Valuable tips on how to wash Nike sneakers: can it be machine-washed or only by hand

foto8537-1The Nike and Nike Air Max sneakers are comfortable and practical shoes that are used not only for sports, but also in everyday life. However, even if it is used carefully, it will inevitably get dirty.

Since the original models are of high cost, it is necessary to approach the issue of washing them especially carefully, following the manufacturer's recommendations.

About whether it is possible and how to wash sneakers Nike in a washing machine, we will tell in the article.

Is it possible?

Nike sneakers can be made from both textiles and natural materials. Nike Air Max shoes are made from genuine leather only.

The manufacturer strongly opposes washing in a washing machine. This applies to all original models.

However, there are exceptions to any rule, since sometimes it is not possible to refuse automatic washing. The washing machine can hold Nike fabric sneakers.

However, under no pretext, the following pairs should not be washed in it:

  1. foto8537-2Nike Air Max models. They are sewn from genuine leather, which does not tolerate machine washing.
  2. Products that have defects in the form of loose seams, emerging foam rubber, etc. Once in the drum of the washing machine, they will deteriorate completely.
  3. Sneakers with a variety of patches, reflective tapes and other decorative elements.

Hand wash is a priority for all Nike models. The manufacturer allows the use of mild detergent solutions for the soles and upper of the sneakers.

Cons of machine wash:

  • severe wear of the material,
  • drying out of the sole,
  • decrease in amortization properties,
  • premature appearance of villi,
  • loss of shape of the sneaker.

Rules for washing Nike sports shoes in an automatic washing machine

If you decide to machine wash your Nike sneakers, you need to do it right.

To begin with, the shoes should be prepared:

  1. Thoroughly clean the sole protector, remove small stones and other dirt from it.
  2. Remove the insoles if possible. It is recommended to wash them by hand.
  3. Unlace your shoes. The laces can be loaded into the drum along with the sneakers, but in a separate bag.

Then you need to decide on the type of detergent. It is recommended to use gel or gel capsules.If the shoes are white, it is allowed to add a little bleach to the machine. It should be gentle, chlorine free.

Do not use powder for washing sneakers, but cleaning performance may be reduced. It contains granules that dissolve poorly in cool water and are also poorly rinsed out in a short period of time.

It is important to choose the correct washing mode. The best option is the sports shoes program. If it is not there, then they set the mode for a delicate or gentle wash.

foto8537-3Adjust the following settings manually:

  • washing temperature: 30 degrees for colored and 40 degrees for white sneakers;
  • the spin mode is turned off;
  • washing duration - 30-40 minutes.

Washing steps sneakers in an automatic machine:

  1. Place shoes in the drum of the washing machine. Do not wash more than 2 pairs at a time.
  2. Some unnecessary light fabric is loaded with them, for example, an old pillowcase. It will act as a counterweight and protect the shoes and the washing machine itself from damage.
  3. Set a suitable washing mode.
  4. Remove shoes from drum, dry in fresh air.

Nike running shoes must not be wrung out. They should dry naturally.

How to clean by hand?

Instructions for hand wash Nike and Nike Air Max sneakers:

  1. Remove the laces and insoles. They are washed separately.
  2. Wipe off dust from shoes with a soft damp cloth.
  3. Place a light-colored fabric inside each sneaker. This is done to prevent water from getting under the insole and causing damage to the sole.
  4. Pour warm water into a basin, dilute the detergent in it.
  5. Soak a brush in soapy water, gently clean your shoes with it.
  6. When the desired result is achieved, the steam is rinsed under running water and the cloth is removed.
  7. Dry the sneakers naturally.

foto8537-4An old toothbrush is a great option for cleaning sneakers. Its bristles have the required degree of rigidity.

With a brush, you can clean not only the sole, but also the top of the product. However, you need to control the friction force so as not to damage the fabric.

Laundry soap, washing powder, dishwashing liquid can be used as a detergent, gel for washing clothes. All of them contain surfactants, therefore they have a high cleaning ability.

You can remove grass marks and other stubborn dirt from the white sole with a melamine sponge. It is sold in any hardware store at a price of 40-60 rubles.

Melamine sponge is easy to use... A small piece is cut off from it, moistened in water, squeezed out and rubbed the contaminated area. During operation, it will decrease in size.

Laundry bag

Laundry bag used when Nike sneakers are processed in an automatic machine. This product is a mesh that is fixed with laces or zippers. Shoes are placed in it before being loaded into the drum.

Thanks to the use of the bag, it is possible to reduce the friction force of the sneakers on the inner surface of the elements of the washing machine. This prevents pilling and decorative stripes and stickers from being pulled off.

The cost of the bag is not high, given that its life is not limited. You can buy the product in stores selling shoes, or in online markets for 200-300 rubles. Products supplemented with shock-absorbing inserts will cost more (about 600-900 rubles).

How to dry?

Dry your sneakers it is necessary correctly, since the final result depends on it. Points to watch out for:

  • foto8537-5the sneakers should dry at room temperature;
  • you cannot take them outside in frost or heat;
  • the steam should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  • it is forbidden to put wet shoes on a heating radiator or next to a switched on gas burner;
  • do not use a hair dryer or heater;
  • for better evaporation of moisture, you need to lift the tongues of the sneakers up;
  • the insoles and laces are dried separately, xx are returned to their place after the shoes are completely dry.

Immediately after washing, you can stuff your sneakers with white paper. When it absorbs water, it is changed. This procedure is repeated until the paper is no longer very wet. Final drying must take place without it.

Important recommendations

To wash Nike sneakers with minimal wastage, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. It is not recommended to use fabric softener for washing shoes. She may react to him in unexpected ways.
  2. To make the shoes less dirty, after washing they need to be treated with a water-repellent and dirt-repellent agent.
  3. To deodorize the insoles and give them a pleasant smell, you can add a few drops of sage or fir essential oil to the laundry detergent.
  4. During drying, it is not recommended to keep the shoes hanging, fixing them with clothespins.
  5. Rinse your sneakers thoroughly after washing so that they do not remain on dirt and particles of detergent. If this is not done, they may deteriorate, or become covered with yellow stains.
  6. Do not use products containing a bleaching agent to wash colored shoes.
  7. It is forbidden to twist the shoes to remove excess moisture from them.
When washing sneakers in the washing machine, you can hear an unusual rumble. It is not recommended to stop the wash cycle because of it. The noise comes from the beating of the hard sole against the drum.

Useful video

How to wash sneakers in the washing machine, how to dry them properly after washing, video tips:


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