Proven recipes and ways to remove yellow stains from a white shirt
A flawless white shirt always looks good. But it is with such clothes that the most problems are in terms of maintaining its whiteness.
Most often they encounter yellowness of various origins and sweat stains. Sometimes even the best quality whitening products fail to cope with this phenomenon.
But you should not retreat, since there are many proven ways to counteract yellow spots. About, how to wash a shirt white from yellow underarm sweat spots at home, you can learn from this publication.
How to get rid of jaundice at home?
If the yellow marks on the white shirt are fresh, then getting rid of them will not be difficult. Time-tested folk recipes will help with this. Here are some of the most effective:
Hydrogen peroxide
Before using peroxide to remove yellow spots, clothes should be soaked for a couple of hours in soapy water... To do this, rub the laundry soap on a fine grater and dissolve in hot water (200 g per 5 liters).
After that, the contamination is treated with peroxide. If you hear a characteristic hiss, then the process is running. After half an hour, they rinse the item and wash it in the machine in the usual way.
After applying peroxide, the shirt should be thoroughly rinsed... Otherwise, after the first walk under the sun, yellow spots will appear directly from the remaining peroxide.
Salt removes yellow spots of any etiology well. It is enough to dissolve it in warm water (it will take 20-30 g per glass) and rub into the yellow spots on the shirt. Let the solution completely absorb into the fabric, and then just start washing.
Another equally effective remedy for all types of fabric is soda. It will take only 4 tsp. in a glass of water. You can also add some dish detergent.
In this case, proceed in the same way as the recipe for peroxide - first soak the shirt in soapy water... In the meantime, prepare the appropriate solution: pound 2 aspirin tablets, dissolve the powder in a small volume of water and stir until completely dissolved.
The resulting solution is applied to yellow stains and left for 2-2.5 hours. Then rinse and wash.
You can replace aspirin with dry fuel (sold at any pharmacy).
Chicken yolk and denatured alcohol
Yolk and industrial alcohol (denatured alcohol), mixed in equal proportions, are good for sweat stains... The finished solution is applied to sweat marks and left for several hours. Then they are washed in a standard way.
They can actually remove yellow stains on the shirt, but it doesn't work for all white shirts. Since it is an acid capable of corroding especially delicate fabric, it is used exclusively for cotton and linen (they are stronger and will withstand such an effect).
After such actions, after about 20 minutes, the yellowness disappears. Even if something remains, after washing in a typewriter, everything disappears without a trace.
Use ammonia to reduce yellowness permissible only for cotton and linen fabrics... It is necessary to mix salt, soda and ammonia (each 0.5 tsp), then dissolve in 200 ml of warm water.
The liquid is gradually poured onto problem areas and rubbed with a brush. Leave the thing for 2-3 hours, rinse it and put it in an automatic machine for subsequent washing.
Since the spots on the collar and cuffs are the most saturated and difficult to remove, then a highly concentrated ammonia-saline solution is prepared for them. Each component is taken 1 tsp.
A stronger formulation is required to get rid of stubborn underarm sweat spots. Here gasoline is taken in combination with ammonia. Rub the stain first with one component, then with another. The main thing is to keep the fabric wet.
After such manipulations, the shirt is rinsed and washed. And so that there is no smell left, they are dried in the fresh air.
Features of removing underarm sweat stains
Many are faced with a situation where unsightly yellow stains appear on white clothes under the armpits. They are easily washed off if you do not delay with washing., and do it immediately after removing the thing. It is enough to throw it into the washing machine with ordinary bleaching powder.
But it's worth a shirt or blouse to lie down a little and then it's problematic to get rid of the stains.
Only in this case, a number of important points are taken into account:
before using products based on gasoline and other aggressive inclusions, check the type of fabric;
- this option is not suitable for synthetics (nylon, nylon), wool and silk, otherwise the clothes can then be thrown away;
- when washing sweat traces, you cannot take hot water (the optimum temperature is 30 ᵒС), otherwise the problem will only worsen;
- you cannot use chlorine-containing bleaches and whiteness - they, on the contrary, make the stains even darker.
When choosing household chemicals to remove sweat stains, it is better to use the oxygen-containing stain removers Vanish or Persol. The powder is diluted with water to a mushy state and applied to the armpit area, then the clothes are soaked with the same Vanish and added to the washing machine when washing.
To reduce yellowness from sweat from delicate fabrics, it is recommended to make the following mixture: 15 drops of glycerin and 2-3 drops of ammonia... If it is wool, then this composition is diluted with a small amount of warm water.
Another effective substance is thiosulfate. You can buy it at a pharmacy or household chemicals department. The crystals are dissolved in warm water and applied to dirt, and then the clothes are rinsed.
How to return the whiteness to a yellowed shirt?
Modern means will help to restore the original whiteness of the shirt.So, a good result was noted when washing with the use of Ariel capsules. With them, even preliminary soaking is not required. But this option is only acceptable for cotton, and for synthetics and white clothes with colored inserts, it is better to choose some kind of mild bleach.
Along with oxygen brighteners, optical... Here are the most popular brands: Belofor, Heliofor, Hostalux. For those who want to return whiteness to yellowed things, this is ideal.
Preliminarily, sweat marks are moistened with warm water and rubbed with soap, then the clothes are immersed in boiling water for 30-40 minutes. Remember to stir it constantly. You can add Persol. After turning off, the shirt is left in a saucepan with a solution for 7-8 hours, after which they start rinsing.
The following remedies cope well with yellowness on synthetic clothing:
Laundry soap shavings... She is poured into a special compartment of the washing machine. Wash in the usual way, only followed by a double rinse and better with conditioner.
- Powdered bleach and vegetable oil... The first component will require 80 g, the second - 2-3 tbsp. l. Add 150 g of washing powder and 40-50 g of any stain remover to them.
All components are diluted in hot water (5 l) and clothes are soaked in it overnight. In the morning they wash in the washing machine.
- Lemon acid... Make a solution from it: 1 tbsp. l. lemon powder per liter of slightly warmed water. A yellowed shirt is placed in it.
Tips for washing machine and hand
So that white things always please with perfect whiteness, you should use a number of professional tips:
- Before choosing one or another method for removing yellow spots, take into account the composition of the fabric. Cotton and linen products can be cleaned by almost any means, except for concentrated acids.
- Natural wool and synthetics will not survive high friction during washing, high water temperatures and aggressive stain removers. For example, gasoline, acetone and white alcohol are contraindicated for polyester, vinegar for viscose, and alkaline detergents for silk.
- If found on white clothes, yellowness is not delayed with washing. It is inadmissible to put on such a thing again.
- It is better to reduce yellow stains on the material from the inside of the product by placing a piece of cloth under the soiled area.
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