Delicate handling, or can swan down pillows be machine washed and hand washed

foto2576-1A pillow is a delicate product designed to ensure a sound and quality sleep.

It is delicate because it requires proper care, otherwise a product with any filler can become a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms, the removal of which will take not only a lot of time, but also funds.

Down is an ideal filler for pillows, inexpensive but durable, which has a number of positive qualities: it quickly regains its shape and does not have a specific smell.

But to ensure a long operational life of a swan filler product, you should know how to properly handle it, namely, wash it.

Is it washable?

So, is it possible and how to properly wash a pillow from swan down? Swan down pillows can be washed by hand or in the washing machine. But before loading the pillow into the washer, it should be properly prepared.

The process of preparing a product from a swan filler:

  1. foto2576-2Carefully knock out the product on the street... Dust and small debris are things that can remain in the product even after washing. You should get rid of them first.
  2. Buy special covers... A tip that applies to pillows with all types of filler: it is better not to wash without a cover. If it is not possible to purchase special covers, you can use a simple pillowcase, tying it tightly around.
  3. Divide content into several equal parts... Many experts recommend that you do not wash your swan down pillow as a product, but do it in parts. The quality of washing with this approach increases several times. Another positive point is that the drying process is faster.
  4. Place each part of the filler in a cover or an old pillowcase... If you load the fluff without a cover into the washing machine, this will not only damage it, but can severely clog the drain of the household appliance.

If there are no covers and time for knocking out, then washing products from swan down can be carried out like that. But the quality will remain at too low a level, and dust remaining between the fibers will be the first cause of ugly stains.

In a washing machine

Firstly, many users advise against washing down pillows, but simply purchasing new products. This is due to the fact that after each washing process, this type of filler greatly loses its positive qualities.

Secondly, there is an opinion that fluff should not be loaded into the washer at all. Both the first and second assumptions are wrong. Swan down can be washed well both in the washing machine and by hand.

For a correct process you need:

  • high-quality product preparation,
  • expensive powder or other household product,
  • selection of a suitable temperature regime for the washing machine.

Basic rules for high-quality washing of pillows with swan down:

  1. foto2576-3Choosing the right mode... The best mode for fluff is delicate. But do not forget about the water temperature, which should not exceed 30 degrees. If the delicate mode is automatically set to more than 30 degrees in the washing machine, then this parameter should be manually adjusted or excluded altogether.
  2. Selecting the correct spin mode... The correct spin for products made from swan filler is no more than 400 revolutions. If this parameter is higher, this can significantly harm the filler.
  3. Choosing a good powder... The most basic parameter is the correct choice of washing powder or gel. Usually, such products are expensive, but they are cheaper than buying new pillows.
Now in household chemicals stores you can purchase special capsules for washing pillows. In the middle of the capsule there is a gel that dissolves in water during washing.

Such products not only wash the fluff with high quality, but also have a very reasonable price.


Many manufacturers of household chemicals say with confidence that hand washing is better for swan down than in a washing machine. An important distinguishing feature is at the same time, the filler does not stray into lumps, which are very difficult to dry later.

How to properly wash a swan down product by hand:

  1. foto2576-4The pillow and the filler are washed separately, so the first step is to open the pillow, pour the filler into a separate container and soak in water at a temperature of up to 30 degrees.

    The minimum time for soaking swan fluff is 3 hours.

  2. After 3 hours, mix the fluff thoroughly in water with washing powder, then squeeze through a colander. Having wrung out the filler, it should be rinsed in clean water. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  3. Divide the washed filler into several equal parts. Place each part in a special bag or an old pillowcase. Try to make sure that there is a little fluff in the bags - this will simplify the drying process.
  4. Place bags or pillowcases out in the open air or in the sun. Shake the bags every 30-40 minutes and turn over.

This hand wash method is also suitable for other types of fillers, such as bamboo or environmentally friendly synthetic materials.

Process Features for Artificial Substitute Products

Artificial down is a synthetic material that is very different from natural filler. And it requires an appropriate approach when washing.

foto2576-5Artificial litter is best hand cleaned... The process is not much different from washing a natural product, with the exception of household powder or gel.

Here you need to purchase the appropriate anti-dirt agent in synthetic fibers. The cost of such a tool does not differ much from the standard one.

The best way to quickly smooth out wet synthetic mass is to add some special conditioner to the water while rinsing. The conditioner will make the fluff soft and straighten it efficiently.

Soaking synthetics is not recommended, it is better to start washing immediately. Squeezing the fluff out in the water with gentle movements and fingering it with your hands. After 7-8 times of such a leisurely spin, the synthetic material can be rinsed.

The rinsing process is very important, as excess moisture will be the first cause of deterioration of synthetics.

How to dry properly?

Drying a pillow is just as important as washing itself.And if this process is performed incorrectly, then the result, to put it mildly, will not live up to expectations. For example, terrible stains as a consequence of improper drying after hand washing.

Criteria for the correct drying of the product from swan down:

  • foto2576-6Drying can only take place outdoors. For the quality of the process, the contents should be divided into small, but equal parts. Put each part of the filler in a special bag;
  • Drying on a battery or drying with a home hair dryer are the main ways to make swan fluff completely unusable. The same applies to spinning at high speeds in the washing machine;
  • After hanging in the open air, the bags with filler should be whipped and turned over every 30-40 minutes. Firstly, this speeds up the drying process, and secondly, it does not allow the fluff to turn into a homogeneous mass, which will lead to the purchase of a new product.
The main thing to remember from this paragraph is that you cannot dry down pillows near an open source of heat, for example, a battery. This will permanently make the filler unsuitable for further use.


The article consistently describes how to wash pillows from both natural and synthetic down.

Each of the listed types of materials has its own characteristics., not taking into account that you can achieve only one thing - to bring the product into a completely unusable state.



