What if I accidentally washed my car key in the washing machine?

foto14949-1The washing machine often gets something that does not belong there. With jeans or a jacket, sometimes they wash not only money and phonebut also car keys. After contact with water, it can still be reanimated.

What to do if I accidentally washed the car key (with a chip, with an alarm) in the washing machine? Look for the answer to the question in the article.

What happens to the device after washing?

The extent of the problem depends on which key entered the drum of the washing machine. They are available with and without alarms. In one case, everything is solved simply.

With chip

The effect of water on the chips inside is destructive... You will have to dry, disassemble, check and assemble the keychain.

There is a risk that you will have to replace it, since oxidation will quickly spoil the board. To avoid the problem, follow the step-by-step instructions.

No alarm

The metal ignition key is resistant to water and detergent. It is not damaged even by hard and sharp objects. Its presence in the washing machine can only harm delicate things and rarely the machine itself.

How does the processing mode affect the state of the microcircuits?

foto14949-4For microcircuits, it is not the number of revolutions or the temperature of the water that is destructive, but the very fact of contact with moisture and washing powder.

The key fob practically does not receive mechanical damage on the drum, since it is in the pocket.

Most often, keys are forgotten in jeans or a jacket. They are washed on a gentle cycle in not hot water. But the microcircuits can still fail.

Possible consequences

After washing, the keychain may not be completely damaged.... What the car owner may face:

ProblemHow does it manifest
ClosureSome functions hang. Windows can be closed or opened intermittently.
Lost connectionThe car does not respond to the key.
Function failureSome buttons do not work.

In this case, quality powder plays a bad role. It eats away at boards more.

Rescue work

The sequence of actions and their correctness determines the chances of a successful outcome. Therefore, you need to save the keys deliberately.

What to do when the wash is over:

  1. foto14949-3Assess the state of the key to understand the scale of the problem.
  2. Disassemble the keychain, remembering the sequence.
  3. Carefully clean the board so as not to harm anything.
  4. Dry all parts so that no moisture remains.
  5. Replace components if they don't work.
  6. Check the condition of the key after final assembly. All functions must be performed.

If you managed to remember the key at the moment of washing, you do not need to wait for its end. Cancel the action, drain the water and remove the device.

Assess condition

After removing the keys from the drum of the washing machine, you need to check their condition. How to do it:

  1. The key fob turns on, but you can hear that there is water inside. Drops are visible. There is a chance for self-repair.
  2. Icons are displayed on the keychain, blinking is visible. With the correct actions, you can bring the keychain back to life.
  3. The buttons do not respond when pressed. You can hear water inside. There is very little chance of recovery.
The most important thing to do after removing it from the washing machine is to save the board from contact with washing powder. It is chemical reactions that negatively affect the performance of the keychain.

Parse the key

foto14949-2To disassemble the key, you need to prepare. What is needed for disassembly:

  • bright light;
  • watch screwdrivers of different sizes;
  • nippers;
  • cleaner for circuit boards.

How to disassemble:

  1. Open the case. If it is not cast, then pry off the joint with a knife. If it is cast, look at the key fob in the light, you will see the place where the chip is attached. Carefully cut out a piece of plastic.
  2. Find the bolts that are in the case, unscrew them. Pry off part of the housing with a flat screwdriver. Remove the chip.
  3. Disconnect the ejection key blade. Remove buttons.

An example of disassembling a key in the video:

Clean the board

Next comes the crucial moment. You need to quickly but carefully clean the board. It oxidizes from contact with washing powder. This is evidenced by turbidity and the appearance of a green color on the surface. It is important not to disturb anything or leave damage.

How to proceed:

  1. foto14949-5Use baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate is also suitable. The tool cleans well, but at the same time acts gently. Neutralizes oxidation, removes corrosion.

    For cleaning, take a cotton swab moistened with ammonia. Then sprinkle the board with soda and carefully remove the plaque.

  2. Apply isopropyl alcohol. It is cheap and evaporates quickly enough. For use, it is diluted in water 50/50. Then they start cleaning with a moistened cotton swab.
  3. Use distilled water for cleaning. Cannot be used from the tap, as it contains impurities that provoke chemical reactions and oxidation. Purification is carried out with a moistened cotton swab.
  4. Clean the board with a phosphate-free cleaner. JELT 7251 is used for boards. Sprayed with a special "nozzle" and wiped.

Dry all components

All components are recommended to be thoroughly dried. It will take at least 12 hours to dry thoroughly. Therefore, the parts are left overnight in a warm place. Don't rush and leave parts wet.

Do not forget about the rubber pushers under the buttons. Pay special attention to the board. It must be dry.

Replace parts if necessary, determine the condition after repair

If, after disassembly, visible damage to parts is visible, then their replacement is required... Sometimes it turns out to determine the need for replacement only after assembly and inspection.

The keychain is assembled in reverse order. And then they check its performance. If not all functions are performed, the key should be referred to the master.

Replacing a keychain and its price

If it was not possible to return the key to life, then you need to order a replacement. You don't have to bide your time. It is recommended to solve the problem with the lack of a chip key immediately. Otherwise, in the event of theft, questions will arise to the car owner.

foto14949-6 How to proceed:

  1. Take all the documents for the car that are.
  2. Contact a car dealership for help. Submit documents and consult with a specialist.
  3. Wait for production.It takes at least a week.

If the car is new, the salon can carry out the key replacement at a discount. Provided that it is included in the warranty.

The price of a key replacement issue depends on the interior, the car itself and the complexity of the work. It starts from a few thousand rubles, exceeding ten... Therefore, carelessness can turn into a very expensive wash.

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Sending a key with an alarm to the washing machine is fraught with its breakage. Chips can be saved if you act quickly but carefully... After contact with water, the condition of the keychain is assessed, the parts are disassembled and dried. If the circuits do not work, a replacement in the cabin is required.



