Valuable tips on how to wash colored items

foto13693-1It is always recommended to sort the items before any wash. This rule also applies to colored clothing.

To wash it, you should select special products. It is recommended to wash colored items according to the instructions.

Let's take a closer look at this process: how to wash colored things at home in a washing machine and by hand, at what temperature.

Joint processing capability

Not all colored fabrics can be washed with each other. It is important to consider two nuances. The first is a combination of colors of things, the second is a combination of materials from which they are made.

Products of different colors with each other

When washing multiple colored items it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  1. foto13693-2You can wash things together in color shades close to each other. This applies to the combination of blue and green clothing, yellow and orange, red and pink.
  2. Linen made from contrasting fabrics must not be machine-washed or hand washed, such as yellow and blue, green and red, blue and orange, gray and orange, blue and pink.
  3. Colored items made from the same or matching fabrics can be washed together. This applies to things made of cotton, linen, chintz and coarse calico. Colored synthetic items may be put in the wash together. Cashmere and wool garments can be washed together. You can combine clothes made of silk with synthetics.
  4. Colored cotton and linen with synthetics must not be washed together. This also applies to items made of wool and cotton, wool and flax.

Even if two items are of the same color, but sewn from different materials, they should not be washed together.

Together with black

It is recommended to separately handle such items, especially if one of them is light in color.... It may change color when washed. Also, do not combine black and colored underwear made from different materials. In this case, it may shed.

Colored and black clothes can only be washed together on two occasions. Both items must be sewn from the same material or from two washable fabrics (cotton and linen). The colored item should be dark.

When washing black and dark blue or black and dark brown things, the second in both cases will not suffer. Even if there is any color defect, it will not be noticeable.

Is it allowed in conjunction with light?

foto13693-3Such products must not be washed together in any case.... White laundry almost always suffers from joint washing.

It is often dyed in a different shade and becomes unusable. When sorting garments before washing, the first thing to do is to separate colored from whites.

Read about how to properly wash white clothes here.

Detergent selection

The specified type of products can be processed with both powders and gels... You can use capsules and soap.

It is recommended to choose a powder in cases where a colored item needs cleaning from stains. This product removes dirt better. The powder is also recommended when colored clothing needs to be hand washed.

The capsules should only be used in a machine wash. They are also suitable for dirty items. The dosage of the powder in them is optimal. They also contain the required amount of stain remover.

Gels are more suitable for washing colored clothes in a typewriter. They should be chosen in cases where the fabric needs to be restored to brightness. The gels are only suitable for washing lightly soiled clothes. They are designed for use in non-hot water (up to 40C).

Laundry soap is recommended for soaking colored fabrics. This product should be used when the laundry is heavily soiled or stained on it for a long time.

Can the same gel or powder be used for white and multicolor?

foto13693-4It is forbidden to wash any colored laundry with powder or gel for white clothes. These products contain bleach.

Often they can contain chlorine - such a substance negatively affects the quality of multi-colored linen... After washing, it may become less bright and saturated. Stains may appear on it.

White clothes are sometimes allowed to be washed with powder designed for colored fabrics. But you shouldn't do it often. Continuous washing may cause white laundry to turn gray or yellow over time.

Sorting and preparation rules

It is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  1. First sort the laundry by color. Lay out white, black and colored items separately.
  2. Sort colored items separately. Place dark and light colored clothes separately.
  3. Separate items sorted by color according to their type of fabric. You can group cotton and linen garments and separate them from wool and silk. Put synthetics separately. Sort delicate colored and lace underwear into a separate pile.
  4. Arrange things depending on the mode of washing. Colored towels and bed linen are placed separately. They are washed at a higher temperature. Other things should be washed at a low temperature.
  5. Sort products according to their degree of contamination. Very dirty clothes and items with old stains should be placed in a separate pile.
If the items are heavily soiled, it is recommended to prepare them for washing by soaking. You can use laundry soap for this.

They rub the problem area of ​​the thing and leave it for an hour. You can also soak the entire garment in soapy water for several hours.

Turn multicolored laundry inside out before any wash.... This way it will better retain its color.

Washing instructions

These clothes can be washed by hand or in a machine. For each method, the water temperature is selected. In the first case, the products can be soaked. It is also important to rinse and wring them correctly.In the second case, you must select the desired washing mode.

In the washing machine - at what temperature?

To effectively wash things in a typewriter, you must:

  1. foto13693-5Place in it previously sorted and, if necessary, soaked laundry.
  2. Pour powder or gel into the compartment. If a capsule is used for washing, then it must be placed in the drum of the machine itself.
  3. Switch the setting to delicate mode.
  4. Disable spin mode.
  5. Wash clothes at a temperature not exceeding 40C.

After washing, the laundry is immediately pulled out of the machine and sent to the dryer. You should not leave it in the “washing machine” for a long time.

Manual cleaning - at how many degrees?

To effectively wash things by hand, you must:

  1. Collect water in a basin. It should be at room temperature. It is allowed to use water with a temperature of 300C and a maximum of 400C.
  2. Pour powder into a basin. Its dosage is determined based on the number of things.
  3. Put clothes in the basin. If it is heavily soiled, then you can soak it in a basin for 1-2 hours. You can also rub the problem areas with laundry soap.
  4. After soaking, it is recommended to change the water in the basin and add fresh powder to it.
  5. To wash things with your hands by gently rubbing them. Pay special attention to the areas of the armpits, collar.
  6. Drain the basin. Wash it and pour cool water into it. Thoroughly rinse the washed textiles in it.
  7. Squeeze the clothes lightly and hang them up to dry.
A hand wash will wear out much more slowly than a machine wash.

Difference for new and old clothes

foto13693-6Newly colored items can be washed frequently... It is recommended to do this much less often with old products, because they are already sufficiently worn out.

New textiles can be washed by hand or machine. For the old, hand wash is more suitable. It is gentle and prolongs the life of the product.

New colored laundry can be washed with different products. It is recommended to choose gels for washing old... Powders wear out products faster. Gels extend the life of these items and slightly improve their color.

While new clothes can be washed at 40C, old and worn ones are best washed at a maximum of 30C. With this temperature regime, it can serve for some more time.

For information on whether you need to wash new items after purchasing them, read article.

Nuances for different fabrics

It is important to consider the following differences in washing colored things made from different materials:

  • cotton with linen is best washed at a maximum of 40C;
  • silk products must be washed only by hand at a maximum water temperature of 30C;
  • silk cannot be wrung out, as it forms folds that are difficult to smooth;
  • silk products should not be rubbed, only handing over the material is allowed;
  • woolen things can only be washed by hand at a temperature of 20C;
  • when washing colored wool, use only soap;
  • half-woolen products are best washed in a machine on a delicate cycle;
  • colored synthetics can be washed by hand and in a typewriter, but at low temperatures (30C is enough).
It is better to wash linen and cotton fabrics with laundry soap. It is recommended to wash colored wool with silk and synthetics with liquid soap.

Removing various types of stains

On shirts and T-shirts, yellow spots appear most often in the armpit area. Also, there are often traces of drinks on things. Often there is a need to wash things from rust and grease stains. Pen and felt-tip stains are especially corrosive.

Yellow under the arms

It is recommended to use alcohol to remove traces of sweat from clothes. This requires:

  • foto13693-7take 96% alcohol and dilute it in water - it is enough to dilute 120 g of alcohol in 220 g of water;
  • moisten a cotton pad in the solution;
  • treat it with a yellow spot around the entire perimeter;
  • wait a couple of hours;
  • wash the product.

It is allowed to add a small spoonful of salt to the alcohol solution.

From drinks

It is recommended to use vinegar to remove traces of tea from things.

  1. Take a large spoonful of vinegar and mix with 1/2 small spoonful of dish soap.
  2. Stir the mixture.
  3. Treat the stain with it.
  4. Wait 15 minutes.
  5. Wash off with tap water.
Coffee stains are best removed with a mixture of vinegar, detergent powder, grated laundry soap and warm water.

One small spoonful of each component is enough. They are all mixed and applied to the dirt. The mixture is washed off after 20 minutes.

Wine stains are removed with ammonia... It is necessary to abundantly soak a cotton pad with it and carefully wipe the wine trail. You need to wait 10 minutes. After that, the procedure can be repeated, after which the item can be washed.

From rust

foto13693-8Such contamination should be removed with lemon juice.

This requires:

  • pour 5 large tablespoons of lemon juice and the same amount of cold water into a wide glass;
  • dip clothes into the solution in the place where there is a rusty spot;
  • wait 15 minutes.

At the end, you need to rinse the item under running cold water and wash with powder.

From fat

Salt and laundry soap are used to get rid of grease stains:

  1. The greasy stain is soaked with a paper towel.
  2. Salt is poured onto it abundantly and left for 5 minutes.
  3. The stain is rubbed with laundry soap and covered with a plastic bag.
  4. The item is left for half a day.

After processing, the product is washed in a machine or by hand.

From pen and felt-tip pen

Means for cleaning pen and felt-tip marks are selected taking into account the basis of these writing instruments:

  1. foto13693-9If the pen or felt-tip pen is water-based, then the stains from them are washed off with laundry soap or ammonia. It is enough to rub the thing with a bar of soap, wait 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

    If ammonia is used, then a cotton pad soaked in it must be carefully treated with contamination, and then rinsed with cold water.

  2. If the pen or felt-tip pen has a fat base, then the stains from them are removed with vegetable oil. The thing is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in it. After that, the product must be washed with powder.
  3. Stains from pens and felt-tip pens based on paint filler, can be washed only with solvents. It is necessary to treat the contamination with a cotton swab dipped in acetone. This should be done for only a couple of minutes. Then the product must be washed.
Traces from an alcoholic marker are removed with a mixture of medical alcohol and grated laundry soap.

Both components are mixed until a pasty state. The gruel is applied to the stain and rubbed in with a toothbrush. After that, the clothes should be washed with powder.

Restoration of color brightness at home

For products of different colors, different means are suitable for maintaining their brightness:

  • rinse yellow, pink and blue fabrics in 9% vinegar solution (125 ml of vinegar per 6 liters of water);
  • rinse blue and red things with soda (add a small spoonful of soda to a liter of water);
  • Rinse green linen in a solution based on alum (one large spoonful of alum for 5 liters);
  • rinse brown and cream clothes in a solution based on tea leaves (its color is selected taking into account the tone of the thing).

To give the previous brightness to blue clothes, you can use blue. It dissolves in water to a shade that matches the color of the thing.

How to dry?

foto13693-10Do not put linen to dry in the sun... Under the influence of its rays, the thing fades faster and loses its brightness.

Products must be hung out to dry in a dark place. Before that, they need to be turned out to the wrong side. When drying, it is better to keep items of contrasting colors at a distance from each other.

You will find basic rules for drying clothes after washing here.


Colored items need special conditions for washing. This concerns the temperature of the water used for it. It should not exceed 40C, and for some types of linen - 30C.

Also, colored items must be sorted before washing.They are always washed separately from black and white clothes.

You should also sort and wash products made from different materials under different modes.... Colored things can be returned to their previous brightness. At the same time, different products are suitable for clothes of different colors.

Drying should be done according to special rules. The main thing is to avoid the sun's rays when drying them.



