Detailed instructions on how to wash a slide suit, keeping all its qualities

foto12985-1The "slide" suit is sewn of canvas fabric. It is bought by people who often go hiking, like to go hiking, especially in winter. The costume consists of two elements: anorak and trousers.

Most often the "slide" is operated in extreme conditions, so dirt and dust are its constant companions.

Read about how to wash a slide suit, how to get rid of difficult stains and how to properly dry it, read the article.

How to prepare a garment for washing?

They erase the "slide" in the typewriter. This is the least time consuming way to clean a suit. Before proceeding with the main procedure, you need to properly prepare the thing.


  1. foto12985-2All zippers, flaps and belts are fastened on the suit.
  2. Pockets are cleared of debris. They should not contain foreign objects.
  3. Examine the manufacturer's information that is indicated on the label. You should not violate his recommendations.

    The fact is that under the same name the Gorka costume is produced by different factories.

  4. Shake the jacket and pants well to get the dust out of them.
  5. Clean off dirt, remove difficult stains.

After the preparatory activities are completed, you can proceed to the main wash.

Washing machine

First you need to decide on a detergent. Preference is given to liquid concentrates or gel capsules... They have a high cleansing ability and are active even in cool water.

Powder is more difficult to wash out, so at least 3 rinses will be required to completely clean the fabric. At the same time, there is no guarantee that after drying, white stains will not appear on things.

The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. This rule applies to both hand and machine wash. Sometimes the manufacturer specifies a threshold of 30 degrees. If you wash a suit in boiling water, it will shrink. After choosing a detergent and determining the temperature of the water, you can proceed to the machine wash.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  • foto12985-3prepare the suit for washing, according to the scheme described above;
  • load it into the drum;
  • select a program - it can be a “delicate” or “gentle” wash;
  • turn off the spin, or reduce the speed to a minimum (400-600 rpm);
  • turn on the "extra rinse" function;
  • pour detergent into the compartment;
  • start washing.

It is not recommended to wash the "slide" with other things.The suit itself is quite massive. It absorbs water well, therefore it increases its weight by 2-3 times. Throwing other clothes or bed linen along with the jacket and pants can cause the drum to overload and break.

You can update the color of the product after washing with a vinegar solution.... To prepare it, take 1 tbsp for every liter of cool water. l. vinegar 9%. The "slide" is soaked for no longer than 15 minutes.

How to get rid of stains?

Slide stains on a suit are a widespread phenomenon, since the conditions for its operation are far from ideal.

It is impossible to process a suit with aggressive detergents, therefore, each owner should know the recipes with which various contaminants can be removed.

Stain type and remedy:

  1. Ingrained dirt... To remove it, use laundry soap. To dissolve it better, you can grate it. The finished composition is applied with a sponge to the contaminated areas, left for 30 minutes, and then wiped with a clean, damp cloth.
  2. foto12985-4Blood stains... "Gorka" is often worn for hunting, so the blood of prey can easily get onto the fabric. To remove it, use ammonia (1 tbsp. L. Per liter of water).

    The solution is applied to the stain with a sponge. An hour later, the suit is wiped with a damp cloth.

  3. Greasy stains... Starch copes well with them. They sprinkle it on the contaminated area, press it with a napkin and leave it for 12 hours.

    Then the powder is shaken off with a brush. If the stain has not completely disappeared, wipe it with a cotton pad dipped in an alcohol solution.

  4. Paint. White spirit is used to remove it. It is applied to a cotton pad, which is used to wipe the stain, moving from the edge to the center. When the paint has dissolved, the fabric is rinsed under running water.
  5. Mold. Mold can grow on an undried suit. You can remove it with vinegar. It is applied to a cotton pad, which is used to treat the area affected by the fungus.

    Salicylic acid 3% is an equally effective remedy. The composition must be treated with the fabric at least 2-3 times, leaving it to dry completely. After cleaning, the suit is washed and thoroughly dried in the fresh air.

You need to start removing stains immediately, the sooner the treatment is started, the more effective it is.

Sometimes, after washing, white marks appear on the suit, which cannot be eliminated by any means. Most likely, they are represented by creases and scuffs, which are formed due to too intense spinning, or due to the influence of unsuitable detergents.

It will not be possible to restore the primary integrity of the tissue. Tarpaulin can be rubbed with a paraffin candle to restore its softness. and water repellency in damaged areas.

How to dry properly?

Dry your suit in a warm room with good ventilation. It is not recommended to hang it in the bathroom, there the thick fabric will dry for a very long time.

Rules to follow:

  1. foto12985-5Shake the garment after washing to smooth out all creases and creases on it.
  2. Hang the suit on a hanger so that water can drain naturally from it. You don't have to worry about the fabric stretching. It is too dense, therefore it is not subject to stretching.
  3. You cannot dry the "slide" in the sun. UV light will quickly fade the fabric.
  4. It is not recommended to place the suit on a powered-up battery or near sources of fire.

Before storing the "slide", you need to make sure that it is completely dry. This process can take up to 2-3 days.

Care features

After washing and drying the suit, it must be treated with a special impregnation based on polyurethane... It will restore the water-repellent properties of the fabric.

You can buy such a tool in specialized stores that sell goods for tourism and sports. Popular formulations:

  • Holmenkol Textile Proof... Spray price - 900 rubles.
  • ANTILIQ Membrane... The impregnation cost is 300 rubles.
  • Nikwax TX Direct... A 300 ml spray costs about 750 rubles.
Before processing a suit, you need to think about the conditions in which it will be used. The fabric, impregnated with a water-repellent compound, does not allow air to pass through, so it will be hot in it in summer.

You can store the suit in the closet, along with other things. Ordinary hangers help to avoid the formation of creases. To prevent dust from settling on the product, you can use a fabric cover.

How to make the Gorka suit waterproof, the video will tell you:

Important recommendations

Information that all owners of the "slide" costume should know:

  1. foto12985-6If the product is treated with a water-repellent compound, it should be washed as little as possible. Frequent contact with water and detergents will wash out the impregnation.
  2. It is necessary to clean the thing from dust and dirt in a timely manner, monitor the fittings.
  3. Do not use aggressive detergents such as chlorine, any household stain removers and bleaches for washing.
  4. The tarpaulin shrinks, so it cannot be washed in hot water or boiled.
  5. Automatic tumble dryers are only used in emergency situations. She is able to ruin the suit, lead to the appearance of creases on it.

Sometimes after wearing the “slide” remains perfectly clean, but the smell of a fire emanates from things. You can withdraw it without having to wash. It is enough to hang the clothes out in fresh air and leave to ventilate for a day.

If the smell of smoke is firmly embedded in the fibers of the fabric, use coffee beans. They are fried in a pan, crushed, packed in fabric bags and laid out in pockets. After 2-3 days, the smell of the fire will be completely neutralized.

You will find a lot of useful information about washing outerwear here.


You can wash your slide suit in a typewriter. So that it does not deteriorate, you need to take care of it correctly, namely:

  • do not exceed the water temperature of 30 degrees,
  • use a liquid detergent,
  • dry thoroughly.

By following these guidelines, your waterproof jacket and pants will last longer.



