Valuable recommendations on how to properly wash eco-leather
Leatherette is a practical material. But at the same time, it requires delicate care. Such products can be machine washed, but subject to a number of rules. The material can also be washed by hand.
Leatherette must be prepared for any wash. Caution should be used when cleaning eco-leather chemical products.
Let's consider in more detail whether it is possible and how to properly wash eco-leather (leatherette, artificial leather) in a washing machine and by hand.
Is it possible?
Eco leather (not thin) can be machine washed, but it is recommended to do this infrequently. Much depends on the strength of the material itself.
Pay attention to the tag... If it clearly indicates the inadmissibility of washing the product in the washing machine, then you should not do this.
Thin leatherette things should not be machine washed. They do not tolerate this type of washing. Thick eco-leather can be machine washed.
But washing in all cases should be delicate with the use of non-aggressive products. In this case, the washing temperature should be low.
Preparing leatherette for washing
Before washing the product, you must:
- Study the tag on it carefully. Make sure the item is washable. If neither machine nor hand wash is recommended, then only dry cleaning should be used.
- Remove all unnecessary items from clothing pockets.
- Check the product for holes. Sew them up so that they don't get bigger during washing.
- Treat stained areas with a cotton pad dipped in either an alcohol solution or in a mixture based on two large spoons of soap solution and glycerin. You can also use lemon juice or a vinegar / water solution (3 large spoons of warm water + a small spoonful of vinegar). After processing, wipe the product with a dry cloth.
- Fasten buttons on clothes along with zippers and clasps. Turn it over to the wrong side.
Before washing leatherette items, it is recommended to check the reaction of the material to water.
There are three ways to clean leatherette items. It can be hand and machine wash.Only dry cleaning is suitable for delicate items. Some durable materials can be dry cleaned with chemicals. Alternative methods can also be used.
Hand-crafted artificial leather
With this method, you must follow the instructions:
Take a large basin and pour warm water into it. Its maximum temperature should be 30C.
- Pour 50 ml of liquid soap into a basin. We recommend using a glycerin-based product.
You can also use dish soap. Use only liquid and non-aggressive products.
- Add a large spoonful of vinegar to the basin to soften eco-leather and more effectively remove stains from its surface.
- Wipe the product thoroughly with a soft sponge. Do not wrinkle leatherette.
- Drain the water. Pour water into the basin at the same temperature as during the wash. Rinse the product in it. It is necessary to do this 2-3 times, changing the water each time.
- Do not wring out eco-leather after washing. From this, it deforms and stretches. After rinsing, hang it on a hanger to let the water drain off.
Using a washing machine
With this method, you must follow the instructions:
- Place the product in the drum. Pour the agent into the powder receptacle. It is recommended to use liquid detergents designed for delicate fabrics. You can use gels for washing wool and silk items. Bleachers and products containing chlorine are prohibited.
- Set the delicate mode. You can wash eco-leather with a hand wash mode. The water temperature in all cases should not exceed 30C.
- Disable spin and dry modes.
The optimal time for washing leatherette is 30 minutes.
Dry and wet cleaning
With this method of processing, both household chemicals and folk remedies can be used.
Household chemicals
The best option are funds:
- Turtle Wax in the form of thick foam;
- Fill Inn aerosol;
- Runway as a foam solvent.
All these funds are used according to the same scheme. The product is sprayed onto a leatherette product and is wiped off with a foam sponge after 5 minutes.
Traditional methods
You can wipe the leatherette thing with an alcohol solution... It is enough to put it on a cotton pad and treat the most contaminated parts of the product with it: the collar and cuffs.
A vinegar / water solution can be used to remove coffee, wine and tea stains. It is enough to mix half a glass of warm water and one large spoonful of vinegar. In the resulting solution, you need to dip a cotton swab and process the leatherette product with it.
How to remove stains?
For removing various types of stains you can use a mixture of liquid soap with glycerin:
Take two large spoons of liquid soap and pour into a small container.
- Add one large spoonful of glycerin. Stir the mixture.
- Apply it to the soiled area of the leatherette. Leave on for 10 minutes.
- Use a foam sponge to gently rub the dirt on the clothes.
- Wipe off the rest of the mixture with a damp cloth.
- Wipe the treated area of the product with a dry cloth.
Cleaner "Fill Inn" should be used as follows:
- shake the bottle with the product;
- spray it evenly over the dirt;
- rub in the cleaner with a sponge;
- wait 2 minutes.
After processing, it is necessary to remove the agent from the leatherette product with a dry clean cloth.
Drying rules
The washed clothes should be turned back to the right side. All zippers with buttons must be undone on the garment. It is necessary immediately after washing to hang the item on a hanger so that water can drain from it. After 10 minutes, the eco-leather is shaken and straightened with hands.
Eco-leather can be hanged dry. It is advisable to use plastic hangers for this. You can also lay the item on a horizontal surface and dry it in that position. An ironing board or a special clothes dryer is suitable for this.
You do not need to turn the artificial leather onto the front side, but continue to dry it on the wrong side. Leatherette backpacks recommended to dry right side up.
Do not put leatherette products on heating appliances. Do not dry even near batteries. Do not dry such clothes with a hairdryer. Do not hang the eco-leather to dry in the sun. From him the thing quickly wrinkles.
Eco-leather shoes and leatherette bags it is recommended to fill with dry paper... It will absorb excess moisture faster. It is important to change the paper filler periodically. Items should be stored in a room that is regularly ventilated.
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Leatherette products need special care... Such clothes can be machine washed, but only if this is directly indicated on its tag.
Thin eco-leather should be cleaned only dry, without resorting to wet washing. When washing leatherette products, use gentle liquid detergents.