Samsung Washing Machine Control Unit Repair Tips

foto23579-1Samsung washing machines are reliable devices, but even such equipment breaks down sooner or later.

The entire "brain" of the unit is concentrated in the electronic module, so if it fails, the unit stops working correctly.

How to independently repair the control board of a Samsung washing machine, read the article.

How to understand that an element is out of order?

You can understand that the module is faulty by the following signs:

  1. foto23579-2The machine draws in water and drains it immediately.
  2. The device does not turn on, an error code appears on the screen.
  3. If there is no screen, the LEDs are on and blinking.
  4. Programs do not work, or they get confused.
  5. The water does not heat up or overheats.
  6. The drum is turning too fast or too slow.

Breakdown of the control board will indicate the following error codes:

  • E1;
  • 4E;
  • 4C;
  • CHE.

In general, any code can signal a failure in the controller. It all depends on where the breakdown occurred.

Sometimes the board does not break and does not burn out, just a single failure occurs in the operation of the equipment. In this case, you do not need to disassemble the machine, just turn it off for 15 minutes, and then restart the wash.

If the Samsung machine is under warranty

If the machine, which is under warranty, breaks down, you cannot try to repair it yourself. Opening the device may result in denial of free service.

foto23579-3First you need to find a warranty card. It may indicate the number of the service center you should contact.

If there are no contacts for communication, you need to go to the store where the equipment was purchased. At the point of sale, the goods must be taken for examination.

After establishing the cause of the breakdown, there are 3 options for the development of events:

  1. The device is repaired free of charge.
  2. The money is returned to the buyer.
  3. The product is changed to a similar one.

As a rule, there are no problems with equipment that has a manufacturing defect. If the store refuses to accept a broken typewriter, you need to write a claim to the director's name. When you cannot get an answer, you should go to court or to the Consumer Protection Department.The maximum period for considering a claim is 10 days.

Delivery of the washing machine to the store is the responsibility of the buyer. The seller must transport the equipment to the place of examination..

If he did not do this, and the reason for the breakdown is marriage, the store is obliged to pay the costs incurred by the consumer. At the same time, you need to collect all the checks in order to prove your case in court.

How to repair if warranty expired?

If the warranty period has expired, then it will not be possible to achieve free repair of the equipment. There are two possible ways to solve the problem: disassemble the machine yourself and fix the problem, or contact a specialist for help.

Disassembling a household appliance

To understand that the electronic module has broken, it must be removed and inspected. With a detailed study, you can see oxidized areas and burn marks on the microcircuit.

Block removal instructions:

  • foto23579-4disconnect the machine from the network;
  • turn off the water supply tap;
  • remove the cover - it is mounted on self-tapping screws that are on the back;
  • press down the central stop and remove the powder dispenser;
  • unscrew the screws that are located around the perimeter of the control panel;
  • disable chips;
  • unfasten the latch and remove the cover.

Removing and diagnosing the board

After gaining access to the board, you need to disconnect the terminals from it. It is important to record this process on video or photo. If, after repair, the electrical circuit is incorrectly connected, then it will not work.

The main stages of diagnosis:

  1. The damaged areas are scorched or darkened.
  2. In the place of the crystal notch, the caps of the capacitors swelled or even torn.
  3. The area next to the processor has darkened, the color of the legs on which the microcircuit is attached has changed.
It will be possible to cope with the repair on its own if the person has experience working with a blowtorch. You should not experiment with an expensive board, it is better to call a wizard.

Troubleshooting methods

To understand whether it is possible to repair the board yourself, you need to carefully examine it. We'll have to test the parameters of the elements, evaluate which circuits have violations. Only a specialist with experience in working with microcircuits can cope with this task.

Provided that the board is intact, you can repair it yourself. Basic troubleshooting methods:

  1. foto23579-5Failed program installation sensors... Cause: clogged controller contacts. It will rotate with difficulty and no click is heard when scrolling. To deal with the problem, you need to remove the handle and clean it.
  2. Carbon deposits removal... It appears on washing machines that have been in use for a long time. You can brush off accumulated soot with a brush or brush.
  3. Interference of the hatch lock sensor... The most common cause of a malfunction is soap residues that accumulate over time. Dealing with the problem is simple - just clean the block.
  4. Loose belt drive... You can fix the problem by tightening the pulley.

This video examines the repair of the Samsung washing machine module:

Replacing a part

If the board is faulty, then it is simply changed.... To do this, you need to purchase a new part. You can buy the module in online stores. The price for a part starts from 5500 rubles and above. The more modern and intelligent the model, the more expensive the module.

You can purchase a used work board. Such parts may be available in service shops, from private repairmen. However, it is impossible to guarantee their continuous uninterrupted operation.

Checking work

The wizard checks the operation of the repaired elements of the control board using a multimeter. The probe is applied to the part and the values ​​shown by the tester are evaluated. If it supplies food or gives out 0, then a short circuit has occurred, if 1 - an open circuit.

After eliminating breakdowns, soldering the circuit, replacing sensors, resistors and varistors, the controller is installed in place and the wash cycle is started. Provided that everything is done correctly, there should be no failures in the program.

Master call

foto23579-6You need to contact a professional if you could not solve the problem yourself... Repairing a control board is a difficult task that cannot be dealt with without special knowledge.

For help, you can contact service centers or private craftsmen. Contact information for a specific locality can be found on the Internet.

Many repairers run advertisements in newspapers. Another option is to use word of mouth if you have acquaintances who have already used the services of such specialists.

When contacting private craftsmen, there is a risk of meeting with a scammer... Therefore, before calling a repairman at home, you need to study the reviews on the Web. As a rule, negative comments about unscrupulous masters are found on various forums.

If a specialist promises a free visit and diagnostics, and then demands payment, you need to threaten him with contacting the police.

Preventing future breakdowns

The reasons why the control board can fail and how to prevent them:

  1. Manufacturing defect. This reason is rare, but if it is found, then you need to immediately contact the branded service center.
  2. Electricity surges. To prevent failures from causing damage to the electronics, you need to use an adapter. If the apartment often knocks out plugs, you need to call an electrician.
  3. Wet board. It is unacceptable for water to fall on it.
  4. Transporting the device. The machine must be transported carefully, avoiding falls and shaking.
  5. Feces of pests, such as cockroaches and rodents, get on the board. You need to get rid of them.

All the most important about the repair of Samsung washing machines - in this section.


Repairing the control board of a Samsung washing machine is not always a difficult task. If it is out of order due to trivial contamination, then after cleaning the part will start working properly. More complex work in the form of soldering a microcircuit and replacing its individual elements is best left to a specialist.



