How to wash compression stockings correctly?

foto13837-1Compression stockings are an elastic hosiery that prevents the manifestation and development of diseases of the circulatory system of the lower extremities.

They protect the veins during sports, during pregnancy, after childbirth, if you are overweight.

Like any garment, they need to be washed on time. This process has a number of nuances, without observing which, you can easily ruin an expensive product.

Is it possible and how to properly wash compression stockings (from varicose veins, with silicone rubber, etc.) in a washing machine, why do this every day, read the article.

Is it possible?

foto13837-2Compression stockings are in direct contact with the skin during wear, therefore dead keratinized particles of it accumulate on them, as well as dust, small specks.

They gradually clog and expand the cells between the fibers, their deformation occurs, the tightening properties of the knitwear deteriorate.

The lower part is worn on the foot, on which a large number of sweat glands are located and profuse sweating occurs.

To maintain cleanliness and hygiene, stockings can and should be washed periodically. Many manufacturers prohibit machine washing of their products., about which there are corresponding notes on the packaging.

If there is no such data, then machine wash is allowed, but with strict adherence to the rules. When hand washing, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances, which will be discussed in more detail in the article.

Why do this every day?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the information indicated on the packaging.... Conscientious manufacturers indicate the basic rules for caring for the product - washing frequency, water temperature, detergent and others.

If there is no such information, then it is necessary to wash stockings as soon as they become dirty or once every 1-2 days. When applying medicinal or caring creams to the skin of the feet, daily washing is prescribed.

Guidelines for the proper care of compression garments:


Detergent selection

For washing tight stockings it is necessary to use soft means:

  • baby soap, better - liquid or shampoo;
  • liquid (gel) for cleansing delicate fabrics;
  • liquid soap with natural foaming ingredients.

Some manufacturers of shaping underwear also make washing liquids for their products.

For manual and automatic washing, you can use the following products:

Burti liquidA product from the manufacturer of knitwear. Qualitatively removes dirt, stains, protein contamination in warm water. Hypoallergenic. Retains the fiber structure. Economical. Prevents pilling.
ERGOFORMADesigned specifically for tight knitwear. Surfactants remove the toughest dirt without damaging the fibers. Extends the life of the product.
Ofa BambergEconomical, does not contain fragrances and perfumery fragrances. The composition includes surfactants, deol, bromine, which help to maintain the elasticity of the fibers.
VilliDoes not contain aggressive substances. Suitable for delicate fabrics. Promotes the preservation of compression qualities. Removes dirt gently without damaging fibers. The expense is average.
Luomma Idealista “IDEALISTA”The product contains organic substances. Retains compression, acts as an antistatic agent. Economical.
Perwoll advanced sportSuitable for delicate washing. Surfactants included in the composition do not have an aggressive effect on knitwear. Consumption is average.
Heitmann Spezial-WaschpflegeA care product for elastic sportswear, also suitable for shaping underwear. Does not contain aggressive ingredients. The composition contains lanolin, which cares for elastic fibers.

It is undesirable to use:

  • foto13837-4any powders, as their grains can destroy the structure of elastic tissues;
  • products containing aggressive strong chemical components - solvents, bleaches;
  • conditioners, conditioners;
  • laundry soap, which contains fatty acids that damage the elastic fibers of knitwear.

Having picked up the right product, you need to choose the washing option.

How is it correct?

Some manufacturers indicate in the instructions for the care of the stockings that they should not be washed along with other clothes. In this case, it is not advisable to use a machine wash.

If there are other clothes that need to be washed in a delicate mode, then you can also wash stockings, having previously placed them in a special bag.

It can be purchased from a hardware store, or you can sew it yourself from a large weave fabric.

In the washing machine

Washing is carried out in stages:

  1. Place the stockings in a mesh pouch. This will help prevent snagging from possible contact with the drum walls or other clothing.
  2. Pour detergent into the compartment.
  3. Set the selected mode - "Hand" or "Delicate" wash. The optimum water temperature is 30-40 ⁰C, unless otherwise specified by the stocking manufacturer.
  4. After the end of washing, you cannot use the spin mode, even at the lowest speed. It is also prohibited to use the Drying and Pre-Ironing modes.
  5. Gently squeeze out excess water and lay out the product to dry.


The best way to hygienically care for your compression stockings is by hand washing. It is more economically profitable - water, detergents and electricity are saved. Besides during the manual procedure, there is less chance of damage to fibers and loss of tightening properties.

If you have a long pointed manicure, it is advisable to use gloves during washing to protect the stockings from damage.

The procedure is also carried out in warm water - 30-40 ⁰C, with mild means according to the algorithm:

  1. foto13837-5Collect warm water in a container (basin).
  2. Add detergent, dissolve thoroughly, foam.
  3. Soak the product for 10-15 minutes.
  4. The washing process must be carried out carefully, without sudden movements, strong friction and twisting of the product.
  5. Drain off dirty soapy water.
  6. Pour cool water into the container, rinse the stockings thoroughly. The water is changed until traces of detergent stop showing in it.
  7. Carefully wring out the product, without twisting or deforming. You can leave the stockings in a clean sink for 10-15 minutes to drain the excess water.
  8. Send knitwear for drying.

It is undesirable to allow heavy contamination of the fabric, the appearance of stains, since stockings cannot be exposed to active mechanical stress, use chemical stain removers.

Process features for products with silicone rubber

When washing products with silicone rubber, nuances should be taken into account:

  1. From water and detergents, silicone can lose its elasticity, so these stockings can only be washed by hand.
  2. To prevent the water from rising up to the silicone through the fibers, the path must be blocked. To do this, the stocking is tightly pulled with a simple elastic band to the very edge of the silicone insert.
  3. Then a normal hand wash is performed.
To maintain anti-slip properties, it is advisable not to wet the silicone strip. It can be periodically cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of medical alcohol.

How to dry?

foto13837-6It is forbidden to dry products on heating radiators, heaters, using a hair dryer, iron or another heating appliance.

It is also undesirable to lay out the product in direct sunlight during drying. Any natural or artificial heat source destroys the fabric structure.

To avoid longitudinal stretching, gently wrung out knitwear is laid out on a horizontal surface covered with a thick cloth or terry towel. Straighten it, leave it to dry completely with free access of air to the product.

To speed up the drying process, the stockings can be placed between two layers of towels, lightly pressblotting to absorb excess moisture. And then transfer to another dry cloth until it dries completely.

Useful video

How to wash, dry and care for compression hosiery, the video will tell you:


Compression stockings are a medical type of hosiery, the main quality of which is the creation of compression (pressure) on the veins of the legs.

To preserve this property, proper laundry care is required - wash in warm water with the right detergents, a ban on strong mechanical stress and drying in a strictly horizontal position.



