Valuable tips on how to wash a down jacket in an automatic washing machine and by hand without streaks

foto964-1Down jackets and jackets are the most common types of outer winter clothing with a high level of thermal insulation.

Like any other wardrobe item, winter jackets require special care. In the course of everyday use of down jackets, various dirt and an unpleasant smell of sweat appear on them, which should be disposed of in a timely manner.

The process of washing outerwear is not an easy job. In this review, we will consider why divorces appear, how to properly prepare and wash down jacket in the washing machine and on the hands, so that there are no streaks on it, the fluff does not get lost in a lump, and the product does not lose its external beauty.

Reasons for the appearance of white streaks on the product

White stains on the seams, as well as in the area of ​​churning of the filler of a winter jacket, are often formed when the detergent is not completely rinsed out during the washing process.

There are other reasons for the formation of this problem:

  • foto964-2improper drying of the down jacket;
  • prolonged presence of the washed product in the washing machine in a crumpled state;
  • low quality of the jacket filler, which can stain during the washing process and leave marks on the outer fabric of the product
  • insufficient rinsing;
  • wrong washing mode;
  • using ordinary washing powder;
  • high percentage of salt in the water used for washing;
  • dirty drum of the washing machine;
  • failure of the washing machine, during which the selected washing program may get lost.

Before loading the down jacket into the washing machine, necessary choose the right chemical detergent, pre-prepare the product for the upcoming processing, select the appropriate washing program and rinse mode, and wash the soiled parts of the washing machine.

Washing instructions at home to avoid stains

In order to wash a winter down jacket with high quality, it is necessary to observe a number of important rules, from preparing the product for washing and choosing a detergent, ending with proper drying.Only in this case it is possible to prevent the appearance of streaks and not to spoil the filler.

Preparing a winter jacket

foto964-3Before loading your winter jacket into the washing machine, it must first be prepared as follows:

  1. Remove all garbage from pockets, especially small crumbs, seeds, etc.
  2. Unbutton hood and fur trim.
  3. Turn the product to the wrong side together with the sleeves.

And also it is necessary to fasten all buttons and locks on the jacketto preserve the shape of the down jacket and not damage the drum of the washing machine.

How to wash: choosing household chemicals

It is not recommended to use crystallized washing powder for washing down jackets, since its crystals do not always dissolve during washing and lead to streaks.

For washing a down jacket, it is better to use washing powders in liquid formsuch as Tide, Persil, Myth, Ariel.

Or such means as:

  • Unipuh gel, which does not leave streaks and allows the down filling to be evenly distributed after washing;
  • liquid balms in the form of Nordlanda, Clean Home;
  • special shampoos such as Wool Shampo, Heitmann;
  • other types of gels for delicate fabrics, such as Kao Attak Bio EX, Burti, Laska, etc.

It is not recommended to use various bleaches for washing, since their composition can lead to shedding of the down jacket filler and unwanted coloration of the outer fabric of the product.

Loading into a car

foto964-4Load the prepared product into the drum. You do not need to lay other things along with the down jacket.

After the jacket is completely loaded into the drum, it is necessary to put several tennis ballswhich will ensure an even distribution of the jacket filler during washing and rinsing.

But first, you should soak the balls in whiteness for several hours so that during the washing process they do not shed and ruin the jacket. Then you need to pour the detergent into the special section.

Mode and temperature

Winter jackets must be washed in the "delicate wash", or "bio-fluff" at a temperature of 25 to 40 degrees, since an increase in temperature can lead to damage to the filler, after which your favorite down jacket can only be sent for scrap.

If such modes are not provided on the washing machine, it is necessary to select the program "washing wool products", which is completely identical to the delicate mode and will not harm the down product.

To rinse your winter jacket thoroughly with detergent, the intensive rinse program must be repeated several times... Then put on a spin (400-800 rpm, depending on the model of the washing machine).

How to hand wash?

To wash the down jacket by hand and not to spoil the product, you need:

  1. foto964-5Hang the jacket on a hanger and place it over the bathroom.
  2. Wet the top layer of the down jacket with a shower.
  3. Using a soft bristled brush, apply liquid detergent to dirty areas and rub lightly.
  4. Thoroughly rinse the soap solution from the product using a shower, directing the jet along a tangential path.

It is important to know that the more thoroughly the soap solution is washed off, the less chance of streaks will appear. But it is not recommended to wet the jacket too much when hand washing.

Is there a difference how to wash a light (white) and a black item?

  • To wash a white down jacket, we recommend using a detergent for light-colored fabrics.
  • Black is for black.
  • For a colored down jacket - a product with an increase in color brightness.
In addition, before washing a light down jacket, you need to wash the places with the greatest contamination (sleeves, pockets, collar) with liquid or regular soap.

It is not necessary to rinse out the detergent thoroughly after that, you can immediately proceed to loading the product into the drum of the washing machine and the next stage of washing.

On black jackets, it is not recommended to pre-treat contaminated areas., since carrying out such a manipulation can lead to a loss of color brightness.


Correct drying will prevent the appearance of stains on the surface of the processed product and return your favorite down jacket or jacket to operation in a short time.

This requires:

  1. foto964-6After the end of washing, remove the product from the drum of the machine, shake it slightly to knead the fluffy lumps, if any.
  2. Hang the product on a hanger and leave to dry completely in the open air, or in a room with good air ventilation.
  3. Shake the jacket periodically and break the resulting lumps of filler with your hands.
  4. To speed up the drying process and prevent the appearance of white streaks, you can vacuum the inside of the jacket by turning on the vacuum cleaner at low speed.

In emergency cases, when time is pressing, you can use a fan heater with a rotating head to speed up the drying process, but you need to install it no closer than 1 meter from the washed jacket.

What to do if spots still appear?

If, following all the rules of washing, rinsing and drying, as a result, the jacket still divorces appeared, you should not be upset, since you can get rid of them with the help of the following improvised means:

  1. Moisten a clean cloth with 3% hydrogen peroxide and treat problem areas on the product, but do not use on light and white down jackets.
  2. Dilute 70% vinegar with water in the same ratio, moisten a clean cloth with the resulting solution and treat the stains that appear after washing. You need to rub until the spots disappear completely.
  3. Effectively get rid of stains ammonia will helpmixed with a small amount of cleaning agent. Apply the resulting mixture to dirt, rub it a little and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  4. Ferry or other dishwashing detergent easily removes greasy stains.
  5. Remove yellow stains a strong soap solution will help, which must be applied to problem areas in a dotted manner.

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In this review, we examined the basic rules and recommendations for effective washing of winter jackets and getting rid of them from dirt and stains, observing which everyone can enjoy clean products and wear their favorite down jackets for many years.



