What happens if you accidentally wash your Sberbank card in an automatic washing machine?
Many people have had a situation where they accidentally washed some items with their laundry. It could be money, keys, key rings.
Some people faced a problem when a Sberbank plastic card fell into the drum of the machine along with the laundry.
Many are wondering if it will work normally after that. It all depends on a number of conditions and the type of card.
For more information about what will happen if you accidentally washed a Sberbank card in an automatic machine, we will analyze in the article.
Will the credit card work after getting wet?
If the Sberbank card was made of high-quality plastic, then even washing will not affect its further work in any way.
The product can be continued to be used in cases where:
- the banking product is made of high-strength material;
- it has a protective film that protects it from damage and scratches;
- it is equipped with a magnetic stripe that is rarely exposed to external influences;
- during washing, the product was not in the drum of the machine, but inside trousers or a shirt.
In the cases described, the probability of maintaining the performance of the plastic card is 70%. If during washing it was not inside any thing, but in the drum of the machine, then the risk of damage increases to 50%.
Likely consequences
A product equipped with a magnetic stripe is more reliable than a card containing a chip. The likely consequences of washing plastic with a magnetic stripe are:
- malfunctioning due to mechanical damage;
- demagnetization of a banking product;
- deformation in the case of washing at high temperatures and during the "Boiling" mode;
- full preservation of performance.
Possible consequences of washing a chip card can be:
- impossibility of further use due to mechanical damage to the chip;
- malfunction of the product due to the fusion of the chip on it due to exposure to hot water;
- erasing a chip;
- preservation of performance.
In all cases, a frequent consequence is the erasure of numbers and letters from the surface of the plate.In the future, it becomes difficult to read and recognize them. The product itself becomes shabby in appearance.
Machine washable versus hand washable - is there any difference in harm done?
Much depends on how the card was washed.... If it was washed by hand, the plastic will suffer less.
The plastic is damaged more often with machine washing. It is negatively affected by various elements of clothing. Additionally, the card can contact with the drum of the machine. With this option, the product often suffers from hot water.
Factors that increase the likelihood of tape damage
A banking product and its elements can be severely damaged under the following conditions:
- during washing, the magnetic tape was scratched by buttons and locks from shirts or trousers;
- the Sberbank card was accidentally washed in hot water and boiled along the way;
- the product was in contact with the drum of the machine during washing;
- the card was washed with a lot of laundry.
In the latter case, the object is strongly deformed and bent. In the future, such a banking product cannot be used for its intended purpose.
Determination of the degree of damage
If, after an accidental wash, only the numbers with letters are blurred on the plate, then it often remains suitable for further use. Serious damage to the card is considered a scratch anywhere on the card and on the magnetic stripe.... It is recommended to check such a card for serviceability by inserting it into the terminal.
If there is such damage, it is recommended to also insert plastic into the terminal. If he “reads” the Sberbank card well, allows you to enter a password and perform transactions, then the product is not damaged.
Severe damage to the card is its deformation and the appearance of cracks on it... You shouldn't try to shove such a banking product into the terminal. He may not accept the card or take it, but not issue it.
Action plan
If visually no noticeable mechanical damage is observed on the product, then it is enough to put it in order.
This requires:
Wipe the plate with a dry cloth. Allow the product to dry completely.
- Check the bank product again for damage. This is especially true of the place where the magnetic stripe or chip is located.
- Check the legibility of inscriptions and numbers on the map.
- Check the functionality of the card on the terminal. Insert it and make sure that the device “reads” it normally. Try to enter a password, check the balance and, for reliability, carry out any operation.
When trying to return a deformed card to its previous shape, do not heat it too much. High temperatures can deform the plastic even more.
For this you need:
- Go to the bank. It is required to contact the department that issued the plate.
- Take with you to the bank not only your card, but also your passport.
- Draw up an application in the bank branch with a request for an early re-release of the product. Indicate in the document the reasons for the failure of the plastic. Be sure to indicate the date in the application and sign.
- Return the damaged card to a bank officer for destruction.
- Get a new card at the same bank. In this case, the current account for it and the number remain unchanged.
About two weeks are given to reissue the card, but this period can be reduced to one week... At the same time, Sberbank does not charge a commission for the specified operation.The bank usually notifies about the readiness of the card via SMS.
Accidental washing of a Sberbank plastic card usually does not cause the termination of its operation. The overall risk of damage is 30%. However, it rises if the holder uses a product equipped with a chip.
The plate is often damaged if it is washed at high temperatures... When processing clothes manually, cards deteriorate less often, since this option is more gentle.
It is enough to wipe the card dry and let it dry. After that, the functionality of the product must be checked through the terminal. If the card is severely damaged, it must be replaced by contacting Sberbank.