Useful tips on how to machine wash a Columbia Omni-Hit jacket by hand

foto801-1Columbia winter jackets attract with their signature look and excellent performance.

They are sewn using a unique technology called Omni-Heat.

If a down jacket made using this technology is washed in the usual way in a washing machine, then the fluff inside it will crumple into lumps, it will lose the properties of warm clothes, and ugly stains will appear on the fabric.

But if you know the rules for caring for a down jacket, it can last for many years, remaining comfortable, warm and presentable.

Preparing your Columbia Omni-Heat down jacket for washing

Proper washing begins with careful preparation. The first step is to find a label that contains recommendations for the care of your jacket. If the label has an icon that allows you to wash the product without any restrictions, you can start preparing.

It includes the following actions:

  • foto801-2all locks, zippers, buttons are fastened;
  • if there are edges or any fastenable parts made of natural fur, they should be unfastened;
  • the most dirty places (this is usually the inner part of the collar, cuffs and areas where the jacket comes into contact with a bag or backpack) should be washed by hand using a delicate product;
  • with washed and soaked dirt, you need to leave the down jacket for a while, about an hour;
  • the jacket must be turned inside out before machine wash.

If the product has inserts made of natural fur that cannot be unfastened, it cannot be washed either in a machine or by hand. Only dry cleaning or dry clean.

How to hand wash correctly?

To keep the original performance of the jacket longer, it is better wash it by hand... But this, of course, is only relevant for people who wear things neatly, without leaving difficult stubborn stains on them.

It is very difficult to wash a down jacket just in the bathroom or basin., as it becomes very heavy when wet. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out washing by hanging the jacket on a hanger attached with a rope above the bathtub.

The shoulders must be wide and strong, otherwise the wet jacket will fall off them. Before washing, the down jacket is completely buttoned up to the very top of the neckline.

The thing must first be well wet with a shower, and then treat all areas with a sponge and soapy water... As a solution, you can use:

  • foto801-3delicate wash gel;
  • laundry soap soaked in water;
  • any shampoo;
  • you can take a cleaner for upholstered furniture.

Omni-Heat down jackets should never be cleaned with coarse brushes. Do not use aggressive abrasive detergents... Violating these rules can easily ruin a thing.

After the front side of the down jacket has been washed, it must be removed and turned out. The washing of the lining should be done with equal care and care.

After finishing the treatment with soapy water, rinse the jacket well with cool water from the shower on both sides. This process takes care and patience. If a little soap composition remains on the fabric, after the product dries, it will turn into whitish stains.

The washed jacket is not wrung out or twisted. It is simply left to drain on a hanger for 3-4 hours, and then laid out on bath towels for further drying.

So that the jacket dries faster and does not have a rotten smell, it is desirable to place it near the battery... In addition, it must be periodically turned over and turned out to one side or the other.

In the washing machine

foto801-4How to wash a Columbia Omni-Hit jacket in a washing machine? Washing in the machine requires less effort and provides more efficient removal of dirt.

Wash down jacket it is possible in the delicate mode, setting the minimum time.

Omni-Heat Jacket can only be machine washed on the delicate cycle and using gentle gels.

When washing in the machine, the chemical cleaning agent penetrates deeper into the structure of the fabric and has a more intense effect on the product. Therefore, the choice of gel for washing in this case should be especially careful.

Ideal - a special gel for machine washing delicate items... Hand detergent will foam a lot and may not rinse out completely. You can only use liquid products.

When setting the washing mode, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • temperature no more than 30 degrees;
  • minimum time;
  • delicate mode.
Normal spinning will most likely break the mirror-surfaced membrane fabric. To prevent this, you need to squeeze the thing at minimum speed.

You can simply wash it without spinning, and then dry it as in the case of hand washing.

It is better to wash the down jacket without any other things. Various undesirable effects are possible when processing products from different fabrics. Also add 2-3 tennis balls or balls for washing.

Jacket with membrane can be soaked briefly before machine wash. But it is better to just treat the most contaminated areas with soapy water and leave for an hour without soaking.

You cannot squeeze the product manually, can only be tumble dried at minimum speed or hung to dry naturally.

Drying and ironing

foto801-5Dry jackets Columbia first on a hanger or a special dryer until the moisture completely drains off. Then the product is placed vertically so that the wet fluff does not slide down.

It will completely dry out only after two days.... You cannot speed up the process by laying the jacket on a radiator or using any heating devices (some use hair dryers or steam irons).

The dried down jacket needs to be examined. If a fluff in some places is outta into small lumps, it must be gently kneaded with your hands.

If the outer fabric requires ironing, it can be steamed, but only when the entire product is completely dry and in compliance with all safety rules.


Columbia Omni Hit down jackets are very comfortable, comfortable and stylish outerwear. They are not cheap at all and are purchased for several seasons. Wherein it is very easy to ruin a down jacket, it is enough to wash it incorrectly... Therefore, it is so important to adhere to certain principles of care.

Hand wash under the shower with a soft sponge and mild detergent. We wash in a machine at a delicate mode, with a low water temperature and with minimum revolutions.

Down jackets must not be twisted by hand... They can only be hung or laid out to dry naturally.



