An important question: can suede sneakers be washed in the washing machine or by hand?

foto8065-1New suede sneakers look stylish. However, over time, they lose their former attractiveness.

To restore them to their previous appearance and remove dirt, you can use the washing machine, or clean the sneakers by hand.

They need to be cleaned correctly so as not to spoil either sports shoes or household appliances. How to properly wash suede sneakers, we will tell in the article.

What happens if you wash suede?

It is not always possible to wash suede shoes in an automatic machine. There are a number of restrictions, including:

  1. foto8065-2The presence of buckles, locks, fur inserts and other decorative elements on shoes.
  2. The presence of parts that are fixed with glue.
  3. Defects or loose seams. They will become even more visible during intensive washing.
  4. Very hard outsole or shoe frame. Hard parts can damage the drum of the washing machine.

Contact with water can cause the shoe to lose color and shape. In addition, suede often becomes rough after washing. Therefore, it is not recommended to process a new pair in a typewriter.

As for manual cleaning, you need to give preference to dry methods.... Use water only in extreme cases, for example, when stubborn dirt is present.

What about light-colored shoes?

Light-colored shoes must be cleaned with particular care. A full wash is contraindicated for her.

Do not use force during cleaning. Failure to follow this recommendation will result in deformation of the product.

To remove dirt from your shoes, you can use the following methods:

  1. foto8065-3Steaming. This method is suitable for dealing with stubborn stains. Put a pot of water on the fire and bring it to a boil. The contaminated area is kept over steam for about 5 minutes.

    Remove the stain with a white rubber eraser. If he is not at home, then you can use the stale crust of white bread.

  2. A solution of milk and soda (for 100 ml take 0.5 tbsp. L. Powder)... With the prepared composition, wipe the suede, leave for 5 minutes. Then the contaminated area is blotted with a sponge dipped in clean water.
  3. Corn starch... It does a great job of removing greasy stains on light-colored suede shoes. Sprinkle it over the contaminated area and leave it for 3 hours.The starch is then removed with a soft bristled brush.

Features of cleaning in the washer

Most manufacturers do not recommend washing suede shoes in a machine.

Best suede sneakers wash using a special bag. It will protect your shoes from damage. If there is no mesh in the house, you can use an old pillowcase.

The choice of detergent matters... Do not put dry powder into the washing machine. Preference is given to gels or liquid concentrates. You need to choose those products that are suitable for washing delicate fabrics.

Be sure to take into account the color of the suede. Dyed sneakers are not recommended to be soaked or washed with white products.

If this method of cleaning is the only possible one, you must follow some rules:

  1. foto8065-6Remove the laces from the sneakers, remove the insoles.
  2. Remove all visible dirt: stones, dust, leaves. To do this, they are cleaned with a dry brush. The sole can be rinsed under running cool water.
  3. The selected cleaning agent is poured into the compartment of the washing machine.
  4. Put the toggle switch in the “sports shoes” or “delicate” (“gentle”) washing mode. It sets the parameters that are optimal for cleaning sneakers.

    If the washing machine does not have this function, then the setting is carried out manually. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. The spin is turned off. This will minimize the risk of deformation of the shoe. The less time it is in contact with water, the better.

  5. After the end of washing, the sneakers are removed from the machine and dried in the fresh air. It is recommended to stuff the shoes tightly with light-colored, non-staining paper. This will prevent the product from deforming.

How to wash suede sneakers in a washing machine, video instruction:

Manually: which is correct?

Handwash suede sneakers are considered the most gentle. It allows you to gently remove even the most difficult dirt from shoes.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  • foto8065-4dissolve the selected detergent in warm water;
  • moisten a piece of gauze in the resulting solution and squeeze it;
  • apply the composition to the contaminated area - it should become wet;
  • leave the product on the sneakers for a few minutes;
  • after the specified time, rub the stain with a soft brush until it completely disappears;
  • remove the soap solution with a clean, damp sponge;
  • after processing is completed, the sneakers are dried naturally.
It is not recommended to completely soak your sneakers in a bowl of soapy water. They resort to this method only when the shoes are heavily soiled.

Products you can use to hand wash your suede sneakers:

  1. Laundry soap... In order for it to dissolve better, it is rubbed on a grater.
  2. Dishwashing liquid such as MYTH or Feri... It is applied to the contaminated area and left for 5 minutes. Then remove with a damp sponge.
  3. Liquid stain removers such as Vanish... The gel is applied to the stain and kept for about 15 minutes, after which it is removed with a sponge dipped in cool water.

The less the suede is in contact with water, the better.

Dry cleaning from dirt

Dry cleaning can remove light stains on suede sneakers. This is the most gentle method for removing dirt from shoes. Most often it is used when processing light-colored suede.

There are several methods for dry cleaning:

  1. foto8065-5Cleaning brush suede shoes and nubuck. With its help, you can remove simple dirt. Simply wipe them off. Movements should be light.
  2. Rubber eraser... Use this stationery to remove dirt and dust adhering to your shoes.

    Gently rub the stain with an eraser until it completely disappears. You need to choose a white, not a colored elastic band, which has not been previously used.

  3. Talcum powder or baby powder... Powders are used to remove greasy stains that have recently been obtained.Sprinkle talcum powder on the stain, leave it on the shoe for half an hour, and then shake it off with a brush. You can use a damp cloth to completely remove dirt.
  4. Laundry soap... They rub the stain dry with it. It is not necessary to wet it first. The soap is left on the shoe for 15 minutes, after which it is rolled up with a rubber brush. All dirt will be removed with it.
If you get chewing gum or wax on your sneakers, they should be sent to the freezer for several hours. The frozen material can be easily scraped off with any blunt object.

How to clean suede sneakers quickly and effectively, the video will tell you:

Laundry bag

Sneaker laundry bag is a mesh, fixed with laces or zippers. There are shock absorbing inserts inside it. They provide additional protection for shoes and the rotating parts of the washing machine.

foto8065-7Mode of application:

  • pour the selected detergent into the compartment of the washing machine;
  • place sneakers in the net;
  • start a wash cycle, excluding spinning and drying;
  • after cleaning is complete, the steam is taken out of the bag and dried in the fresh air.

For white suede sneakers, use light-colored cloth bags.

How to dry?

Dry your suede sneakers properly. If the basic recommendations are not followed, the shoes will become stiff and lose their attractive appearance..

Do not put suede sneakers next to heaters. They do not tolerate contact with the radiator.

The best thing dry shoes in the fresh air, although this process cannot be called fast. It may take 2 to 4 days.

To shorten the drying time, you can place a crumpled piece of paper inside the shoe. After a few hours, it is removed. It will absorb excess moisture, making your shoes dry faster.

Tips to speed up the drying process sneaker:

  1. foto8065-8Leave shoes in a well ventilated and low humidity area.
  2. Bring the steam out to the balcony. However, for her you need to find a place that is protected from direct sunlight.
  3. Use a hairdryer. This method is used only in extreme cases. The device is turned on at minimum power and the sneakers are blown through them, keeping them at a distance of at least 20 cm. It is impossible to influence one place with a jet of hot air for too long.

It is recommended to dry the insoles separately. Sneakers are laced only after all the moisture from them has evaporated.

When should you go to the dry cleaner?

Natural suede shoes are expensive. If your shoes are new but heavily soiled, you can dry clean them. Experts will expose the steam to professional detergents, remove all stains with high quality and dry it thoroughly.

Before paying for the services provided, you need to ask the dry cleaning staff if they can remove stains without harming the shoes.

Criteria for a well-done work:

  • lack of spots;
  • softness and even color of suede, without scuffs;
  • removal of unpleasant odor.

You will have to pay about 1,500 rubles for the classic cleaning of sneakers. For this price, the client will be provided with the following range of services:

  • foto8065-9removal of stubborn dirt, salt deposits, oil stains, dust and dirt;
  • washing insoles and laces;
  • removal of pellets;
  • deodorizing shoes;
  • combing suede and covering it with special compounds;
  • restoration of the shape of sneakers.

Also in dry cleaning you can use the shoe restoration service... Its cost starts from 2500 rubles.

The craftsmen will not only remove stubborn dirt, but also paint the pair in any color, restore damaged elements and carry out other work.

Important recommendations

To remove dirt as much as possible from suede sneakers, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. It is only necessary to resort to treating shoes with water, or washing them in an automatic machine only in extreme cases.
  2. Do not wear wet sneakers, you must wait until they are completely dry.A lot of dust will stick to wet shoes, which will be difficult to clean.
  3. Only use white paper to dry your sneakers. A colored newspaper can stain your shoes, leaving unsightly stains on them.
  4. To remove dust from suede, use special brushes. They are sold in hardware stores and shoe dealerships.
  5. Suede does not tolerate rough handling.
If after removing the stains the color of the sneakers has become less bright, it can be restored using special aerosols.


Suede sneakers require careful wear and cleaning. You can cope with minor contamination on your own using improvised means. If the stains are difficult, then their removal should be entrusted to professionals.



