Affordable, inexpensive and effective laundry detergent: soda and how to use it

foto13263-1Soda or sodium bicarbonate is an inexpensive and effective tool that is used to wash things.

Despite the abundance of modern powders with the most advanced formulas, it has not lost its popularity. Its “secret of success” is very simple - low cost and high efficiency.

Read about why baking soda and soda ash is used for washing clothes in an automatic washing machine and with your hands, how to use it correctly and when you cannot do this, read the article.

Beneficial features

Soda is used as an alternative or partial replacement for washing powder. It can be found in some brands of detergents. It allows you to improve the quality of washing, remove stubborn stains and whiten things.

Pros of using soda for washing:

  1. foto13263-2Effective removal of dirt from fabrics.
  2. Getting rid of things from grayness and yellowness, from old stains.
  3. Water softening.
  4. Descaling the washing machine.
  5. Removing unpleasant odors from fabric.
  6. Safety: sodium bicarbonate does not cause allergies, does not provoke skin irritation. It can be safely used for washing children's things.
  7. Strengthening the action of washing powder.
  8. Affordable price.

The only drawback of baking soda is that it cannot be used to wash delicate items. They do not tolerate contact with abrasives, so liquid detergents are used to care for them.

When can you use it and when you can't?

Soda can be used for hand and machine wash. It is added when boiling clothes in order to better bleach them. Almost anything can be washed with baking soda.

The exceptions are:

  • membrane clothing;
  • wool and silk;
  • synthetic fabrics;
  • leather and leatherette;
  • rubberized things;
  • velvet, suede, velor.
Cotton and linen, mixed fabrics with a dense structure can withstand washing with soda.

It helps to remove the following types of stains:

  1. foto13263-3Wine, coffee Tea
  2. Body fluids, for example blood or sweat.
  3. Fat.
  4. Ketchup.
  5. Traces from the grass.
  6. Paint, ink.
  7. Iodine and brilliant green.

Overalls are often washed with her, she helps to cope with stains from:

  • fuel oil,
  • kerosene,
  • gasoline.

How to wash clothes correctly?

For washing with baking soda to be effective, you need to use it correctly. The way it is used is different, depending on whether things are processed by hand or in a typewriter.

In a washing machine

Bed linen is often washed in a baking soda machine, kitchen towels and not only.


  1. Load items into the drum of the washing machine.
  2. Pour baking powder into the main compartment. For a standard dose of washing powder, take 2 tbsp. l. sodium bicarbonate. If the fabric is heavily soiled, its amount is increased to 5 tbsp. l.
  3. Switch on the extra rinse function.
  4. Wait for the end of the cycle.
Soda is used as a means for removing scale and unpleasant odors that can appear during prolonged use of the washing machine. To do this, it is poured into the powder compartment and the wash cycle is started, but without the laundry.

When manually processing laundry

foto13263-4Hand wash with baking soda is most often done with soaking. This will maximize the effect of its application.

For 1 kg of things you will need:

  • water - 10 l;
  • soda - 10 tsp.

If the contamination is not too serious, things are soaked in a warm solution for 60 minutes. In the presence of persistent stains, this time is increased to 3-10 hours.

The stains are rubbed with a brush. After processing, the item must be thoroughly rinsed.

Dilute baking powder in water carefully.... The better it dissolves, the more effective it will be.

What to combine food with?

You can combine soda when washing with various substances. They mutually reinforce each other's action and allow you to wash things more efficiently.

Most popular recipes:

  1. With hydrogen peroxide... This substance allows you to whiten things qualitatively. To prepare the solution, you will need 3 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l. sodium bicarbonate and 1 tbsp. l. peroxide. In the resulting solution, the fabric is soaked for 30 minutes. The product can only be used for light colored products. Dark things will become paler.
  2. With ammonia... The recipe for the solution: 5 liters of water, 5 tbsp. l. soda, 2 tbsp. l. ammonia. Things are soaked for 30 minutes, after which they are washed as usual. This composition helps to remove stains from tea, coffee, wine, cosmetics.
  3. foto13263-5With vinegar... The thing is spread on a flat surface, sprinkled with soda and sprinkled with vinegar. For an even distribution of the composition, you can use a spray bottle.

    The foam is spread evenly with a brush. After 2 hours, the product is washed. The combination of vinegar and baking soda helps remove sweat odors and traces from the fibers of the fabric. An effective solution for removing blood stains.

  4. With laundry soap... To prepare 5 liters of washing solution, you will need: 5 tsp. baking powder, 3 tbsp. l. soap shavings. The substances are mixed and dissolved in hot water. Things are soaked for 20-40 minutes, after which they are washed as usual.
  5. With boric acid... To prepare the solution, you will need: 2 liters of water, 10 g of pharmaceutical boric acid, 2 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tbsp. l. any soap. All components are thoroughly mixed. Products are soaked for 30 minutes. Such a composition is effective against any contamination, including the most persistent.
  6. With turpentine... To prepare the stain remover you will need: 1 tbsp. l. turpentine, 1 tsp. sodium bicarbonate. The mixture is applied to the stain, left for an hour. Then the dirt is gently rubbed with a soft brush and washed as usual. This composition is used to remove stains from paint, cosmetics, ink, gouache, watercolors.
  7. With dishwashing liquid... At 2 st. l. liquid gel will require 2 tsp. soda. The composition is applied to the stain and left for 2 hours. This product removes any grease from the fabric.
  8. With starch or talcum powder... The powders are mixed in equal proportions. They are used for dry cleaning of things, for example, from suede. The composition is sprinkled with spots on the product, gently rubbing them with fingertips. After 1-2 hours, the powder is brushed off.

For machine washing, soda is combined with washing powder.It is not recommended to pour any other means into the device so as not to damage its internal elements.


Precautions to be taken when using soda:

  1. foto13263-6When hand washing, use gloves to avoid drying out your hands. This is especially true when they have small cracks or scratches.
  2. Do not wash delicate fabrics such as wool or silk with baking soda.
  3. Take care not to get powder in eyes. If this happens, they must be rinsed with plenty of water.
  4. The pack is kept tightly closed in a dry place. If moisture gets into it, the baking powder will clump.
  5. The higher the water temperature, the more active sodium bicarbonate manifests itself. In hot water, its whitening power is enhanced. This must be taken into account when washing colored and dark fabrics.

Important recommendations

Before you start washing, you need to read the advice of professional laundresses:

  1. Things should be rinsed thoroughly. Otherwise, white streaks will remain on the fabric. Baking soda does not harm the material with a short contact, but if it remains in the fibers after washing, they will slowly break down.
  2. Before washing, you need to take into account the information that is indicated on the product label.
  3. Soda can be used as a water softener.
  4. Do not rub the baking soda stain too hard, as the abrasive can damage the fabric.
  5. Baking powder is used for washing diaper, sliders, undershirts. This food supplement will not provoke an allergic reaction in your child. Therefore, it is often used by mothers of babies suffering from diathesis.
Soda absorbs odors well. It is enough to pack the baking powder into fabric sachets and put them in the pockets of the thing from which unpleasant aromas emanate. The smell should disappear after 2-3 days.


Soda is used for hand and machine wash. It is added for a variety of purposes: whitening, tough stains and tissue disinfection.

Sodium bicarbonate is combined with:

  • laundry soap,
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • ammonia and more.

Soda can be classified as an effective, safe and inexpensive laundry detergent.



