Simple but important rules on how to wash fabric sneakers by hand and in an automatic machine

foto8044-1Cloth sneakers are more prone to dirt, but they are easier to clean than other types of shoes.

Any type of washing is acceptable here: in a washing machine, by hand or dry stain removal.

How to properly wash fabric (rag) sneakers? It is important to follow a number of simple rules so as not to spoil the fabric.

Is it possible?

Almost all types of fabric sneakers can be washed both in an automatic machine and by hand. It is not recommended to use the washing machine for the following shoes:

  1. foto8044-2Decorated with non-removable crystals, rivets and other decorative elements. During the washing process, they can come off and hit the drain, disable the machine.
  2. With reflective and illuminated inserts. In the first case, the phosphorus is erased, in the second, the built-in microcircuit breaks down from contact with water.
  3. Doubtful quality and with glued sole. Rarely will any glue resist a machine wash, so your shoes will be irreparably damaged.
  4. Badly worn and severely damaged. Most likely, after such a wash, the shoes will no longer be worn. Worse, if the pieces of fabric or foam that have come off damage the drum or clog into the filter. Then you will have to spend more money on repairing the washing machine.

It is better not to risk it if the machine does not have suitable modes for shoes (sports, delicate wash).

It is strictly contraindicated for shoes made of fabric:

  • wash in standard mode,
  • automatic spinning or drying.

For more specific washing instructions, see the label (inside the shoe or included in the package).

Suede sneakers it is advisable to clean it exclusively dry using specially designed products, or resort to dry cleaning. Automatic and hand washing are not acceptable here.

This is due to the fact that such a material is particularly sensitive to water: it coarsens and loses color saturation. This rule does not apply to shoes made of faux suede, they can be washed in any way.

Preparing to wash rag shoes

Before you start washing, the shoes should be prepared:

  1. foto8044-3Take out the insoles and lacing. If there are decorative elements with push-button fixation, they are removed. All this is laid out separately.
  2. Use a stiff brush to clean the sole from large particles of dirt and other stuck debris.
  3. Shake out the sand from the inside by turning the sneakers over.
  4. Moisten the bottom of the sole and leave for a few minutes to soak off the dried dirt. Then wash it off under running water.

If you do not first clean the sneakers from dirt, then during washing it will penetrate deeply into the fabric, from where it will be problematic to remove it later.

In the washing machine

Having decided to use an automatic machine for washing fabric sneakers, the main thing is to comply with certain conditions:

  1. The optimum temperature range is from 30 to 40 ° C. If the water is colder, then stubborn dirt will not be washed off; if it is hot, there is a high probability that the glued sole will come off and the colors will wash out of the fabric.
  2. Recommended modes for washing: "Shoe wash", "Delicate wash", "For wool", "For cotton or synthetics". In the absence of such, the shortest time mode is chosen, since sneakers need to be washed from 30 to 40 minutes. Remember to turn off spinning and drying. If spin is left, then no more than 500 rpm.
  3. It is undesirable to use ordinary washing powder, since it is difficult to wash out and often leaves streaks on the fabric. Gel-like products are preferred. At the same time, conditioners and various flavors are not used. If a white sneakers, then you can add bleach (preferably oxygenated and without chlorine in the composition).

Washing technology in a washing machine:

  • foto8044-4the prepared sneakers are placed in a mesh bag designed for washing shoes in a machine and loaded into a drum;
  • a liquid agent is poured into the compartment of the powder tray, if necessary, add a stain remover or bleach (for white shoes);
  • set the required parameters: mode, temperature, spin speed (not higher than 500 rpm), time;
  • waiting for the end of the wash and drying the shoes.

Up to 2 pairs of shoes can be washed in one run. Sneakers are washed according to the same principle as clothes: you cannot combine white with colored ones.

Additionally, terry towels or any other items are placed in the drum to evenly distribute the load. This will improve the wash performance and prevent damage to the drum.

How to wash fabric sneakers (sneakers) in a washing machine, video instruction:

Laundry bags

We should pay special attention shoe wash bag in an automatic machine. It is necessary to protect the product from damage and protect the drum from damage. These bags are sold in the household departments.

To make the bag useful, it is recommended to choose it according to the following criteria:

  • the material should be dense, but with good water permeability - if it is a mesh, then with small holes so that inadvertently torn off small decor does not fall into the drum;
  • the seams must be strong, without protruding threads;
  • it is important to have hard and foam inserts for cushioning.

It is not recommended to use pillowcases for washing shoes in a washing machine, as they are of no use.


Handwash Is the time-tested and most reliable way to return fabric shoes to their original appearance. If you follow some professional advice, then you can achieve a greater effect than from a machine wash.

Basic rules:

  1. foto8044-6Hot water is excluded, since it has a detrimental effect on the fabric (as a result, the shoes disintegrate and change shape).
  2. The entire washing process should take no more than an hour, including soaking.
  3. It is better to dilute powdered products in warm water beforehand.
  4. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove stubborn stains on the outside, otherwise pellets will appear on the fabric.

To make it easier to wash, the sneakers are soaked first.

The following solutions are suitable for this:

  • baking soda (70-80 g) + table vinegar if the fabric is white (100 ml);
  • shavings of laundry soap (120 g);
  • dishwashing detergent (2-3 tsp.) + vinegar (2.5 tbsp. l.);
  • 5-6 st. l. salt (it helps to remove traces of grass well);
  • all-purpose stain remover or oxygenated bleach.
Any selected agent is dissolved in two liters of water and sneakers are immersed there for 40 minutes. You can apply the resulting composition immediately to the fabric, but then it is kept for no more than 15 minutes.

When bleaching white sneakers, the product must be applied from the outside and from the inside, especially carefully smearing the seams and folds. Otherwise, the shade will differ upon drying.

Upon completion of the preparatory activities, proceed directly to the wash:

  1. foto8044-5Water is poured into the basin with a temperature of 30 to 40 ᵒС.
  2. A little washing powder or gel is mixed in (approximately 40 g of the product is taken for 3 liters of water).
  3. Place the sneakers in the solution and brush the outside and inside with a brush. Insoles with laces are washed in the same way.
  4. The contaminated water is replaced with clean water and the shoes are rinsed in it. Usually you have to do this several times.

This completes the process, it remains only to properly dry the sneakers.

Dry cleaning cloth sports pair

Since not all sneakers can safely tolerate washing in a large volume of water, and there is not always time for drying, they resort to a dry cleaning method.

This means the use of such scrap materials:

  • white toothpaste: applied to dirty areas and cleaned with a small brush (you can take a used toothpaste);
  • hair rinse: rubbed into stains with a sponge, then wipe with a dry cloth;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice and regular soda: first moistened with juice, then sprinkled with soda and peeled;
  • table vinegar (suitable for suede shoes): Apply with a brush and scrub.
The sole is well cleaned of black stripes and various stubborn stains with a stationery eraser. It is enough for them to rub and ready.

And the unpleasant smell from the inside of the shoe goes away if the insoles are washed regularly. You can also put baking soda in your sneakers at night (it is considered the best adsorbent).

How to dry properly?

foto8044-7The final stage will be drying shoes... Moreover, it must be correct, otherwise all work will be in vain and spoiled shoes can only be thrown away.

Dry your sneakers naturally, preferably in a suspended state. It is optimal to place them on the balcony, but not under the scorching rays of the sun. Good ventilation is essential.

To keep the shape, immediately fill the shoes with crumpled paper and change it as it gets wet. Electric dryers can be used when the shoes are almost dry.

How to dry is prohibited:

  • in a drying cabinet;
  • using a hair dryer;
  • on the battery.

Do not wear wet shoes, as they will stretch and become large.

When is it worth contacting a dry cleaner?

It is undesirable to try to clean shoes with complex dirt on your own.... It will be safer to immediately go to dry cleaning. They will do everything quickly and delicately, choosing an effective stain remover.

The package of services includes not only cleaning the fabric surface, but also the soles. Deodorization is a bonus. As a result, the shoes are like new.

Winter fabric sneakers should also be sent to the dry cleaner, so as not to spoil the insulation unknowingly.

Tips and bans

foto8044-8Sometimes after washing sneakers remain on the fabric in the washing machine yellowish erosion. This is possible in the following cases:

  • the washing powder was not completely washed;
  • the wrong mode is selected;
  • improper drying.

If this happens, then they rinse the sneakers well and wring them out in a typewriter, and then hang them over the battery, after pushing the paper inside.

A few more care tips behind cloth shoes, which will further facilitate the washing procedure:

  • systematically use electric dryers;
  • it is undesirable to wear one pair of shoes every day (it is recommended to wear a change at work);
  • it is unacceptable to wash together colored and White running shoes;
  • change old insoles for new ones once a month.
If rusty stains from metal decor appear on textile sneakers, apply a lemon slice wrapped with gauze to them, and press down on top with a hot iron. 10 minutes after this manipulation, rinse this area with clean water.


With regular, and most importantly, proper care, shoes can last more than one season.... Usually, concerns arise before the first wash, but if all recommendations are followed, this procedure can be done up to 3 times a month without damaging the shoes.



