How to properly wash a woolen coat by hand and in a typewriter: useful tips

foto1724-1A woolen coat is an expensive wardrobe item. During the period of seasonal wear, it gets dirty. Dirt is especially visible on a light coat.

It would be natural to take the item to a dry cleaner, where it will be cleaned by professionals. But dry cleaning is expensive, customers are not always happy with the results, as sometimes stains remain.

Wash your coat from wool you can at home yourself. Read about how to properly wash a woolen coat in the article.

Is it washable?

To answer this question, you need to look at the coat tag and pay attention to the icons shown:

  1. foto1724-2If the label has a drawing of a basin with two crossed lines, this means that this product should not be washed either by hand or in a machine.

    Only dry cleaning is permitted. In the absence of an image, washing is possible.

  2. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the composition of the material from which the coat is made. If the wool is not more than 80%, then you can wash it by hand and in the washing machine.
  3. If, after studying the tag, you still have doubts, you can experiment with a piece of cloth, which is always attached to the tag by the manufacturer.

    Many people think that a small piece of material is sewn on in case a patch needs to be made. In fact, the manufacturer offers a sample of the fabric to see how this or that effect will affect the fabric.

Before washing the sample, it is necessary to measure a piece of material so that after washing it can be seen whether the fabric shrinks or not, whether the color changes.

How to prepare a product?

In the event that the composition of the material, the tag on the coat indicate the possibility of washing the product in the machine, precautions must be taken.

So that the thing does not deform, does not "shrink", the color does not fade:

  • foto1724-3remove all attached additional parts (fur collars, scarves, belts, jewelry);
  • empty their pockets;
  • button up the coat with all the buttons;
  • turn the thing inside out;
  • especially dirty places and stains are cleaned with a soapy solution and a soft brush or sponge, using laundry soap or stain remover.

Some housewives on the forums share their experience of pre-cleaning stains on a woolen coat using Vanish for carpets... Apply the product to dirty areas, leave for an hour, then wash in the machine.They note that the result is excellent.

Washing in a washing machine

After preliminary preparation, the wool coat:

  1. Load into the washing machine.
  2. The temperature is set no higher than 30 ° C, you can even 20 °.
  3. A special detergent for washing wool products (Laska, Nordland Eco gel, Frosch balm, Royal Powder Delicate washing powder concentrate) is poured into the powder container.
  4. Turn on the hand wash mode. In the absence of such, use the mode for woolen items or delicate.
  5. It is advisable to add a rinse conditioner. It has a gentle effect on the fabric, which makes the coat softer, fluffier, and acquires the smell of cleanliness and freshness.
  6. The spin is set to the minimum (no more than 600 revolutions). If it is impossible to independently set the push-up mode, it is turned off completely.

How to wash a coat in a washing machine, the video will tell you:


If you have concerns about the safety of expensive woolen items from washing in the machine, you can wash it by hand. Hand wash is more gentle.

Hand wash your coat more convenient in the bath, where it can be expanded:

  1. foto1724-4The bath is filled with lukewarm (20-30 ° C) water so that it covers the product, no more than 15 cm.
  2. Pour in a little hair shampoo. As shampoo cleanses hair from impurities, it also gently acts on the fibers of the fabric.
  3. They put on rubber gloves (or without them), gently run their hands over the coat (with their hands on the material, and not the fabric on the fabric), jam without effort. The water is drained.
  4. Collect clean water, rinse the coat with light movements. You can use running water pouring from a shower head.
  5. Squeeze slightly, but do not twist. They are laid out on a towel or first left for a while in a bath or in a sink so that the water is completely drained, and then spread on a flat surface.

When washing by hand, not only shampoo is used. Apply detergent powder for wool, caress, gels for washing woolen items.

If the coat is heavily soiled, immerse it in soapy water and leave it to soak for 2-3 hours. And only then wash.

How to dry?

After washing, the coat is laid out on a flat surface on a large terry towel or sheet, gently straightened. When the towel gets very wet from the moisture received, it is changed to dry.

It is necessary to ensure that water does not accumulate at the ends of the sleeves, at the cuffs... Gentle strokes remove moisture. Otherwise, smudges may remain, which are then difficult to get rid of.

Dry the woolen coat on a hanger in a room with good air circulation or outdoors. It is unacceptable to dry the product near heating devices or use additional items, for example, a hair dryer.

Partial washing

foto1724-5Sometimes a partial wash of the clothes is enough. Usually the most contaminated:

  • the hem of the coat,
  • sleeves,
  • pockets,
  • collar,
  • places where the thing fastens.

In such cases, only the soiled areas are washed.

The instruction is as follows:

  1. They take a basin of water, the temperature of which is not higher than 30 ° C, and a detergent for wool is dissolved in it. The solution is foamed.
  2. Use a soft brush or sponge (preferably with natural bristles).
  3. Particularly dirty places are rubbed with a brush dipped in soapy water.
  4. Rinse the product under running water, then dry it, as after washing in any other way.
When the coat is completely dry, iron the washed places with an iron through a gauze cloth.

Dry cleaning

foto1724-6Take care of your coat to do without washing, special devices will help:

  1. Sticky rollers.
  2. Special brushes with a coarse velvet attachment instead of hairs. She brushes the fabric to remove dirt.
  3. Device for removing pellets. Pills appear at the sleeve seams, along the hem, giving the coat an unkempt look.

It is often enough to clean individual stains so that the item does not look worn out. There are several ways to get rid of them:

  1. Talc will help to remove the greasy stain. They are sprinkled on a polluted place. After 10 hours the talc is absorbed into the fat.After that, the remains are removed with a stiff brush.

    If the stain does not disappear after the first procedure, repeat it. On the front side of the product, a paper napkin is applied to the stain. From the seamy side, this place is wiped with gasoline.

  2. The greasy cloth on the wrists (sleeves) is cleaned with a mixture of salt and ammonia (1: 4).
  3. Tea and coffee are removed using glycerin or ammonia. To remove beer stains, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vinegar are used. Salt the stain from wine stains, but only if the dirt is not old.
  4. Bread crumb, rolled from black bread, will clean the coat of dust. The crumb is rolled over the fabric, all the dirt remains on it.

How to clean and care for your coat, video tips:

Dry cleaning at home

This method of cleaning a coat is suitable for those housewives who, in addition to a washing machine, have a clothes dryer.

The store sells special sets for washing woolen coats. The kits are cheaper than dry cleaning services.

It includes:

  • 1 bottle of liquid (spray) to remove dirt;
  • 2 damp cloths for washing;
  • 1 bag with a lock;
  • instructions for use.

foto1724-7Using the tool is simple:

  1. Heavily soiled places are sprayed with a spray.
  2. They put the thing in a bag for washing, put napkins, and lock.
  3. Load into a clothes dryer for half an hour at medium temperature.

After 30 minutes, things are unloaded... The coat took on the appearance of washed, even fluffier, the pile straightened. The smell is amazing, fresh.

How to wash clothes on camel hair at home?

Bactrian wool can be partly part of the material from which the coat is made, or it is used as insulation.

Camel wool is special, so caring for clothes made from it is also different. As with a woolen coat, care information is provided on a tag sewn to the side seam.

Clothes containing no more than 20% camel wool are washed, but only by hand:

  1. foto1724-8The water temperature should not exceed 30 ° C.

    It is necessary to use special liquid detergents for wool, containing lanolin extract.

    It makes woolen things stronger and silky.

  2. Before washing, the water is foamed, the coat is lowered and left for 2-3 hours.
  3. Twisting or pushing up is not allowed. Dry on a smooth surface with a terry towel or sheet, away from heating appliances.
  4. Pre-soaking for 2 hours in water not hotter than 20 ° C is permissible.

It is advisable not to wet things at all with more than 20% camel hair.... Manufacturers do not recommend washing coats with camel wool insulation, but only dry cleaning.


A woolen coat always looks elegant, stylish, does not go out of fashion. In order for it to retain its new appearance longer, it is necessary to take care of it.

When stains appear, it is advisable to remove them immediately, before they are as not to bring to a large wash. 2



