Tips and Ways to Wash Your Mattress from Urine at Home
Urine stains on the mattress are difficult to remove. It is not enough just to get rid of stains, you also need to remove the persistent smell.
It will not be possible to cope with the problem only with the help of water, and some products cannot be wetted at all.
How quickly and efficiently wash the mattress from urine at home and not spoil it, read the article.
How to remove a fresh stain?
Fresh urine stains are easier to remove from the mattress than old ones. Therefore, you need to start the procedure immediately.
If the product has a cover, it is removed and sent to the washing machine.
- Collect the puddle with a dry cloth that absorbs moisture well. Blot the fabric with paper napkins. Rub and press on the stain so that the liquid does not seep deeper into the fabric.
- You can neutralize uric acid with a table vinegar... It helps to get rid of persistent odors. Vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3, poured into a spray bottle and evenly distributed over the stain. Excess moisture is removed with napkins.
- Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on top of the stain. It is left on the surface of the product for 15 minutes. Reacted with vinegar, baking soda will effectively cleanse the mattress and absorb the smell.
- After 2 hours, the mattress is vacuumed.
It is not recommended to make the bed immediately, it needs to be ventilated. If possible, the mattress is taken out into fresh air for 10-12 hours. This will get rid of all foreign odors.
If animal urine gets on the mattress, hydrogen peroxide is additionally used. Urine from cats and dogs has a pungent odor and the ability to be absorbed into tissue fibers.
This will create a thick foam. After 2 hours, the remnants of the product are removed with paper napkins and a vacuum cleaner. This method is only effective when the stain is fresh and has not yet dried.
How to clean?
When starting to clean the mattress from urine, you need to study the information on the care of a specific product... Depending on the type of berth, the methods of its processing differ. For example, products made from coconut coir cannot be wetted, and holofiber mattresses are not afraid of water.
In order not to spoil the bedding, not to provoke the appearance of pellets and holes, you must familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations, which are indicated on the product label. If there is no tag, then use the general instructions.
The foam mattress is not afraid of water, but it should be wetted sparingly. To remove urine perform the following sequence of actions:
Take off bed linen and mattress topper. They are washed separately.
- Moisten the stain with plain water. It is applied with a sponge so that the product does not get too saturated.
- Boers are poured over the entire area of the spot. It is a mineral detergent that has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. Burr is excellent at eliminating odors and can be used to clean children's mattresses. Boric acid is sold in a pharmacy or gardening stores. The cost of 1 kg of powder is about 60 rubles.
- After 10-15 minutes, the borax is swept away with a brush. The remains of the product are collected with a vacuum cleaner.
Wadded, bamboo, silk
Cotton mattresses are afraid of moisture. The more they get wet, the more they deform. The fiber will roll, and it will be uncomfortable to sleep on such a product. Therefore, you need to clean it correctly.
Spread a cotton mattress on the floor or other flat surface.
- Dissolve laundry soap or liquid powder in warm water.
- Use a sponge to treat urine stains, clean them with a soft brush.
- Remove foam with a damp, clean cloth.
- Rinse the brush and rub the mattress again. If foam forms, remove it again with a soft, clean cloth. The treatment is continued until the remaining detergent is washed out of the product.
After washing, the product is taken out into fresh air and left to dry completely. Shake it periodically so that the cotton wool is evenly distributed.
Bamboo and silk mattresses can be machine washed if they are the right size. When the item is large, it is hand-worked.
Key recommendations:
- the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees;
- washing is carried out in a gentle mode, setting the minimum permissible number of revolutions;
- rinse the product 3-4 times;
- spin is turned off.
If after washing there is a smell, then a cotton, silk or bamboo mattress is treated with vinegar and soda, after 2 hours it is vacuumed.
Spring loaded
Spring products cannot be filled with water, washed with a hose or shower... Moisture that gets inside will not evaporate, it will rot and spoil the base. Springs will rust, and molds will multiply in the bowels of the product.
Therefore, citric acid is used to remove stubborn urine stains from the spring mattress. The acid will discolor the stain and neutralize odors, but will not harm the fabric or internal machinery.
Use it as follows:
- 2 tsp are dissolved in 0.5 l of water. citric acid;
- the composition is applied to the stain;
- after 2 hours, the area is blotted with napkins and vacuumed.
Wool mattresses are not afraid of water, but they do not tolerate high temperatures. Boiling water will damage it. You can get rid of urine stains using one of the following recipes:
- Aspirin. Dissolve 1 tablet in 1 liter of water. The area is treated with this agent, left to act for 1-2 hours.
- Vinegar and ammonia... The components are mixed in equal proportions, applied to the stain and left for 2 hours.
- Combined composition... Mix 1 tbsp. l. toothpaste, 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 4 tbsp. l. starch. The composition is applied to the stain and left to act for 3 hours.
You can use any composition of your choice. When it works, the mattress must be washed by hand or in a typewriter. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. The spin is turned off. You cannot twist the product by hand.The water should drain off on its own.
A mattress filled with coconut coir cannot be washed. Water reduces the functionality of the product, which causes it to deteriorate quickly.
You can dry clean your urine stain. For this the product is slightly moistened with water and sprinkled with soda... After 2 hours, the mattress is vacuumed and ventilated during the day.
If you can't get rid of stains and odors, you need to contact a dry cleaner. Since washing a mattress with coconut flakes is prohibited, you need to take care of its additional protection. The best option is to use a waterproof mattress topper.
It will not be difficult to wash a mattress from a holofiber from urine. If the dimensions permit, it can be loaded into the machine.
Basic conditions:
- Water temperature up to 60 degrees.
- Speed of turns 600-800.
- Additional rinse 1-2 cycles.
- Detergent: liquid powder or softgels.
How to dry after washing?
You cannot use a wet mattress. If you cover a wet product with a sheet, mold microorganisms will multiply in it, an unpleasant odor will appear.
Helpful information:
you need to dry the product on a flat surface so that there are no creases and dents on the mattress;
- the product must be turned over regularly;
- it is not recommended to dry the thing in direct sunlight and next to the included battery;
- while the mattress is wet, you need to evenly distribute the filler in it;
- do not iron the product or blow it out with a hairdryer.
Drying time depends on the thickness of the product and on the type of filler. Cotton wool and foam rubber dries the longest. Water evaporates faster from holofiber and latex.
Important recommendations
To remove urine stains chlorine must never be used... It is a powerful chemical, but not suitable for mattress treatment. Sleeping in a bed soaked in bleach is not the best option, especially for children.
Heavy or rigid orthopedic products cannot be machine washed or hand washed... They are processed only in dry cleaning. Alternatively, you can call specialists at home.
Before you start treating the berth with a new detergent, you need to test it on a small area and track the reaction of the fabric.
You can find out how to properly wash bedding here.
Useful video
How to quickly remove urine stains from a mattress, the video will tell you:
Getting rid of urine stains on your mattress is difficult, but if you follow the guidelines, you can deal with them at home. The most effective remedies are: soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.... Complex treatment will allow you to remove not only yellow stains, but also an unpleasant odor.