Convenient and useful attribute: what is a shoe washing bag and how to use it?
Bags for shoe washing in the washing machine - a convenient and useful attribute that helps protect equipment from breakdowns.
The absence of a bag is not a reason to abandon the planned cleaning of the sneakers - you can use alternative options or purchase a suitable model.
Let's figure out why you need a bag for washing shoes in a washing machine, how to choose it, how to replace it, and whether you can make it yourself.
Why is it needed?
Sneakers - the shoes are bulky and quite heavy. They should be washed from time to time to keep them clean. This can be done conveniently with a washing machine.
But when the drum rotates, such a pair can not only be very frayed, but also damage the unit itself... The job of the shoe net is to prevent this from happening.
The bag itself is a mesh device with sealed inserts and a secure fastener. It is designed for one pair of shoes.
The inner part of the drum has protrusions that rub against the shoes when untwisted, throwing them up. This impact can be considered intense, especially given the bulk and weight of the shoe.
Advantages of using special meshes:
- protection of shoes from deformation and friction during the washing process;
- if any small part detaches from the shoe during washing, it will not damage the drum;
- protection of the drum of the machine from intense impact and shock.
Varieties of models and their differences
There are several types of nets designed for washing sneakers.
They differ in the following parameters:
- the size and type of cells;
- form;
- size;
- type and material of seals;
- overall design.
The material used is synthetic - nylon and polyester. They are resistant to temperatures and wear, do not deform under the influence of water. All nets are large enough to hold just a pair of sneakers.
The most popular products in this category:
Name | Manufacturer | Price, rubles | Size, cm |
Metaltex | Italy | 800 | 32 x 42 |
Rayen | Spain | 1 000 | 34 x 16 x 19 |
Eve | RF | 250 | 39 x 23 x 17 |
Java | RF | 350 | 42 x 22 x 14 |
Tarlev with rectangular inserts | Ukraine | 300 | 33 x 17 x 16 |
Tarlev with round inserts | Ukraine | 250 | 28 x 27 x 10 |
Package usage rules
Before you put your shoes in the bag, you need to prepare them:
- Pull out the laces.
- If the insoles are not glued, then you need to get them out.
- Clean the steam itself from dirt, and the sole too. It is advisable to remove even small stones that are stuck in the embossed grooves.
Wash insoles and laces separately using laundry soap or gel... The sole is washed in water, cleaning with a brush. Dirty shoes should not be machine washed.
After the shoes are prepared, you can start washing:
Check the integrity of the mesh structure.
- The sneakers should be put in a bag and zipped.
- As such, the mesh is placed in the drum.
- Washing gel is poured into a container for powder in the washing machine (it is preferable to powder).
- Set the mode "washing sports shoes". If there is no such regime, then “delicate”.
- The spin is turned off.
- The temperature is set from +30 ºС to +40 ºС.
- The machine is started.
- After the end of washing, the sneakers are taken out and dried.
- The mesh is also dried.
- Store the bag with a zippered closure.
If there is a choice, it is necessary to set such a mode in which the contact of the product with water and the cycle duration will be minimal.
How to choose the right one?
In the retail network and on the Internet, you can find a fairly large assortment of bags. A prerequisite - it must be designed specifically for washing shoes. Other options are not suitable.
Choosing a shoe bag, you need to consider such points:
the size;
- accuracy and thoroughness of manufacturing (straight lines, no hanging threads, etc.);
- the presence of high-quality seals;
- zipper functionality;
- reliability of the material of manufacture;
- convenience of the model for use;
- the presence of additional elements that allow you to hang the net for drying shoes.
The size of the grids can vary significantly. For those with average foot sizes, this is not a problem. But if the size of the sneakers is very large, you need to pay special attention to the dimensions of the bag.
How to replace the cover if it is not there?
If there is no ready-made mesh available, but it is necessary to wash your shoes, a white cotton pillowcase will do... They put shoes in it and tie an impromptu bag on top. This will prevent the sneaker from loosely dangling in the drum, but will not completely resolve the issue.
Optionally for washing sneakers sometimes bags are used to store or carry shoes... Their difference is in the material of manufacture, as well as in the absence of shock-absorbing inserts. For washing, you can use only those that allow moisture to pass through well.
If the shape and material allows them to be used in a typewriter, this circumstance can be used. But they also cannot serve as a full-fledged replacement for an industrially manufactured bag.
Self-made mesh
If there is no special bag, but there is cotton or curtain fabric (tulle), you can make it yourself. For this, a 0.5 x 0.5 m cut is suitable.
The material is folded in half and sewn on a sewing machine (or sewn by hand) on both sides... One side is left unstitched.
But neither a pillowcase nor a self-sewn bag provide good cushioning. Terry towels, which can even be put directly into the bag along with shoes, can compensate for this shortcoming to some extent.
The top of such a bag, after placing the sneaker in it, is sewn up or tied. But the absence of stiffeners makes the use of the home version an unreliable protection.
Issue price
You can buy a cover in the following places:
- in the networks of large sports stores;
- in the departments of household chemicals;
- order online.
The cost of goods depends on the model, manufacturer and place of purchase... The price of a bag of domestic production starts at 250 rubles, the cost of imported ones is much higher, up to 1,000 rubles. All of them must have shock absorbing inserts.
Carelessly made, poorly stitched, made of flimsy material, and poorly sewn bag, can fail at the most crucial moment. therefore pay attention to product quality.
The openings of the mesh should not be too large, so that if any element comes off, it does not fall into the drum. The ribs must be strong to provide good protection against drum impacts.
If sports shoes are customarily dried, directly suspended in a net, then the bag should have additional elements that provide this.
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A shoe washing bag is a useful and very convenient purchase. Its purchase will allow you to quickly and better cope with the washing of sneakers without damage to the washing machine and the sports shoes themselves.