How is it necessary to wash men's, women's, school suits in a washing machine and by hand?

foto12938-1A suit is an integral part of a business image, a stylish evening dress. The complexity of the cut and the variety of sewing materials complicate the process of caring for a suit.

You can preserve the appearance, shape and color of your favorite thing only if you follow the basic rules of washing.

Read about whether and how to wash a suit (male, female, school) in an automatic washing machine and by hand at home, read the article.

Is it possible?

foto12938-2The main information about whether the suit can be washed and in what way is indicated on the manufacturer's label.

If the tag is lost, you can navigate by the type of fabric:

  • velvet, wool, corduroy and tweed are cleaned only with a dry method;
  • semi-wool, satin can be washed by hand;
  • linen, cotton and synthetic fabrics are machine washable.

Before washing, you need to weigh your capabilities, and if there is even the slightest doubt about your own abilities, it is better to entrust the cleaning of the suit to the professionals of dry cleaning.

How to wash at home?

After the method of cleaning the suit has been determined, it is necessary to study the features and sequence of all actions, to avoid permanent damage to your favorite thing.

By hands

A gentle hand wash under the shower will help to maintain the original shape of the suit.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The jacket, trousers are shaken out of dust, the pockets are checked for small debris.
  2. The product is hung on a hanger above the bathroom.
  3. Moisten the cloth with warm water (no more than 40 ° C) from the shower.
  4. With a soft brush dipped in soapy water (the gel for washing delicate things is dissolved in water), especially dirty, worn places are carefully treated.
  5. Rinse the product with running water from the shower.
  6. Without removing it from the hanger, the suit is hung out to dry in a darkened, well-ventilated place.

In a typewriter

After carefully studying the manufacturer's label with recommendations for care and making sure that machine wash is allowed, you can safely get to work.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. foto12938-3Set the delicate or hand wash mode, the water temperature is not more than 20-30C. The spin is turned off (this will help keep the jacket in shape).
  2. Liquid detergent is poured into a special compartment.
  3. The jacket is placed in a special mesh bag and loaded with the trousers into the drum of the washing machine.
  4. After the wash is over, the suit is immediately taken out. The jacket and trousers are hung on a hanger to dry. Moreover, the trousers must be carefully folded in the direction of the arrow.

Before washing, the suit must be checked for stains. Stubborn, stubborn dirt should be removed before starting the main wash.

Dry cleaning

Most often, the dry cleaning method is recommended for suits made from expensive woolen, corduroy, velvet fabrics.

Dry cleaning is the treatment of fabric with a dry brush with a soft bristle, as well as the use of special aerosols that absorb dirt without wetting the clothes.

Before starting cleaning, pockets are turned inside out, cleaned of small debris... After that, especially contaminated places are treated with a sponge dipped in ammonia.

Then the fabric is treated with a special spray for dry cleaning, and after waiting for the required time (indicated by the manufacturer on the package), cleaned with a special brush. Read about what dry washing is and how it is carried out. here.

Removing various stains

There are enough ways to quickly clean the fabric of various dirt:

  1. foto12938-4Liquid detergent for dishes will help get rid of greasy stains. It is enough to treat the contamination with a sponge soaked in detergent and leave it for six to ten hours. Then, depending on the type of fabric, the suit is washed by hand or loaded into the washing machine.
  2. Table vinegar will help get rid of fruit stains on clothes. It is enough to hold the suit over the steam, and then treat the stain with a cotton pad moistened with a table bite (as an option, you can use freshly squeezed lemon juice).
  3. Milk and soap will help to get rid of traces of fresh berries. To do this, the stain is first treated with a cotton pad moistened with milk, and then wiped with a sponge soaked in soapy water.
  4. Salt will cleanse the fabric of traces of champagne or wine. The alcohol stain must be well sprinkled with salt and left to dry. After that, the salt is gently cleaned with a brush and the dirt is wiped with a sponge dipped in ammonia.
  5. Rubbing alcohol removes grass stains. It is necessary to treat the stain with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol. Hydrogen peroxide will help remove grass stains from white fabric.
A suit with paint stains, complex, ingrained dirt is best dry-cleaned. Mistakes made during self-cleaning can completely ruin the thing.

Processing features depending on the material

To achieve the ideal cleanliness result, while maintaining the shape and color of the product, you can only know the features of washing, depending on the type of material of the suit.


It is better to entrust the washing of capricious velvet in leaving to the professionals of dry cleaning. But if the manufacturer indicates that the suit can be washed, then this can only be done by hand.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. foto12938-5The bath is filled with warm water (temperature 30-35 ° C), a liquid detergent without bleaching and aggressive surfactants is added.
  2. After the detergent has completely dissolved in water, a velvet suit is dipped into the resulting solution. During washing, the product does not crumple or rub. It is necessary to gently, very gently touch with your hands, iron the fabric.
  3. After washing, the product is thoroughly rinsed in cool water (several times).
  4. The dune suit is dried only turned inside out on the wrong side, spread out on a horizontal surface. A soft terry towel is placed under the wet product so that it absorbs moisture. After the suit is almost dry, it must be turned on the front side and thoroughly steamed on the weight (a special steamer or iron with a steam function will come to the rescue).

When ironing, the soleplate of the iron should not touch the pile.


Suits made from natural, breathable linen fabrics are irreplaceable in summer wardrobe. But in order to preserve their appearance and shape, it is necessary to adhere to certain washing rules:

  • the water temperature should not exceed 30-40 ° С;
  • the optimal washing mode is manual (when using a washing machine - delicate);
  • automatic spinning at no more than 400 rpm;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use products containing chlorine.
Linen fibers absorb water very well, therefore, for hand washing, choose the largest container.

For the same reason, during machine washing, the washing drum is filled no more than 2/3 of the total volume.


Stylish flowy satin suits require special care. It is possible to preserve the structure, brightness and shine of the fabric, provided it is washed correctly.

Clothing manufacturers recommend dry cleaning of satin suits, but if the tag does not contain specific instructions, satin clothes can be washed at home, by hand.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. foto12938-6Warm water is taken into the bath (the temperature is not more than 40 ° C), a liquid detergent is added for delicate, silk fabrics.
  2. The suit is immersed in water and left to soak for about ten minutes. After the product is gently wrung out and crumpled. It is very important not to make sudden movements, to avoid friction of the fabric, twisting.
  3. After washing, the suit is rinsed in cool water.
  4. A clean product is laid out on a horizontal surface so that the water is glass (it is forbidden to twist the satin), after which the suit is hung on a hanger in a well-darkened, ventilated place for drying.

Satin suits are ironed immediately after washing, without waiting for complete drying. Long-term storage without ironing, overdrying of satin fabric can cause creases and folds, which are very difficult to get rid of.


Textured corduroy can only be cleaned dry. If there is no way to dry-clean the corduroy suit, The following actions will help to put things in order:

  1. Jacket and trouser pockets are cleared of small items and debris.
  2. Using a special corduroy brush (dry or slightly damp), the suit is cleaned of dust, lint and other dirt. The brush is led only along the fabric scars.
  3. If there are stubborn stains on the corduroy, ammonia will help remove them. It is enough to treat the dirt with a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with ammonia.
Regular office tape will quickly cope with cleaning a corduroy suit. It is enough to stick the strips onto the fabric, and then remove them along with dust and small debris.


Machine or hand wash for woolen garments is strictly prohibited... Reason: the fibers of natural woolen fabric are mobile, and in order for the suit to keep its shape, the fabric is glued in certain places. Under the influence of water, the glue dissolves, which leads to deformation of the product.

Only dry cleaning professionals can clean well, remove stains from woolen fabric. At home, a woolen suit can be freshened up.

How to do it:

  • foto12938-7shake the jacket and trousers, clean the pockets of small debris, hang them on the hangers;
  • mix 200 ml of water with 1 tbsp. ammonia;
  • with a soft brush dipped in the prepared solution, carefully clean especially dirty, greasy places;
  • with a sponge dipped in clean water, the fabric is cleaned of dust, lint;
  • after washing, the product is hung out in the open air, in the shade for ventilation.


A suit made of natural cotton fabric can be washed both by hand and in a washing machine (details of this information are indicated on the manufacturer's label).

Maintain the appearance and shape of the product, regardless of the selected type of wash, possible subject to the following recommendations:

  • water temperature is not higher than 40 ° С;
  • washing mode - delicate;
  • detergent - gel for washing, without chlorine;
  • spinning is minimal (up to 400 revolutions), and it is better without it at all (a cotton suit cannot be twisted);
  • drying the product away from heating appliances, direct sunlight.
After the cotton suit is washed, it is hung on a hanger and waited until the water drains. Iron the product without waiting for the fabric to dry completely.


Machine washable is a quick way to keep your synthetic suit clean and fresh.

Basic washing rules:

  1. foto12938-8The water temperature is not higher than 30-40 ° С.
  2. Washing mode - manual, for delicate fabrics.
  3. The minimum number of revolutions (no more than 400).
  4. Wash only with gel and liquid detergents for delicate fabrics.
  5. Repeated rinsing will help prevent streaks on the fabric.
  6. The conditioner added in the last rinse will make ironing easier and faster.

How to dry?

The first drying rule that you need to learn is not to rush anywhere.

The suit must not be wrung out or twisted. It is necessary to wait until the water drains and only then hang the suit on a hanger to dry or lay it out on a horizontal surface.

Also, to maintain the original shape of the product, you must remember the following rules:

  1. Dry the suit only in a dark, well-ventilated place (best in the fresh air). If drying takes place in the bathroom, the door in the room should remain ajar.
  2. It is better to dry the jacket on a hanger, and the trousers, laid out on the table or dryer.
  3. Do not let it dry. Only a slightly damp suit can be ironed ideally.
Do not speed up the drying process with a fan or heating appliances. A sharp change in temperature can cause deformation, shrinkage of the product.

How to pet?

You can quickly iron the product only if you follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. foto12938-9Ironing begins with the jacket. It is laid out on the ironing board and, turning on the iron in the steaming mode, they begin to gently iron the back, sides, lapels from the seamy side. From the outside, using a special attachment on the ironing board, iron the sleeves of the jacket and outer pockets. Iron the suit only through a damp cloth (gauze is best).
  2. Having ironed the jacket, you can start ironing the trousers. They are turned on the wrong side, and through cheesecloth, in the steaming mode, they begin to iron the area of ​​pockets, belt, trousers well. If it is necessary to iron the arrows, the trousers are turned inside out, fold the trousers together and iron the line of the arrows well.
  3. A well-ironed suit is hung on a hanger.

For how to iron a jacket, read here... Tells about ironing trousers this article.

How to iron a suit correctly, the video will tell you:

Contacting dry cleaning

Dry cleaning will help to freshen up a suit for which only dry cleaning is allowed, remove difficult, stubborn stains, and correct mistakes of self-washing.

For those who wear a suit every day it is necessary to take things to dry cleaning at least once every three months.

In order to refresh, remove dust and an unpleasant smell of stale things, a suit that is worn only on very significant dates, experts recommend giving it to dry cleaning every six months.

The cost of dry cleaning services is influenced by the size and type of fabric of the product, the degree of pollution. On average, dry-cleaning a suit will cost 1,300 rubles.

Why is it better to dry-clean the suit, and not wash it at home, the video will tell you:


When washing a suit you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not use dry abrasive powders for washing. They are not completely rinsed out of the fabric, leaving streaks.
  2. foto12938-10For black suits, use special detergents for dark fabrics.
  3. Wool and semi-woolen garments are washed using a liquid detergent containing lanolin.
  4. It is forbidden to wash suits with chlorine and ammonia products.
  5. Rinsing in water with the addition of fabric softener will help to facilitate ironing of a natural cotton suit.
  6. Do not put on the suit immediately after ironing.The product must be allowed to cool, otherwise it will be wrinkled immediately.


Washing a men's, women's or children's school suit is not an easy task. Only by observing certain washing rules can you achieve an ideal cleanliness result, without losing the shape and color of the product.



