We follow the rules: which things can be washed together, and which are not recommended and why

foto14395-1Now there are many varieties of things of different colors and materials from which they are made.

In order for them to retain their original appearance for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules: this is the choice of washing powder and fabric softener, washing mode and temperature, and also, due attention should be paid to correct sorting.

Read about what things can and cannot be washed together in the washing machine and how to do it correctly in the article.

Do I need to sort different clothes before washing in the washing machine, what are the consequences?

Often, dirty laundry is simply collected in a general wash, loaded into the machine and, having selected a mode, they start the process. At best, you can get lucky and nothing bad will happen.

But, in the end, such actions will lead to negative consequences, for example:

  1. foto14395-2If you do not take into account the material from which the item is made, and choose the wrong mode on the washing machine, then it can sit down.
  2. Mistakes in the choice of detergents for a particular type of clothing can ruin its appearance. For example, colors can lose their brightness, and whites can fade or become grayish.
  3. Combined washing of white clothes with color, which tends to fade, can radically change the color of a light-colored thing. The water will color and give a different shade of white. For example, if you wash it with red clothes, you can end up with a pink thing.
  4. It is better not to combine things that do not correspond to their intended purpose when washing. For example, bed linen along with sneakers, and so on.

How to determine compatibility correctly?

The most important assistant in sorting laundry is a label from the manufacturer... Usually, all the necessary data is indicated on it: the material of manufacture, the required temperature and washing mode, whether the thing is fading, as well as what is categorically contraindicated to do.

How to determine if a product is shedding if there is no label?

Manufacturers' labels on the inside of garments can be uncomfortable when in contact with the skin, which is why some people remove them.

If there is no such label on things, there are several ways to determine if it sheds:

  1. Some clothing manufacturers, especially branded clothing, may sew a small piece of fabric on the inside of the garment.

    If such is present, it must be cut off, treated with ammonia, it will be enough just to moisten it, and wait from ten to twenty minutes.

    After that, rinsing and drying are performed. If, after performing this procedure, the flap retains its original color, then the thing does not fade.

  2. If there is no such flap, then you should not use this method, even on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. To determine if an item is shedding or not, you just need to moisten a small area of ​​the fabric. After that, it is ironed with an iron, after placing a paper napkin. If in the process it is not colored, then everything is fine.
Jeans have a tendency to fade even after many washes, so it is best to wash such fabric separately so as not to spoil other things. If there are not many clothes made of this type of fabric in the wardrobe, you can add to this category socks.

Sort by color

There are certain guidelines on how to sort things by color, but the washing process will become much more complicated if they are adhered to without question. For simplicity, you can use combinations with shades. Let's take a closer look at the general rules and possible combinations of things by color.

Which ones are allowed to process at the same time?

Together you can wash products in the following colors and shades:

  1. foto14395-4Due to the peculiarities of the choice of powder and washing temperature, dark clothes must be washed separately from everyone, but there are exceptions to the rules.

    This category is diluted with clothes in dark colors: swamp, blue, brown, khaki, purple and similar shades.

  2. The same rules apply to white things... It is allowed to wash together clothes of light, pastel colors. Also add light things that contain a small color pattern or pattern.
  3. Separate rules apply for colored items. Wash them with colored clothing cleaners. You can add light things with a large-scale bright, color pattern or pattern.

    Separate sorting by color shade is not required, but it is important to know that it is not recommended to add clothes that may fade to this category. You can take a chance and turn such a thing inside out. This will greatly increase your chances of not messing up other things, but it's best to wash it separately.

Which ones are not allowed?

It is not recommended to combine such shades and colors:

  1. White and black... These colors have completely different washing modes, in particular temperature and choice of powder and softener. When washing light colors, bleach or strong detergents are often used, in this case, black clothes can lose their original color.

    Dark laundry is washed at low temperatures, which will negatively affect the quality of whites. Well, and the last thing worth noting is that dark things that tend to fade will give light linen a grayish tint.

  2. Colored and white... Low temperatures will reduce the effectiveness of washing white items. For each of these categories, special powders are used. Therefore, the combination will not bring the desired results, but will only lower the overall quality of the washing process.
  3. Colored and black... Although these categories have common indicators for temperature conditions, they have features associated with the choice of chemicals. Therefore, it is not recommended to combine them. Except for shades that are as close to black as possible.

Sorting laundry of the same color

foto14395-5In this case, you need to look at the information from the manufacturer, which is indicated on the label. You can make this procedure easier by using a number of general rules:

  • look at what the thing is made of;
  • do not ignore the indicated temperature and washing mode;
  • choose the right powder and special detergents.

Sorting by color is important, but items also need to be sorted by fabric type.

We separate one from the other by the type of fabric

For different materials from which clothes are made, there are certain recommendations for choosing a detergent and choosing the right mode. Some categories can be combined, and there are materials that are best washed separately or generally by hand.

Suitable for washing together:

And here fleece, artificial silk, tulle, silk, as well as lace, belong to a separate category, and are not combined at all.

Delicates are always washed separately, preferably by hand. For these cases, special tools are purchased separately and special attention is paid to studying the label from the manufacturer.

Functional distribution

The final stage of sorting will be determination by functional features. Most of these rules are known to everyone, since they are quite logical, but it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with them:

  1. foto14395-6Bad combination. Footwear, eg sneakersalways wash separately. Baby clothes goes to a separate category.

    Curtains, curtains, blankets, blankets, jackets and down jackets - separately. Heavily soiled and those that require a light wash are also separate.

  2. Good combination... Bed linen belongs to a separate category, it is permissible to add terry towels. Jeans - only with socks. The rest is selected according to shade, material, total weight.

Successful combinations

Let's look at a few examples of a good combination of lingerie:

  1. Cotton, chintz light things.
  2. Black and dark colored linen.
  3. Jeans and socks.
  4. Any synthetic clothing.


At first glance, the sorting procedure may seem complicated, especially for inexperienced housewives. But in fact, there are not so many rules and it will not be difficult to understand them. After 2-3 washes, an understanding of the main points will come and everything will be done automatically.



