Basic rules on how to wash white shirts

foto9423-1At least one white shirt should be in every wardrobe, as it is versatile and fits into any style.

But it is not so easy to keep it unchanged. To do this, you need to know the basic rules for washing white clothes.

How right wash shirts white in the washing machine and hands, how to get rid of stains so that it becomes snow-white again, we will tell in the article.

Preparing for washing

To understand whether you can or cannot wash a white shirt in a washing machine, you should study the label. It usually contains important recommendations from the manufacturer.

If there is no washing icon, then they are guided by the type of material:

  1. foto9423-2Cotton - it is permissible to wash by hand and using an automatic machine. Perhaps the product will shrink by 5%.
  2. Silk - only hand wash without soaking is shown. The water temperature should not exceed 30 ° C.
  3. Wool - can be washed in any way. Only for machine washing, set the mode for woolen products and without spinning.
  4. Synthetics - machine washable at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.
  5. Artificial fabric (viscose, modal and others) - preferably hand washing in cool water. In this case, the thing can shrink by 7-8%.

Before the main wash, soiled laundry should be prepared:

  1. Sorted by color. White shirts and blouses should not be put into the washing machine along with colored and black things. Otherwise, painting is inevitable. You can put blue or slightly pink shirts together with white shirts, but provided that they do not fade.
  2. If strong contamination is found, they are pretreated with something. Usually, the cuffs and collar, as well as the underarm areas, are more affected.
  3. The product is fastened with all buttons and turned inside out.
  4. The contents are laid out from the pockets.
The detergent is selected depending on the type of fabric. So, for cotton shirts, any (powders, improvised) are suitable, for silk and woolen shirts - special, for synthetic - gentle.

The next step is soaking, which significantly improves the quality of the subsequent wash.... It is recommended to make a soapy solution (laundry soap or bleaching detergent will do).

If you don't have a ready-made stain remover or bleach at hand, you can prepare the following mixture for soaking: pour a little powder into the water, 1 tsp. soda and 2-3 drops of ammonia.

Is it possible in the washing machine: on what mode, at what temperature?

After completing the preparatory measures, they start washing in a typewriter, if this is not contraindicated for a white product.

At the same time, certain rules are observed:

  1. foto9423-3How many degrees to wash? The optimum temperature is set up to 40 ᵒС in the “Delicate wash” mode. Linen and cotton shirts can be twisted at 90 ᵒC, synthetics at 50 ᵒC.
  2. It is not forbidden to use ordinary washing powders, but it is preferable to take gel-like ones.
  3. It is undesirable to include the "Spin" and "Ironing" functions. Things made from delicate fabrics can deform from this. It is better to gently squeeze them out with your hands, without twisting them too much.

It is recommended to place the viscose jacket in a special bag before loading it into the drum. Then it is guaranteed not to suffer during the washing process.

How to hand wash properly?

First, work separately with stains on the fabric... They are moistened with water and applied with a stain remover or some kind of effective folk remedy.

You can take ammonia with glycerin in a 1: 1 ratio, soda with lemon juice. Or rub the dirt with laundry soap.

Only after these steps start the main wash.


  • foto9423-4warm water is poured into a large basin;
  • add liquid detergent or powder, then stir until foam forms;
  • immerse the thing and begin to wash it with gentle massaging movements;
  • when pushing up, they do not make much effort and do not twist into a tourniquet.

White shirts made from delicate fabrics are best hand washed to reduce the risk of deterioration. It is permissible to add a little bleaching agent without chlorine to the water.

How to bleach fabric to make it snow white?

In a white shirt, the cuffs and collar are most susceptible to contamination. It takes a little effort to give them and things in general a fresh look.

Before washing the whole thing, rub the moistened collar with a brush... The cuffs are fastened with buttons, turned inside out and pulled over any container of a suitable size (for example, a bottle).

Then rub the contaminated areas with laundry soap or Antipyatin. Only without fanaticism, so that the fabric does not tear. You can use dish soap instead of soap. Then the product is washed by hand or in a machine.

In order to make the shirt enjoy perfect whiteness after repeated washing, it is recommended to use oxygen-containing bleaches. Vanish is quite suitable, which is used according to the instructions on the package.

From folk remedies, hydrogen peroxide gives a good whitening effect.... To prepare the solution, you will need shavings of laundry soap (150 g), which is dissolved in 5 liters of warm water.

40-50 ml of peroxide is added there. Then, in the resulting composition, the thing is soaked for half an hour. Then it is rinsed and washed.

Getting rid of stains at home

Not surprisingly, any stains are immediately visible on white fabric. Their origins vary. AND in order not to spoil the thing, you need to know how to properly remove this or that stain.

If time permits and there is no experience in dealing with stains on the fabric, it is better to dry-clean the item.

From foundation and lipstick

Often on the collar of men's shirts, you can find traces of lipstick or foundation from careless touches of companions.

foto9423-5Since such stains contain fats in their composition, then only the appropriate means can cope with them:

  • a combination of lemon juice and baking soda;
  • liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • Toothpaste;
  • ammonia;
  • industrial stain remover.

After processing with any of the above, the thing is washed in the usual way.

From tea and coffee

Tea and coffee drips are good enough to remove the following products:

  1. A mixture of ammonia with glycerin, taken in equal proportions. It is applied to ink and rubbed lightly with a brush. After that, rinse with cool water.
  2. The pure peroxide used to treat the stain is then sprinkled with salt. Wait until it is completely dry and remove with the same peroxide.
  3. Rub the dirt with laundry soap. Only pre-moisten the fabric.

From brilliant green

It is quite problematic to wash Zelenka from white fabric, but possible. Here are some of the most productive options:

  1. foto9423-6Liberally blot the contaminated area of ​​the fabric with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, take a clean piece of white material and periodically wet it in peroxide, gently rub the stain.

    This is done until the greenery is completely leveled. Then the product is washed normally.

  2. Dilute alcohol with lemon juice. A cotton pad is dipped into the resulting liquid and work with the stain with unhurried movements.
  3. Pour white vinegar onto the green spot and wait a few minutes. If it is not discolored, then repeat the procedure. Only after it has completely disappeared can you start washing.

From red and white wine

The fresh wine trail is not so difficult to remove if the appropriate action is taken immediately. Therefore, it is not recommended to tighten.

They resort to one option:

  1. The shirt must be removed immediately, spread out on a flat surface so that the dirty cloth does not come into contact with the clean one. If it is red wine, then pour over the stain with slightly warmed up white wine or vodka.
  2. Sprinkle the contaminated area generously with iodized salt. Then boiling water is poured on top and after 1-2 hours the item is washed.
  3. Dry the stain thoroughly with a dry cloth. Then powdered citric acid is poured or poured with juice of any citrus.
  4. For dense fabrics, liquid Domestos is suitable. The stain is impregnated with it and after 5 minutes rinsed in cold water.
Regardless of the method chosen, then the thing must be washed by hand or with a machine, using detergents with bleach.

When the shirt has suffered from white wine, then they do this:

  • rub the wine stain on the fabric with an ice cube;
  • wash with soap and soda solution (1 tsp each of liquid soap and soda is diluted in a glass of water);
  • wash with detergent, then rub with laundry soap and rinse;
  • wash away the traces with a water-alcohol solution (the components are taken in a 1: 3 ratio);
  • combine ammonia, turpentine and soap (1: 1: 10) and apply to the stain, and wash after 10-15 minutes.


foto9423-7First, look at how fresh the stain is. If the paint has time to dry, then first clean it with a brush. Then the contaminated cloth is placed under a stream of cold water.

Partially the paint will be washed off, and laundry soap or Antipyatin is applied to the remaining trace... You can make gruel from Vanish.

If it is soap, then wait 25-30 minutes, stain remover - 5 minutes. Then the item is washed at a mode not exceeding 30 ° C.

During the removal of the coloring matter from the material, use exclusively cold water... Otherwise, the paint will only eat into the fibers and then you will not remove it.

From the handle

You can use pure alcohol (70% strength) to remove ink marks from a white shirt.

The pharmacy also sells the drug "Aseptolin", which effectively copes with such spots.

What to do with yellow stains?

Ordinary detergents cannot cope with yellow streaks on a white shirt. But there are a number of proven ways to restore pristine whiteness:

  • use oxygen-containing bleaches and stain removers (effective if the stains are fresh);
  • boil clothes with chlorine-free bleach (suitable for cotton and linen shirts);
  • mix in equal proportions liquid soap, salt and soda until a thick mass is formed, then apply it to the yellowed places and wash it after half an hour.

How to remove yellow spots of sweat on white clothes with Aspirin, the video will tell you:

How to dry?

The drying method for white shirts will depend on the fabric from which they are sewn. This is the only way to avoid their deformation.

Optimal recommendations:

  1. foto9423-8A high-quality product that practically does not wrinkle is hung by the collar on a rope. Better if the drying is in the fresh air.
  2. A shirt made of delicate fabrics is first placed on a hanger, and then on a balcony.
  3. The viscose shirt is first dried in a horizontal position: laid out on a previously laid terry towel.

    When all the moisture comes out of the thing, the product is hung on a hanger and allowed to dry.

Before sending the washed shirt to dry on a hanger, they fasten it with all the buttons and straighten the collar, as well as all the folds on the fabric.

Tips and bans

So that white things last as long as possible and do not lose their original appearance, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  • linen products are preferably hand washed with chlorine-free cleaning agents;
  • do not regret water when rinsing;
  • do not load too many things into the machine drum at the same time so that there is enough free space;
  • dry white shirts preferably in the fresh air, but not in direct sunlight;
  • when washing with a machine, choose a delicate or manual mode to protect the fabric from damage;
  • viscose and silk products are washed without spinning, synthetic - with spinning at 800 rpm.


Following these tips, you can keep the original whiteness of the shirt for a long time. It is important not to cover things up to the point where nothing can be done with them.



