High-quality result with a minimum of effort, or how to properly wash a terry robe
Terrycloth robe - comfortable, warm and very cozy clothes. With proper care, this piece of wardrobe can last for years, retaining its appearance and softness.
Periodic washing is an integral part of keeping your terry robe clean. It should be carried out in accordance with all the rules, in compliance with the technology, and taking into account the peculiarity of the processing of terry.
In this article, we will show you how to properly wash your terry robe in the washing machine and by hand to keep it soft.
What is the difficulty of washing?
The complexity of washing is associated with such moments:
- volume of the product;
- the specifics of the texture of the material.
In essence, terry cloth is formed by a large number of elongated loops. There are models with one-sided and two-sided terry. This texture of the material provides heat retention and adds softness.
Wherein washing, rinsing and drying such a bulky and bulky item becomes a big problem, especially if you do all the work manually.
How to do it in a washing machine?
An automatic washing machine allows you to wash terry products very efficiently. But for this you need to follow simple rules.
In what mode, at what temperature?
Complex cotton terry material can be washed well at temperatures from + 40 ° С to + 60 ° С. It is preliminarily recommended to study the label for the product, on which the manufacturer indicates his recommendations.
It is very important to choose the right detergent for your terry clothes, as the material is difficult to rinse out.
It is recommended to use gel rather than powder... It dissolves better, is evenly distributed, and is well washed out of bulk terry.
What can and cannot be?
Bulky hooded models can take up the entire drum themselves. In this case, there is no need to add neighbors to them.
If there is still free space after placing the robe in the washing machine, you can report to it towels from terry, as a last resort - linens.
If wardrobe items are also included in the load, you should make sure that there are no Velcro, hooks and other details that can damage the fabric of the robe, hook and pull the loops out of the terry cloth.
Do you need fabric softener?
Due to the nature of the fabric using fabric softener will only benefit such a thing, providing the material with softness and pleasant aroma. Using it is optional, but a desirable condition for a successful wash.
Soak or not?
Terry cloth is usually very easy to wash, so there is no need to soak the item before placing it in the washing machine.
If a preliminary soaking was carried out, then the robe must be rinsed and wrung out before the main wash.
The extended loops of the terry cloth have detergent retention properties. Only the transition from washing powder to gel does not solve the problem - soapy water can continue to remain in the fibers.
It is possible to cope with the problem by installing an additional rinse... This will be useful with one-sided terry cloth, and simply necessary - with double-sided.
Setting a high spin speed for terry cloth is undesirable. The lint on the robe can warp and become unattractive and stiff. It is optimal to set the spin at up to 700 rpm.
General instruction
The procedure for washing terry products in an automatic machine:
Prepare the robe itself. If he needs to be repaired, then it must be done in advance, before placing the thing in the drum.
- Place the robe in the machine.
- Pour the washing gel into the special compartment.
- Add conditioner.
- Set the washing mode "bulky items" or "manual".
- Correct the heating temperature and spin intensity.
- Sets the “extra rinse” function.
- Start washing.
The terry robe will be damp after washing. It must be immediately removed from the drum, wrung out with your hands, and sent to dry.
How to wash a terry robe in the washing machine, the video will tell:
You can wash a terry robe with your hands, but the process will take a long time due to its laboriousness. A cotton terry robe is not just bulky, it also absorbs moisture very well. This should be taken into account in manual processing.
Manual wash instructions:
It is advisable to use a bath as a container for washing. You will need a lot of water - ½ bath.
- In order for the washing to be of better quality, the thing is soaked in advance in a detergent solution.
- It is enough to hold a robe in it for up to half an hour, periodically tossing it over. If during this time the water becomes dirty, it is drained. In this case it is necessary to prepare the washing solution again.
- When processing terry cloth with your hands, you should avoid intense mechanical stress, as well as the use of stiff brushes. Rubbing and pulling the fabric is not advisable.
- It is difficult to rinse a robe well by hand. To do this, you need to change the water several times until it ceases to be soapy. For the last water change, you can add conditioner or add a little salt (1 or 2 tablespoons).
Features for bamboo terry
Bamboo terry is not as popular as cotton... The thing from it has its own processing characteristics due to the delicacy of the fabric.
Features of washing bamboo terry:
They process such a thing on a delicate mode in a typewriter or by hand. In the latter case, a lot of water will be needed, since the terry bamboo cloth is hygroscopic.
- The water temperature for washing should be between + 30 ° C and + 40 ° C.Higher temperatures are unacceptable, as the robe can shrink from such exposure.
- The use of fabric conditioners and any fabric softeners is not recommended as they can damage the fiber structure.
- Twisting is prohibited. Only light hand spin is allowed.
- Drying - in a straightened state, with maximum air access to the material from all sides.
Delicate material is prone to damage as a result of careless actions during washing.
How to restore and maintain the softness of the fabric?
The main advantage of terry cloth is its softness. The following circumstances can lead to fabric stiffness:
- improper use of things, food stains and other contaminants;
- washing with powder, not gel;
- poor rinsing;
- using an iron for drying;
- twisting the robe after washing;
- worn-out clothes, rare washing.
In the absence of an air conditioner in the house, the following technique will help to increase the softness of the terry: pour 1 tbsp into the compartment for the air conditioner on the body of the washing machine. l. common salt.
If the product has already lost its softness, the following recommendations will help:
A useful purchase - a special ball for maintaining the softness of terry products and breaking the already stuck together fibers.
- If the new robe is hard, you can soak it for a short time (15-30 minutes) in salted water.
- After washing, rinse the robe in salted water (tablespoon in the softener compartment).
- Soak the robe for 8-10 hours in cool water without detergent, then rinse in salted water.
Drying rules
Terry dense fabric dries for a long time, at least a day. The time it takes to dry completely depends on a number of factors:
- how wet the item is after washing;
- thick or thin terry was used for sewing clothes;
- air temperature at the place of drying;
- ventilation.
The disadvantage of drying in natural conditions is the duration of the process. It is possible to speed up the process using a drying cabinet, or by setting the "drying" function on the washing machine.
Do not while drying:
- Speed up drying with an iron - the thing will become tough and lose its decorative effect.
- Hang a robe in direct sunlight.
- Overdry, as the terry will become tough.
- Hanging out the robe without wringing it out. If you do this, it will stretch out and lose its shape.
The advice of experts will help you to better cope with washing things, spending a minimum of effort. These recommendations include:
It is advisable to wash a new robe before first use. This is necessary to maintain the hygiene of the product and to make the material more soft.
- If the robe is white, then it is better to wash it separately from other things. The maximum is to add white towels of the same material to the drum.
- Proper use of the gown helps to extend its life. You should not cook food, clean up and do other dirty housework in such a thing.
- Mahra is very good at absorbing various smells, including food and tobacco. Doing a wash with air conditioner will help deal with the problem.
- If there is not enough water during washing, the thing will remain dirty, and if there is not enough water during rinsing, it will be soapy and unpleasant to the touch. Processing terry requires a lot of water, it can be saved only at the expense of the quality of washing.
- It is recommended to hand wash the robe with rubber gloves. If this moment is ignored, then it is simply necessary to remove rings and bracelets so as not to put hooks on the fabric.
A terry robe is a very practical thing.Proper care of it will extend the life of such a cozy home item, keeping it soft and tender.