or gel detergents for white clothes;
- Bleach and stain removers can help keep your white jeans whiter.
With black
Washing with black clothes is only possible for black denim clothes... Otherwise, unattractive dark stains may appear on blue or light-colored denim trousers, which are almost impossible to get rid of.
General rules for washing black jeans with black clothes:
- washing water temperature does not exceed 40C;
- use only liquid detergents for dark fabrics for washing;
- bleaches and chlorine-containing products are prohibited.
You can find out about the peculiarities of washing black jeans here.
With shoes
Machine wash jeans and athletic shoes at the same time it is possible, subject to certain rules:
- they wash together only things made of the same type of fabric (for example, jeans with textile sneakers);
- Before washing, dirt particles are thoroughly washed from the sole of sneakers or sneakers.
Which denim clothes are not allowed and why?
Denim production involves the use of a large amount of dyes. It is this feature that determines some of the limitations of jeans washing.
It is strictly forbidden to process light and dark denim items at the same time in the washing machine (or in the same basin)... Ignoring this rule can cause dark things to fade into light ones, and all washed clothes will finally lose their original appearance.
Never wash new jeans with any clothes. Before washing a new denim item, be sure to soak it separately in order to understand how strongly the fabric stains the water.
Useful video
General rules on how to wash jeans in an automatic machine - in the video:
Observing the rules of washing denim clothes with other things, you can achieve an ideal cleanliness result while saving time, detergents, electricity.