Experienced backpacker advice on how to wash a sleeping bag
Outdoor enthusiasts often use a sleeping bag. So its contamination is inevitable, even with a careful attitude, which forces you to resort to washing.
With the right approach to this process, it will be possible to preserve the operational properties of the product for a long period.
Is it possible and how to properly wash a sleeping bag in an automatic washing machine and by hand? This will be discussed in the article.
Is it possible and in what cases?
Many tourists ask a reasonable question: "Can the sleeping bag be washed?" Opinions on this matter are mixed.
Since such a product requires a delicate approach, then frequent mechanical action is contraindicated for him... This applies to both synthetic and natural models.
Despite the restrictions, it is impossible to completely abandon cleaning, since the sleeping bag loses its thermal insulation characteristics from pollution. But they try to do it less often, only as needed (once a year is enough).
Hence it follows that washing in an automatic machine is highly undesirable, since it is associated with a strong physical effect on the filler. Preferably hand wash or dry clean.
It is recommended that you check the manufacturer's label before choosing how to clean your sleeping bag. It contains basic tips for caring for the product in the form of pictograms - what you can and cannot do.
If the bag gets dirty locally, then it will be enough to wash only these places. When a full wash is required, they do it according to the rules. It is better to wash the old bag with your hands, otherwise it will creep at the seams in the machine.
Preparing the sleeping bag for washing
Preparation of a sleeping bag for washing includes a number of stages:
Take out the bag from the compression cover and take out all the little things (scarves, socks, sweets, etc.) from the pockets.
- Shake the product to free it from the sand that has gotten inside.
- Close all zippers and relax puffs.
- Examine the thing for damage and eliminate them.
- Hang the sleeping bag outdoors to dry.
- Remove stains with a clothes brush. Whitespirt copes well with greasy marks.
- Then the bag is turned inside out on the wrong side and wiped with soapy water. Then they are dried again.
If such cleaning is not enough, then they resort to hand or machine wash (in the absence of a prohibition on the tag from the manufacturer).
When quickly cleaning the sleeping bag, it is recommended to drop a little potassium permanganate into the soap solution... This will help eliminate unpleasant odors from the fabric.
What is the correct way to wash in a washing machine?
To wash your synthetic sleeping bag, regular laundry detergent is fine. The main thing is that it has no whitening effect.
AND for downy items, it is preferable to take special detergents, which prevent the leaching of natural animal fats from the filler.
Sleeping bags require a front-loading washer. For bulky items (winter or autumn version), a large tank is required, designed for 5-6 kg of linen.
Following actions:
Set the "Delicate wash" mode at a temperature of 30 ᵒС. The spin is turned off. Additional rinse can be activated (if available).
- The appropriate detergent is poured into a special compartment. There is no need to add conditioner.
- Start the program.
- Do not remove the sleeping bag immediately after turning off the machine. Let it lie inside for about half an hour so that excess moisture can drain off.
- It is carefully removed so as not to damage the rigid inserts and laid out on a vertical surface for drying. If water is still flowing from it, then newspapers or a terry sheet are placed under the bottom.
After the product is completely dry, it can be rolled up and stored.
Manual processing
Washing a sleeping bag by hand is considered to be more gentle than washing it with a machine. True, it is laborious.
Algorithm of actions:
- Fill the bathroom with warm water (no more than 30 ° C) and add detergent. Then stir by hand until it is completely dissolved.
- Before the bag is immersed in water, it is rolled up as tightly as possible so that air can escape. For the same purpose, you can stomp on the sleeping bag with your feet when it is already in the water.
- Then proceed to the direct washing. At the same time, they do not make much effort, they do not zealously rub and do not compress the material.
- Drain the dirty water and pour in clean water for rinsing. This is done repeatedly until the detergent is completely washed out of the fabric (the water should stop foaming).
Drying and storage
To prevent the product from losing its thermal insulation characteristics, it must be properly dried.
Lay out on a flat horizontal surface or a special stationary dryer... You must first open all the zippers.
It is strictly forbidden to hang the sleeping bag from the loops in the head and leg area. They are designed for ventilation, so they can burst under the weight of a wet bag.
The permissible temperature for drying the bag is from 18 to 25 ᵒС. Do not place the product near heaters and batteries, and exposure to direct sunlight is also contraindicated.
A synthetic sleeping bag will dry for about a day, and dry for at least 5 days. During this time, do not forget to periodically stir up the bag so that the down filling does not crumple.
To speed up the process, you can put the sleeping bag in the drum of the washing machine for 2-3 days of natural drying and scroll it on the "Drying" mode (if any) at low temperatures.
It is recommended to put some tennis balls in the drum. This will distribute the down filling evenly and spread out.
Sleeping bag storage rules:
- before putting it into storage, make sure that it is not raw;
- you can store a travel bag in several ways: in a hanging position (by throwing it over a clothes bar or rope), in a straightened form under the bed (where there is good ventilation) or in a spacious cotton or mesh bag;
periodically take out a sleeping bag to shake and ventilate, otherwise condensation will accumulate in it;
- do not keep the bag under the sun for a long time, which leads to the destruction of the fabric;
- put cotton balls soaked in lavender oil into the stored bag (this will give it a fresh scent);
- do not leave chocolate and candy in the pockets.
It must be remembered that the accumulation of sebum, sweat, dust and other contaminants during operation leads to a loss of the thermal insulation properties of the sleeping bag. Therefore, you need to sleep in it in clean linen or use an insert.
When is it worth contacting a dry cleaner, how much will it cost?
Since washing a sleeping bag on your own is a rather laborious task, then you can make your life easier and resort to the help of professionals... This is especially true for natural sleeping bags with heavy dirt.
In dry cleaning, a sleeping bag is first examined by a specialist and reads the information on the tag. If there is no marking, then he will independently decide on the method of cleaning. Here, they will not only remove any stains, but also eliminate unpleasant odors.
The cost of work will depend on the size of the sleeping bag, the quality and wear of the material, as well as the degree of pollution. On average, the price varies from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles.
Tips and bans
In order for the washing process to go smoothly, it is important to adhere to a number of professional tips:
individual stains can be easily removed with a sponge dipped in soapy water;
- you cannot use an activator-type automatic machine with vertical loading for washing, which will inevitably lead to damage to the product;
- do not use conditioners and bleaches;
- it is unacceptable to wring out the sleeping bag with your hands - the water should drain arbitrarily;
- to the place of drying, the sleeping bag is transported in a basin so as not to tear it;
- it is inadmissible to dry with a hairdryer or on a battery;
- drying in a typewriter is prohibited, bypassing the natural one (high temperature can lead to deformation of the product).
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Camping equipment, which includes a sleeping bag, needs careful handling. But this does not exclude the need to clean it. While not often used, the right approach is important. Only then will the product last more than one year.