Valuable tips on how to machine and hand wash faux fur

foto12207-1Almost every person has things made of faux fur in their wardrobe. However, not everyone knows how to properly care for them.

Can they be machine washed or washed in a basin? What detergent should I use to remove stains? Will synthetic fluff deteriorate after contact with water?

How to properly wash faux fur at home? Answers to these and other questions can be obtained by reading the article to the end.

Is it possible?

If the faux fur gets dirty, you can wash it. Most of the products perfectly tolerate such processing and do not lose their attractiveness.

Conditions to be met:

  1. foto12207-2Examine the information on the label. Do not violate the manufacturer's recommendations.
  2. If the fur comes unfastened, then it is better to remove it and wash it separately from the main product.
  3. Before you start washing, the thing must be cleaned of dust and other contaminants. To do this, use a low-power vacuum cleaner or a soft-bristled brush.
  4. Washing a fur garment together with other things is unacceptable.
  5. If there is slight dirt on the fur, then it is not completely washed. Limited to local stain treatment.
  6. Hand wash is preferred.

It is not recommended to machine wash long faux fur, but the shorter it is, the lower the risk of deterioration. You should not experiment with fur finishes of dubious quality.

If the product gets dusty after winter, then just knock it out. To do this, use a bamboo twig. First, they process the thing from the seamy side, and then from the front side.

Then the pile is combed. This will give it freshness after being in the closet for a long time.

Washing in a washing machine

Before proceeding with the machine wash, the product must be turned out to the wrong side... When the villi are inside, they won't roll or tangle.

If this is not possible, then a special net is used, in which the item is placed before loading it into the drum.

A product with stubborn stains needs to be pre-soaked. Its exposure time in soapy water should not exceed 15 minutes.


  1. foto12207-3Remove dust from the fur and place it in the drum of the washing machine.
  2. Switch on the delicate mode. The fur can be washed with the wool and silk programs.
  3. Synthetic fibers do not tolerate contact with hot water. Its temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  4. Disable spin. The basis of the faux fur is knitwear that does not tolerate twisting.
  5. Wait until the end of the cycle.

It is better to use gels or liquid concentrates as a detergent. They rinse well and effectively remove dirt, even in cool water.

Taking the product out of the machine, you need to drive the water from it with your hands... Not twisting, but gently running over the fur with your palms.

As long as the water continues to drain, it is left hanging over the bathtub or over the basin. After it stops dripping, the item is removed to a dry, well-ventilated room for drying.

Fur should not be washed with powders containing bleaches or enzymes. Also refuse aggressive household items. The use of products that contain chlorine, alkali or acids will damage the product.

How to wash faux fur in a washing machine, the video will tell you:

How to process manually?

It is recommended to wash items with long synthetic fibers by hand.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Remove dust from fur.
  2. foto12207-4Collect cool water in a basin, dilute the detergent in it until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Soak the fur for 30 minutes. If there is contamination, it is gently rubbed with a brush. Movements should be directed away from the lining in the direction of the pile, as if it were being combed.
  4. Change water, rinse the product.
  5. Fill the basin with water again, add fabric softener. It's good if it includes an antistatic agent.

    These can be such products as: Lenore for children, Synergetic, Ligva Soft, etc. Their average cost is 150-200 rubles per liter.

  6. Rinse the fur in the prepared solution. This procedure will give it softness and shine, and will get rid of static electricity.

After washing, the product is not wrung out or twisted. The water should drain off of it on its own.

If light fur has acquired a yellow or grayish tint, it is recommended to treat it with hydrogen peroxide. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. peroxide;
  • pour the solution into a spray bottle;
  • spread the fur on a flat surface and spray it completely;
  • after 10 minutes, the product is washed in the usual way.
Peroxide can be substituted with lemon juice. It is diluted with water in equal proportions, after which the fur is processed according to the indicated scheme.

Dry cleaning at home

If the product cannot be wetted, then you can dry clean it. Proven home remedies come to the rescue:

  • starch;
  • talc;
  • semolina;
  • soda.

They are used according to a single scheme:

  1. foto12207-5Spread a clean cloth on the floor or on a table, put a fur product on it.
  2. Pour the selected product onto the contaminated area.
  3. Gently distribute it between the pile, wrinkle the fur with your hands.
  4. Shake the item to remove any remaining powder. You can use a low power brush, comb, or vacuum cleaner.

To get the maximum result, the procedure must be repeated several times until the starch or talc is completely clean.

To improve cleaning efficiency cereals or starch can be heated in a dry frying pan or in the microwave.

To clean dark fur, rye bran or sawdust is used. Powdered activated carbon removes foreign odors well.

Drying rules

After washing, the fur product must be properly dried so that it does not lose its characteristics:

  1. Shake the product to remove excess water from it.
  2. Do not twist or squeeze the thing. You can wrap it in a terry towel to help the water absorb faster.
  3. Do not lay out the product on a battery or hang it out in the sun. The fur is deformed because of this.
  4. During drying, the pile should lie flat, without creases, with the fluffy side up. You can hang the item on a hanger without using clothespins.
  5. You cannot dry the fur with a hairdryer.

Drying is optimal in the open air, but in the shade, or in a warm room with good ventilation and low humidity.

An important nuance: faux fur, unlike natural fur, does not have a predetermined pile direction. Therefore, immediately after washing it is smoothed with palms in the right direction.

Thanks to this simple manipulation, the villi will not bristle when dry.

Useful Tips

Information a person should havewho decided to wash a faux fur garment:

  1. foto12207-6If it is possible to refuse washing, then it must be used. Too frequent contact of the product with water will deteriorate its appearance.
  2. Use fabric softener to make the pile smooth.
  3. When the fur is dry, you need to comb it. The comb is used with a wide spacing between the teeth. You can also use a massage brush. It is not necessary to deepen the comb into the pile too much, so as not to hook the fabric base.
  4. If you need to wash a hood or collar with fur, it is better to unfasten it from the main product.
  5. Handle white pile with care. To eliminate yellowness and dullness, stain removers are not used.
  6. The matted pile is sprinkled with warm water, allowed to dry, and then combed. You can gently walk over the product with the steamer without pressing the device too tightly to the fabric.

Before applying any chemicals that were not previously used to treat fur, a test is performed.

The agent is applied to an inconspicuous area and the reaction of the fiber is monitored. If no pathological changes occur, processing can be continued.


Faux fur garments are easy to keep clean. To remove dirt, they resort to both machine and hand wash.

Important conditions are: use of gentle detergents, no spinning and processing at low temperatures... You can tidy up a fur product at home, without going to dry cleaning.



