How to properly wash a drape coat in a washing machine and by hand?

foto1650-1A drape coat is a basic item in the wardrobe of many people. It is very comfortable and fits organically into any look.

However, drape coats have one small drawback - they are quite demanding in their care.

Knowing certain subtleties and cleaning techniques, you can cope with this procedure on your own, without resorting to the services of specialized dry cleaners. Read about how to wash your drape coat below.

Is it machine washable or dry cleaning required?

The main question that arises when it is necessary to clean things from the drape is whether it is possible to wash the product in a washing machine, or is it worth it to dry-clean the coat.

To answer this question, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. foto1650-2Examine the label attached to the product. She will give answers to many questions, ranging from the percentage of natural and synthetic components in the fabric, and ending with recommendations for care and cleaning (washing, drying, ironing).

    It should be borne in mind that the higher the natural ingredients in the fabric, the more careful care the coat requires, and at the same time it should not be washed in an automatic machine.

  2. Pay special attention to the color of the product. If the coat is not monochromatic, then it is better to turn to other cleaning methods than washing in a machine.
  3. If the drape coat has various decorative elements (embroidery, rhinestones, beads), then you should not resort to cleaning in a washing machine, because this can greatly spoil the appearance of the jewelry.
Thus, cleaning a woolen coat can be carried out at home in a washing machine, if this does not contradict the data indicated on the product label.

Otherwise, it is better not to take risks and entrust your coat to specialists, or resort to other methods of cleaning.

Preparation for the process

In order to clean the woolen coat at home as carefully and efficiently as possible, you need to properly prepare the product for washing and choose a suitable cleaning agent for this.

Preparing a drape garment for washing is as follows:

  1. foto1650-3It is necessary to unfasten all fur elements from the coat, if any.

    If the possibility of their disconnection is not provided, then they should be carefully unplugged, since it is categorically not recommended to wash them together with them (they will be hopelessly damaged and the appearance of the product cannot be restored).

    Some housewives, in order to avoid stripping off the fur parts, tightly wrap them with cling film. However, it should be borne in mind that during the washing process, the film may slip off the fur elements.

  2. Before washing the coat directly, it is worth dry cleaning the product (knock it out on the balcony from excess dust or vacuum it with a special nozzle).
  3. All visible spots on the product should be pre-treated with cleaning agents:
    • sprinkle with talcum powder;
    • an old stain on a dark product can be treated with gasoline;
    • stains on light woolen coats are removed with a solution of ammonia (for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. l. ammonia).

When choosing a cleaning agent, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is not recommended to use ordinary washing powder, because its grains settle in the drape and cause stains. In this case, preference should be given to liquid detergents.

    If this is not possible, then you can dilute the usual powder in warm water in advance until it is completely dissolved and use this composition for washing.

  2. When washing, be sure to use fabric softener. This will make the fabric softer and more pleasant to the touch.
It is strictly forbidden to use detergents intended for washing white clothes in relation to dark and colored fabrics, because this will damage them.

Hand wash at home

Hand washing of a woolen coat should be done if there is a special indication on the product label.

You can hand wash a wrap garment, observing the following recommendations:

  1. foto1650-4It is necessary to fill a bath or a large basin with water (temperature 30-40 degrees).
  2. Then add liquid detergent to the water.
  3. In the presence of severe contamination, the coat should be soaked in this water for about 30 minutes and only then proceed directly to the cleaning process.

    If the coat just needs to be freshened, then there is no need to soak the product.

  4. Washing should be done with gentle movements, possibly using a special brush.
  5. Rinsing of the product is carried out in cold water until the detergent is completely washed out.
  6. Spinning should not be carried out, it is necessary that all the water goes away on its own. An alternative option is to wrap the coat in a fabric that absorbs liquid well, and only then start drying the product.
  7. Dry the drape coat in an upright position, preferably in a well-ventilated area (for example, on the balcony).

Do not rub the fabric intensively during washing, as this will lead to the appearance of pellets and damage to the appearance of the product.

In a washing machine

Washing a woolen coat in an automatic machine can only be carried out if the corresponding prohibition is not contained on the label attached to the product.

Wherein a number of important rules should be followed, which will allow you to clean the product and not spoil its appearance:

  • foto1650-5for cleaning, only liquid powder should be used, while it is desirable that it was specifically for washing woolen fabrics;
  • the coat should be washed in the “delicate” or “hand” wash mode, at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees;
  • you must first turn off the drying mode (otherwise the coat will be irretrievably damaged);
  • be sure to use fabric softener to rinse the garment.

It is also worth remembering to first remove all stains from the product. and the need to get rid of unnecessary dust by knocking it out.

The video will tell you how to properly wash a coat in a washing machine:

Dry cleaning method

Dry brushing is considered the most gentle method for cleaning drape coats.

There are several basic dry cleaning techniques for coats:

  1. foto1650-6Use regular powder... In this case, the coat should be laid on a horizontal surface and the powder should be evenly distributed over it with a special brush or hand.

    The product should be left in this form for about one hour, and then remove the remaining powder from the fabric with a soft, slightly damp cloth (for this purpose, you can also use a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment).

  2. Make a soapy solution with lots of foam... Apply the resulting foam in an even layer on the drape and leave everything for about 20 minutes, after which the remaining foam must be removed with a soft cloth.

    Some housewives use a carpet cleaner instead of a soap solution. it has high cleaning properties and gives a lot of foam.

How to clean a light drape product?

A light drape coat requires increased attention, careful wear and careful cleaning. Due to its color, various contaminants are visible on it much more than on the same models of dark colors.

In this case, stains on a coat can have a very different origin and the process of cleaning them, as a rule, will be unique for each type of pollution:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with stains from beer and cola (with a cotton pad dipped in peroxide, you should gently blot the stain until it is completely removed).
  2. Potato starch or baby powder will facilitate the process of removing greasy stains. With these bulk products, sprinkle generously on a greasy stain and leave everything for 30 minutes.
  3. Alcohol and water easily cope with dirt from coffee and juices (it is necessary to make a solution in a 1: 1 ratio of water and alcohol, soak a cotton pad in the solution and treat the stain with this disk).

After removing stains from the surface of the product, you can start washing it directly in the washing machine or by hand (if required).

foto1650-7When removing stains from a light-colored woolen coat under threat of damage to things do not use the following substances:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon;
  • petrol;
  • acetone.

How to dry?

Drying process of a woolen coat a very difficult and troublesome task that takes place in several stages:

  1. A wet product weighs a lot, so you need to make sure that the fastening is reliable, on which the initial drying of the item and the drainage of excess moisture will be carried out.
  2. Then the coat should be switched to a horizontal drying mode by wrapping it with a cloth that absorbs moisture well (for example, a terry towel).

    These towels will need to be changed several times as they fill up with water (this will speed up the drying process).

  3. You can continue to dry the product both horizontally and vertically by hanging it in a well-ventilated place.
  4. The coat does not need to be ironed if it has been well flattened before drying. Otherwise, it should be steamed through a damp gauze cloth, or using a steam generator.
The product must dry on its own, it is not recommended to use various electrical appliances designed for drying, or hanging a coat on a battery.

Related Videos

The video will tell you how to wash a coat with your hands, dry it properly and take care of the product:


Process wash coat from a drape is a very difficult task. Start self-cleaning the product worth it only if the corresponding prohibition is not on the label.

At the same time, a number of important rules and recommendations should be observed that will preserve the original appearance of the coat and ensure the achievement of the ultimate goal of cleaning.



