Competent actions - a snow-white result, or how to wash white sneakers from fabric

foto8265-1White fabric sneakers look stylish. They go well with just about anything. Their only drawback is that they get dirty quickly.

Even when worn with great care, stains cannot be prevented.

You can restore the lost whiteness of your sneakers by washing them in a washing machine or by hand. However, this must be done correctly.

How wash sneakers made of white fabric, read the article.

Can rag shoes be washed?

Proceed to washing white sneakers needed as they become dirty. Do not wait until they completely lose color. Besides, fresh stains are easier to remove than old dirt.

foto8265-2Automatic wash is not available for all fabric sneakers. It is unacceptable to use this processing method in the following cases:

  1. The shoes are not stitched, all the elements are glued.
  2. There are serious damages on the shoes, for example, threads stick out, the sole comes off, there are scuffs through which the foam rubber protrudes.
  3. A large number of decorative elements are sewn onto the shoes. These can be: reflective stickers, rhinestones, sequins, etc.

Hand wash is considered less aggressive. Therefore, almost any white fabric sneaker can be treated this way. Minimizing contact with water, or avoiding it at all, is recommended only for inexpensive Chinese sneakers.

Before you start washing, you need to familiarize yourself with the information that is indicated on the label... Most often it is located inside the sneaker.

You can also find recommendations for shoe care on the box. The prohibition of automatic washing is indicated by the icon with a crossed out square, inside which there is a circle.

Washing in an automatic machine

Before placing shoes in the drum of the washing machine, you must prepare them properly.

The main steps to be taken are:

  1. foto8265-3Remove the laces and insoles from the sneakers. They are washed separately by hand.
  2. Remove dust and visible dirt from sneakers by rinsing under running water. If pebbles, gravel or any other debris is stuck in the sole, it can be removed with a knitting needle.
  3. Prepare white paper. It will be required during the drying phase.

Before proceeding to machine washable fabric sneakers, you need to take care of the selection of the correct detergent. Powders are not recommended for processing sneakers. Their granules do not dissolve well in cool water, so it will not be possible to completely get rid of impurities.

Better to opt for gel capsules... They are loaded directly into the drum, completely dissolve and penetrate well into the fibers of the fabric, so after washing the sneakers will not leave yellow streaks and visible stains. You can also use liquid laundry concentrates.

It is not recommended to use conditioner as it is not known how the shoes will react to it.

When all the preparatory activities are completed, you can start washing. Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. The selected detergent is poured into the washing machine.
  2. Place the sneakers on the drum. If you wash one pair, you can use an old towel as a counterweight. This will soften the impact of the shoes on the walls of the washing machine during the spin cycle.
  3. Wash your sneakers in the selected mode.
  4. Remove and dry them.

foto8265-4To prevent your sneakers from deteriorating, it is important to choose the correct wash cycle. Most modern cars are equipped with a function called "sports shoes"... This is very convenient, since all the necessary settings are already included in the program.

The optimum temperature for washing a sports pair is 30 degrees. The stitched fabric sneaker can handle spin well, but the number of revolutions should not exceed 500.

If there is no "sports shoes" program, then the shoes are processed in the delicate wash mode (it can be described as gentle). The duration of the stay of the pair in the automatic machine is about 30-40 minutes. This time is enough to rid the shoes of dirt and prevent damage.

It is not recommended to wash steam in the Sport or Fast program. It will not be possible to clean and rinse it in 15-20 minutes.


If you are not sure that the steam will survive the machine wash, then you should not risk it. You can add freshness and whiteness to it manually.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • foto8265-5prepare shoes for washing: remove dirt, sand and dust;
  • dilute the detergent in warm water;
  • soak sneakers for 15-30 minutes;
  • clean with a brush the areas that are more contaminated than others;
  • rinse your sneakers thoroughly in clean water;
  • dry your shoes.

For hand wash sneakers any detergent is suitable. It can be either powder or ordinary laundry soap. The main thing is to thoroughly dissolve it in water.

Dry cleaning

Dry wash does not imply contact with water. This treatment removes greasy stains from shoes. You can get rid of them in the following way:

  1. Remove dust from the surface of the sneaker. This is done with a dry soft brush.
  2. Apply starch to the stain, rub thoroughly with fingertips.
  3. Leave to react for 4-12 hours.
  4. Brush your sneakers.

Thus, it is possible to get rid of fresh stains that have not yet had time to penetrate deep into the fibers of the fabric. In other cases, the method is ineffective.

In addition to starch, you can use flour, talcum or crushed chalk to remove fatty compounds.

We use a bag

Sneaker laundry bag is a small mesh that is fixed with laces or a zipper. Shoes are placed inside it before loading them into the drum of the washing machine.

foto8265-6Benefits of using the bag:

  • protection of shoes from deformation and friction;
  • extending the life of the pair;
  • protecting the drum from getting into it decorative elements that can come off the sneakers during the washing process.

The mesh is reusable. Its price is about 200-300 rubles. For washing white shoes, it is recommended to purchase a light bag with cushioning foam inserts.

Features of drying fabric pair

Inadequate drying of white sneakers can minimize all the effort involved in washing them.

Basic recommendations to follow at drying sneakers:

  1. If the shoe has not been wrung out, then it is left in the bathroom until all the water has drained off.
  2. White paper is stuffed inside each sneaker. It is changed as it gets wet.
  3. Leave shoes to air dry, but not in direct sunlight. If possible, the couple is taken out onto the balcony. The drying process will go faster in windy weather.
  4. It is forbidden to dry sneakers with a hair dryer. Hot air will damage the product.
The sneakers will dry completely in 2-3 days. Until then, do not insert insoles or laces into them. The higher the humidity in the room, the longer it will take for the water to evaporate from the shoes.

If the sneakers are hung on the balcony, then it is recommended to fix them to the ropes not with clothespins, but by the laces that are threaded through 2 holes. After using special clips, dents and stains may remain on the shoes.

Do not dry white steam near heating devices, on heating radiators, near sources of fire.

When do you need to contact the dry cleaner?

If it was not possible to cope with the pollution on your own, then you can turn to professionals... Most often, expensive branded shoes are handed over to dry cleaning. It makes no sense to carry a cheap pair there, since the work of specialists will cost about 1000 rubles.

foto8265-7The service "washing white fabric sneakers" includes:

  • removal of dust and dirt;
  • whitening of the soles;
  • removal of stubborn stains;
  • deodorizing shoes;
  • washing insoles and laces;
  • giving whiteness to all elements of the sneakers.

For an additional fee, a sports couple can be given a lost shape and repaired... When choosing an organization, you need to focus on customer feedback and work experience. The longer dry cleaning has been on the cleaning market, the better.

Before giving money for work, you need to make sure the integrity of all the elements of the shoe. It should be clean and smell good.

Important recommendations

To prevent damage to the product, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. You can use bleach to make your shoes look whiter. However, it is unacceptable to use aggressive detergents containing chlorine.
  2. Do not soak your shoes for more than 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse your shoes well after washing. If powder particles remain in it, this can damage the sneakers.
  4. Do not load more than two pairs into the washing machine.
  5. White sneakers should not be washed with colored shoes.
It is unacceptable to put a newspaper inside wet white shoes. Damp ink will leave stains on the fabric that can be difficult to remove!

Useful video

How to Wash White Fabric Sneakers Video Tips:


White fabric sneakers can be washed by hand or in the washing machine. Which method to choose depends on the strength of the shoe and the elements on it..

Subject to all the rules of cleaning and drying, a sports pair will last a long time and without losing its former attractiveness.



