How correctly and can a sheepskin coat be washed in a typewriter and by hand?
In the process of wearing, artificial and natural sheepskin coats get dirty. A problem arises: is it possible to wash these things, and what is the best way to do it so as not to spoil an expensive wardrobe item?
Despite all their size and massiveness, these are things that require delicate care, taking into account all the nuances of the material.
We will tell you in the article about whether it is possible and how to properly wash a sheepskin coat - artificial, made of suede and other materials - in an automatic washing machine and by hand.
Should it be washed?
Thoughtless washing of a sheepskin coat in an automatic machine can make even a very high-quality thing unusable. In order to be confident in the correctness of your actions, it is recommended that you first study the label for the product.
The peculiarity of caring for a natural sheepskin coat is associated with the material from which it is made.
The surface of the skin for her is treated in a special way, strength is achieved by tannins.
Despite all processing and impregnation, natural material does not tolerate water well, contact with which can ruin its appearance.
If you need to refresh and clean a thing, it is recommended to use one of the following options:
- use dry cleaning;
- purchase a cleaner for a sheepskin coat at a household chemicals store;
- use the services of professionals - dry cleaning.
It is impossible to wash a natural sheepskin coat in water, even by hand.
A winter artificial sheepskin coat is a less demanding thing to care for than a natural one. When planning to wash it, you need to make sure whether the product can be wetted.
Automatic processing in a typewriter for such things is not desirableeven if approved by the manufacturer. More delicate care is provided by hand care.
Wet cleaning
Wet cleaning of a product is not a wash, but the most delicate treatment, which does not lead to complete wetting of the thing.
Natural material
Product care should take into account the color of a warm natural coat. For a light sheepskin coat, a milk-based product can be considered a good option.
To prepare it you will need:
- hydrogen peroxide;
- ammonia;
- milk.
- Pour 1 glass of milk into the container.
- Add 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
- Mix.
The bristles of the brushes are moistened with the resulting composition and passed over the product from top to bottom, preventing excessive moisture. After the sheepskin coat is processed, it is hung on a trempel in a well-ventilated place to dry.
If the milk in the recipe is replaced with water, then this cleaning method is suitable for a sheepskin coat of any color. You can try to clean a dark-colored sheepskin coat with undiluted kerosene. To do this, use a cotton swab or dry cloth.
How to clean an artificial one?
Manual wet cleaning of an artificial sheepskin coat requires take into account such points:
- do not soak the thing or leave it in water;
- it is recommended to use liquid detergents, it is better - special ones designed for the care of artificial fur and leather;
- high-quality rinsing of the detergent composition must be ensured so that streaks do not form.
For processing you will need:
- a free horizontal plane on which it will be possible to lay out the sheepskin coat during cleaning, for example, the bathroom floor;
- an old sheet or other fabric that can be used to cover the place on which the thing will be laid out;
- a bowl;
- warm water;
- washcloth;
- trempel;
- liquid cleaner.
Washing should be done in stages:
Preparation - dry cleaning and brushing.
- Collect warm water in a bowl.
- Dissolve the detergent in water.
- Place the sheepskin coat on a horizontal plane, on the sheet with the fur down.
- Carefully clean the sheepskin coat with a washcloth moistened with soapy water.
- After cleaning has been carried out, the item should be rinsed. To do this, the coat is hung over the bathroom on a trempel, and the soap composition is washed off. A shower head or scoop is suitable for this purpose.
During the cleaning process, you should avoid wetting the fur, as it may stick together and not recover after drying.
Dry cleaning
Option dry cleaning - the most gentle way of leaving... It can be applied to both natural and artificial coats.
If there are greasy spots on the top coat, they should be treated separately. It is better to act as follows:
- Sprinkle over oily areas with talcum powder or starch.
- Rub in lightly.
- Brush off the surface.
- Repeat the processing several times.
Individual overwritten areas can be restored using a regular stationery eraser. Another option is to use a rubber bristle brush that can be lightly moistened with ammonia.
Dirty areas on a leather sheepskin coat are scrubbed even with semolina. To do this, you need to act according to the following algorithm:
- Put on a glove.
- Take a small amount of cereal in the palm of your hand.
- Rub the stained area.
- Shake off the rest of the cereal.
- Repeat processing.
How to clean a sheepskin coat with a decoy, the video will tell you:
Stains and localized soiled areas can be cleaned without a full wash. As in the case of a natural sheepskin coat, you can use talcum powder or starch.
These substances have the property of absorbing fat, so they can be used in case of grease, for example, in sleeves or pockets.
Washing in water: when is it allowed?
Washing in water is prohibited for products made from natural materials. With artificial - it all depends on the manufacturer's recommendations. But even in this case, there can be difficulties - not every large item will fit into the drum of the washing machine.
If for a lightweight unnatural sheepskin coat there is no ban on washing in an automatic washing machine, then you can try cleaning like this:
Put the thing in the drum.
- Use liquid detergent and pour it into the powder compartment.
- Set the mode "delicate", "hand wash" or "for bulky items".
- Set the spin to a minimum (no more than 400 rpm) or turn it off completely.
- Correct the water heating temperature - it should be + 30 ° С.
After the end of the wash cycle, the item must be removed from the drum immediately.
Manual processing is also not difficult:
- Draw warm water into a tub or large basin.
- Dilute the detergent.
- Dip a thing.
- Use a soft brush to brush over the material.
- Rinse several times.
- Squeeze through a towel.
- Dry on a hanger in a well-ventilated warm place.
The sheepskin coat cannot be twisted - you can only wring out.
Drying properly at home
After the sheepskin coat has been washed, it should be properly dried. To do this, let the excess water drain off. To wring out moisture, you can use a large terry towel through which it is convenient to wring out bulky items.
Further drying should be carried out on a trempel. The thing must be straightened, paying attention to the pile.
Dry cleaning: issue price
Dry cleaning will help you avoid the unexpected consequences of home care. You can find a suitable institution in the service sector using the Internet. For a search, it may be sufficient to indicate in the query the words "dry cleaning of a sheepskin coat" and the name of the city.
Cleaning service cost fur coats and sheepskin coats depends on such factors:
- settlement;
- the pricing policy of the institution;
- the means used;
- the length of the thing that requires processing;
- fur categories;
- presence / absence of a hood;
- condition of the product.
On average, cleaning a natural sheepskin coat and steaming it ranges from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles, for children - from 2,000 rubles. For artificial short coats, the cost is usually lower - from 1,500 rubles. Dry cleaners can also provide additional services: professional manual processing, minor repairs of things, etc.
Dry cleaning may not help in all cases. They can refuse for a number of reasons:
- general deterioration of the product;
- extensive stubborn dirt, such as from paint;
- violation of the integrity of the material (holes, cuts).
The following tips will come in handy when cleaning artificial and natural sheepskin coats:
- If, after washing, the sheepskin coat has lost its original color, you can use a special coloring spray, which should be used in accordance with the instructions.
Finishing cleaning with a commercially available product will restore the material's water repellency and extend the life of the product.
- After wet care and drying, the natural sheepskin coat should be kneaded to restore elasticity and softness to the material.
- Natural fur on a sheepskin coat should not be cleaned with improvised means, and even less washed. Home care for them may only involve dusting and brushing.
- In the intervals between cleanings, the sheepskin coat must be periodically ventilated.
- It is important to store the sheepskin coat correctly between seasons.
Related videos
Several life hacks for cleaning a sheepskin coat are presented in the video:
Cleaning a sheepskin coat at home can be quite effective if the item is not too dirty. If you are unsure of your own abilities or a high degree of wear and tear of the product, you can contact a professional dry cleaner.