Male problem: what to do if washed a military ID?

foto13488-1A military ID is one of the basic documents of every man. It is required to confirm military registration. Therefore, you need to store it carefully.

However, no one is immune from accidents. A document left in a jacket pocket may well be washed with it.

Read about what to do if you washed your military ID, when you need to replace the document, where to go and what fine you will have to pay in the article.

When is replacement needed?

foto13488-2If your military ID has been washed, there is no need to panic. It should be inspected for damage.

Replacement will be required in the following cases:

  • blurred print;
  • handwritten notes cannot be read;
  • the sheets became unusable, soaked and deteriorated.

If all seals and records are readable, then you need to completely dry the state paper and continue to use it further, avoiding similar situations in the future.

How to dry after washing?

Immediately after washing, you need to start drying the license. If the task is completed quickly, then serious damage can be avoided.


  1. Gently pull the document out of your pocket. Do not pull or jerk it so as not to tear wet pages.
  2. Assess the degree of damage.
  3. Take off the cover.
  4. Gently separate the pages and place white napkins or paper towels between them. They will act as blotting paper: they will absorb excess moisture and prevent ink from being printed on clean sheets.
  5. Change the napkins every 40 minutes.
  6. Leave the document to dry in a warm room with low humidity and good ventilation.
When the military ID is completely dry, you need to put it under the press in order to straighten the sheets. A stack of books can act as a load.

In a day, you should evaluate the result of your work. If ink and stamps have not leaked, you can continue to use document without changing it.

How to recover?

foto13488-3The territorial department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for the restoration of the military card.

Since in recent years the "Gosuslugi" portal has been popular among the population, the question is quite logical - can it be replaced online? The answer, unfortunately, is negative.

Ministry of Defense must be visited in person... This service is not provided remotely.

There is no need to go to "gray" offices that offer their services to restore a damaged document. The use of false papers is subject to criminal punishment.

You should not deceive the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, talking about the loss of the document... This will require writing a statement and additional proceedings. Replacing a damaged ID is much easier, but to prove the existence of damage, you need to have it with you.

Where to contact?

To restore a washed military ID, you need to contact the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of residence. Having entered the building, you need to go to the person on duty and inform him of the problem. An employee of the department will require a document to assess its condition.

The person on duty must pick up the ticket and issue an application form, or indicate the sample by which it must be filled out. With this application within 14 days must be sent to the commissariat.

If a fine is imposed, it must be paid. It will not be possible to receive a new document without confirmation of the transfer of funds.

What documents do I have with me?

foto13488-4To get a duplicate, you need to collect the following papers:

  1. The passport.
  2. Spoiled military ID.
  3. 4 photos, 3x4.
  4. A receipt for the payment of the fine, if any.

After receiving all the papers, the employee will appoint a date when you need to come for him. For a second appointment, you only need to have a passport. The maximum term for making a duplicate is a calendar month, but in practice it is most often reduced to 14-20 days.


A man who has received a military ID is obliged to carefully keep it, not to allow damage or loss. This obligation is regulated at the legislative level.

For a document damaged during the washing process, a fine is most often imposed, since it was damaged as a result of careless handling. The amount is 500 rubles.

An administrative warning is issued only if the ticket is lost for reasons beyond the control of the citizen himself.


A military ID must be handled with care. After accidental washing, dry it thoroughly and assess the degree of damage... If they are serious, it needs to be replaced.



