Why does Samsung washing machine show error h1 and what to do?

Samsung washing machines are valued for their thoughtful functionality and reliability. However, any technique sooner or later fails.

You can understand what exactly the malfunction is with the help of special codes that are displayed on the display if something goes wrong.

The article will talk about what the Samsung washing machine H1 error means, how to decipher it, when it can be eliminated on its own, and when you need to call the master.

What does the code given by the Samsung washing machine mean?

Error H1 signals that the malfunction concerns the heating element, better known as the heating element.

foto23140-2Users come across this code most often. A breakdown occurs in the 7-8 year of operation of the device (averaged data).

Other H1 error symbols:

  • H1.
  • H2.
  • HE.
  • HE1.
  • HE2.

If the Samsung model is not equipped with a display, then in case of an H1 error, all mode indicators will flash, and the temperature sensors 60 or 40 degrees, or 60 degrees and "Cold water" will light up.

Most often, people encounter such a problem 10-15 minutes after the start of washing., although sometimes the code appears within a few seconds after starting the loop. In this case, the device can work properly if washing is carried out at a water temperature of 30 degrees.


All codes beginning with the letter "H" indicate a problem with water heating. There are two options: it is either absent, or, on the contrary, redundant. Therefore, it is quite logical that the device continues to wash things in cool water, but does not wash in those modes that require heating.

H1 is a signal that the water temperature rises by more than 40 degrees in 20 minutes, or it exceeds 95 degrees (regardless of the cause of the malfunction).

If after the letter h there is a number 2, this means that the water is not heated, and more than 10 minutes have passed since the start of washing.

The reasons

The H1 error never occurs on its own. It indicates a malfunction in the heating element or its surrounding parts. Possible reasons for its appearance:

  1. foto23140-3Breakdown of heating element... This is the most common reason that is triggered by a short circuit or other factors. However, there is only one outcome: the part "burned out" and needs to be replaced.

    As a rule, most users who have encountered such a problem say that traffic jams are often knocked out in the apartment.

  2. Broken temperature sensor... This element is responsible for measuring the temperature of the water in the device. At the same time, it either does not heat up or overheats. You need to be prepared for the fact that in many Samsung models the sensor is built into the heating element, so you cannot do without replacing it.
  3. Broken microcircuit... The control board is an intelligent module that is responsible for the operation of the device as a whole. Most often, the burned out relay is the one that controls the start of the heating element. In this case, repairs will not be as expensive as if a complete module replacement is required. If the reason for H1 is a breakdown of the board, then the error most often appears a few minutes after the start of the wash, and the cycle itself stops completely.
  4. Damage to the wiring that connects the heating element and the microcircuit... In this case, the code will appear and disappear. You can cope with the problem by twisting the damaged wires, or completely replacing them.
  5. Overheating fuse blown... The heating element is a metal tube with a spiral inside. The space between them is filled with a fusible element, which is the fuse. If it melts, then the corresponding code pops up. Provided that a ceramic heating element with reusable fuses is installed in the unit, the part can be restored. In other cases, it will have to be changed.

How to fix the problem on your own?

Seeing the H1 error on the scoreboard, you do not need to immediately call the master. You can try to cope with the problem on your own.

However, you should not rely too much on success, since this code most often indicates a breakdown that requires the help of a professional.

You can try to fix the problem in the following ways:

  1. foto23140-4Check the reliability of the unit connection to the mains. Make sure the cord and plug are not damaged. If the machine is connected via an extension cord or adapter, it is necessary to assess their performance.
  2. If the code is displayed for the first time, you need to disconnect the device from the power source. After 10 minutes, it is connected and the result is evaluated. This measure helps in the event that a failure has occurred in the control module.
  3. Check if the wires from the heating element to the control module are securely connected. This is especially true when the device was previously disassembled in order to repair other parts. It is possible that the contacts were hurt and just need to be corrected.

Step-by-step algorithm for gaining access to the heating element and self-diagnostics of its performance:

  1. Disconnect the device from the mains.
  2. Remove the front cover and dismantle the protective cover from the heating element.
  3. Inspect the heating element for damage. Sometimes oxidized contacts are visible, their unreliable fastening.
  4. If the house has a multimeter, it is used for self-diagnosis.
  5. After disconnecting the wires, you need to measure the resistance. When the number 1 appears on the multimeter screen, it can be considered that the problem has been found (the heating element has burned out). If the indicators remain at the level of 28-30 ohms, then the part is in working order.
  6. In a similar way, measure the resistance level on the wires.
  7. Once the problem is found, you can perform a simple repair. In the store they buy a serviceable part, unscrew the broken heating element, clean its seat and contacts, and then install a new heating element. It remains to tighten the nuts, connect the wires and continue to use the washing machine.
If the listed actions did not help to cope with the problem, then you need to contact a specialist.

Master call

When it was not possible to cope with the h1 error on our own, the help of a repairman is needed. There are several ways to find craftsmen in your city:

  1. foto23140-5Contact Samsung Service Center.If the warranty period of service has not expired and it is proved that the breakdown is the result of a defect, the repair is carried out at the expense of the manufacturer. In this case, the machine will have to be taken to the destination on your own.
  2. Use word of mouth and call the workshop. Perhaps her services were used by relatives or friends who were satisfied with the quality of the services provided.
  3. Contact private craftsmen. You can find their contacts on the Internet or in printed bulletin boards.

In the latter case, you must be careful not to run into scammers. Reviews about the specialist will help you not to fall for their tricks. Moreover, you need to study them not on the site itself, but by typing the name of the master into the search line.

Before the arrival of the repairman, you need to study the average price of the service provided, as well as parts in need of repair:

  • work on replacing the heating element - 1,700 rubles, part price - 1,600 rubles;
  • work on replacing the temperature sensor - 1600 rubles, part price - 550 rubles;
  • work on replacing the control board - 2,400 rubles, part price from 4,000 to 8500 rubles;
  • replacement of broken wires - 1800 rubles.
If it so happens that the fake specialist has already ended up in the house and requires an incredible amount for repairs, you need to call the police. As a rule, in this case, scammers immediately retire.

Calling the master at home, you cannot stay alone with him. It is good if there are at least 2 people in the apartment.

Prevention of the problem

foto23140-6To protect the heating element from damage in the future, you need to make sure that a layer of scale does not form on it.

For this it is recommended to use high quality washing powder... The composition of modern tools includes components that protect the device from salt deposits.

From time to time it is necessary to carry out preventive descaling. This can be done using folk remedies or professional household chemicals.

If plugs are often knocked out in the apartment, you need to call an electrician who will fix the problem. Until this moment, you must use an adapter with an adapter.

Helpful information

Tips for detecting error h1:

  1. Do not confuse the H1 error with the display message coded as 2H. This entry indicates the amount of time remaining until the end of the wash.
  2. To complete the cycle, you need to make adjustments to the program. The device is paused, reducing the water temperature to 30 degrees.
  3. Before removing the cover, to gain access to the heating element, the machine must be turned off. It is not permissible to check it while the unit is running.

You can find out about all error codes for Samsung washing machines here.

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The h1 error rarely occurs due to an electronics failure. Its main reason is a burnt out heating element or its surrounding elements. If the problem is identified correctly, you can try to fix it on your own, or contact a workshop.



