What to do if your favorite white sneakers turn yellow after washing, how to return them to whiteness?
White running shoes need washing. However, after such processing, you may encounter a nuisance, namely, yellowness that appears on a sports pair.
One should not despair. There are several effective ways to deal with this problem.
Why did the white sneakers suddenly turn yellow after washing or yellow stains appeared on them, what should I do about it? Look for answers to questions in the article.
Why did yellowness appear?
There are several reasons why white sneakers can turn yellow. By eliminating them, it will be possible to prevent the appearance of stains that spoil the appearance of the shoes.
Risk factors:
Improper drying of shoes. Bright sun rays lead to yellowing of the snow-white sole. Drying on the battery provokes a similar problem, as well as attempts to get rid of excess moisture with a heat pillow or hair dryer.
- Poor rinsing. This leads to the fact that dust is retained in the fibers of the fabric, which, after drying, appears in the form of yellow streaks.
- Incorrect preparation of the couple for the upcoming wash. Before proceeding with the processing of shoes, dust, dirt, stones and other dirt must be removed from it.
- The reaction of the fabric in response to the use of detergents.
- Wash in rusty water. This reason is the most common. It does not depend on the person. Most often, rusty water flows from the tap after a long shutdown or after repair work.
- Washing sneakers in hot water. If its temperature exceeds 40 degrees, there is a risk of yellowing and shedding of tissues.
How to remove yellow streaks?
To get rid of yellow stains on shoes, you can resort to the help of improvised means.... For this purpose, pharmacy hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are used.
Ordinary toothpaste and washing powder can also come to the rescue. The main thing is to use them correctly, avoiding the re-formation of spots.
Bleach and soap
You can get rid of yellow stains with bleach. You need to use products containing gentle components, for example, active oxygen. Chlorine bleach is not suitable for shoe care.
Features of use:
remove dust and dirt from the soles of sneakers;
- remove laces and insoles;
- dilute the required amount of bleach in water (its temperature should not exceed 30-40 degrees);
- soak your shoes for 15 minutes;
- rub the yellow spots with a brush;
- rinse the steam thoroughly;
- dry the shoes naturally.
Only clean sneakers can be bleached. Dirty shoes must be pre-washed.
If you don't have bleach in your home, you can use soap. There are bars with a whitening effect, for example, Antipyatin.
How to use it:
- Moisten shoes in areas that need cleaning.
- Lather problem areas.
- Rub them with a brush.
- Rinse your sneakers thoroughly.
- Air dry your shoes.
Laundry and even baby soap is suitable for the care of sneakers. The more foam it gives, the better the yellowness is washed out.
You can treat yellow spots with toothpaste. Instructions for using it:
slightly moisten the surface of the shoe;
- apply the paste to an old toothbrush;
- rub the problem area;
- leave the paste to act for 20 minutes;
- clean the sneakers again;
- wash off and rinse thoroughly with steam;
- dry your shoes.
With this method, you can get rid of yellowness on the fabric and on the sole.
You need to choose those compounds that have a whitening effect.but do not contain blue or red patches.
Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia
Ammonia works well with yellowness on sneakers. It should be applied to clean, dry shoes.
Mode of application:
- Moisten a cotton pad with ammonia.
- Rub the yellowed area.
- Leave to act for half an hour.
- Repeat the procedure until the spots completely disappear.
- Rinse with steam and dry naturally.
When working with ammonia, you need to take care of respiratory protection.
Hydrogen peroxide helps to get rid of yellow spots on shoes... It is used both in pure form and in combination with lemon juice. The components are taken in equal proportions.
We erase again
Sometimes, to make the sneakers white, it is enough to wash them again in an automatic machine. The procedure is as follows:
clean shoes without insoles and laces are placed in a washing bag;
- a gel-like detergent is poured into the compartment of the washing machine;
- wash sneakers in the "sports shoes" or "delicate wash" mode;
- dried naturally.
As a rule, washing the machine twice is sufficient to remove even the most stubborn yellow streaks.
However, only fabric and stitched sneakers will withstand such processing. Adhesive shoes may deteriorate.
How to scrub with baking soda?
This food supplement works great for yellow streaks on sneakers.
Rules for its use:
- Mix baking soda with vinegar at a concentration of 9%. The proportions must be equal.
- While there is a violent reaction, the resulting composition is applied to the yellowed areas of the tissue.
- Rub shoes with a brush.
- Leave for 15 minutes to act, and then clean again
- Thoroughly rinse and dry the sneakers.
Important recommendations
In order not to harm the sneakers when trying to remove yellow stains from them, the following recommendations must be observed:
Any new product needs to be tested on an inconspicuous area of the sneaker.
- White shoes should be washed separately from colored shoes so as not to provoke new stains.
- White shoes are recommended to be washed by hand, not in a machine. This will allow you to immediately notice the spots and especially carefully work out the desired area.
- Do not use powder detergents to wash your shoes.Their components dissolve poorly in cool water, and therefore do not provide the required quality of washing.
- Dry your sneakers it is necessary in natural conditions. They must not touch each other or other surfaces. You can put a white dry cloth or paper inside. When it is saturated with moisture, it is removed, replaced with a new one. Such manipulations must be repeated until the filler ceases to be actively moisturized.
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