Why does he1 error appear in Samsung washing machine and how to fix it?
Samsung washing machines are one of the most reliable devices that have proven themselves well.
But even they can have malfunctions and breakdowns, which is signaled by a stop in work and the issuance of the corresponding code from letters and numbers to the display.
One of them is "HE1". In a number of situations, it is possible to eliminate the problem, and even carry out repairs with the replacement of parts on your own.
What does the he1 error code mean in a Samsung washing machine, how to determine the breakdown and fix it, we will tell you in the article.
What does this code mean?
The error signal on the display of the "HE1" machine may have, depending on the specific model, another coding: HE2, E6, E5, H2, H1.
They all indicate that there is a problem with the heating element.... In addition to the appearance of one of the indicated codes, a stop in work indicates a problem.
It occurs at the moment when heating should start. It depends on the selected program, but, as a rule, the problem appears in the first minutes of operation.
In rare cases, such an error may indicate not a lack of heating, but, on the contrary, its increased intensity.
On washing machines without a display, an analogue of "HE1" is the state of the machine, in which the indicator lamps of all modes flash and the temperature indicators light up at + 60 ° C and “Cold water” or a combination of + 60 ° C and + 40 ° C.
Decryption of the error - a failure when heating water. At the same time, washing with exposure without heating - "Cold water", goes without problems. Error coding with the letter "E" is typical for washing machines manufactured before 2007.
If an error code is issued, the wash cycle stops.
Reasons for the appearance
There are several reasonsthat can lead to HE1 on the display:
Short circuit and burnout of the heating element. The solution is to replace the heating element.
- Breakdown of the temperature sensor, which is responsible for measuring the heating temperature. The situation can be corrected by replacing a worn-out temperature sensor or the entire heating element for models in which it is built-in.
- Malfunction of the control board.In most cases, the issue can be resolved by repair, less often by replacement.
- Breakage in the wiring (more often the problem is in the loop). In this case, the operation of the machine becomes unstable, since the error may not be constant, but periodic. A quality repair with a loop replacement will help to correct the situation.
A small proportion of failures are due to a coincidence that does not require repair.
Troubleshoot yourself
Failures associated with a violation of the heating process, for the most part, require serious repair... This requires the presence of tools (screwdrivers, wrenches, multimeter, etc.), and in some situations, in addition, a soldering iron and skills in working with it.
First you need to make sure that the washing machine is correctly connected to the mains, and there are no power surges. It is advisable to organize the connection not through a tee or extension cord, but directly.
Then you can start a hot wash cycle. If the HE1 error appears on the display again, repairs will have to be done.
How to get to the details?
Heating element, thermal sensor and control board - those blocks that are directly related to the heating process in the washing machine. It is impossible to reach them without disassembling the device.
Differences in the design of a particular model can present a separate difficulty, since each one may have its own nuances.
Most Samsung washing machines access the heating element and temperature sensor through the front panel. The front side also provides access to the electronics - the control module, a failure of which often leads to HE1.
You can provide yourself with access to the filling of the washing machine as follows:
If there is water in the washing machine, drain it.
- If there are items in the drum, you need to get them.
- De-energize the device. To do this, it must not only be turned off with the button, but also completely disconnected from the mains.
- Pull out the powder filling compartment.
- Place the device in such a way as to gain access to its rear wall.
- At the top, find the screws that hold the top horizontal panel.
- After unscrewing the screws, remove the cover by pulling it towards the rear wall.
- Near the hole of the powder receptacle, where the container with the powder is placed, find the screws holding the top panel, on which there are buttons, indicator lights and other adjustment and control elements.
- Open the hatch door.
- The rubber sleeve is held in place by a wire with an inserted spring section. It is necessary to remove it towards you.
- The rubber cuff must be pry off around the perimeter and pressed into the drum.
- Unscrew the screws holding the front section.
- Remove the front panel. Disconnect the electronic door lock connection.
- The heating element and thermostat in most of the models are located below.
Replacement process
The heating element needs to be replaced if it is inoperative. This can be determined by using a multimeter and installing the probes on the contacts. The resistance must be stable without surges. This is usually 25-35 ohms.
The thermal sensor is also being checked. It is located at the base of the heating element. If, according to the results of the "ringing", the cause of the failure is determined, the heating element with a built-in thermostat is replaced with a new one.
This requires:
disconnect the contacts of the heating element, which is in the car;
- unscrew the screw holding the heating element in the socket;
- slightly shaking the heating element by the base, pull it towards you;
- check the condition of the planting nest, if there is debris, it should be removed;
- install a new heating element in the right place;
- fix the heating element with a screw;
- connect all contacts.
The control module is an electronic board with tracks and elements. Complete diagnostics and re-soldering can only be performed by a specialist with the appropriate skills and the right tool for this. Repair of this unit is laborious and quite expensive.
This also requires reprogramming and making settings.... It is problematic to do it yourself without technical knowledge. The best solution is to call the master.
Parsing the washing machine and replacing the heating element - in the video:
Master's call: price of the issue
To repair a Samsung washing machine, you need to contact a service center that provides support for the equipment of this manufacturer. Companies specializing in repairs must have a permit to perform activities, a staff of qualified specialists.
The buyer receives information about the location of service centers and their contact numbers at the time of purchase in the shop.
For machines that are not under warranty, service can be entrusted to specialized service centers for the repair of household appliances. Information about them can be found on the Internet, it is also possible to get acquainted with customer reviews there.
The summoned master comes at a convenient time and conducts diagnostics, determining the cause of the breakdown. Most of the renovation work is carried out on site. At the end of the repair, the master conducts testing, issues a warranty for the work performed.
The cost of the work depends on the policy of the company. may vary by region and by firm. For the capital, prices are within the following limits:
- replacement of heating elements - about 2,000 rubles;
- replacement of the loop - in the region of 2,000 rubles;
- replacement of the control module - about 2,500 rubles, etc.
If during the repair process it is necessary to replace a part, its cost is paid separately. Contacting a home appliance repair company gives you confidence in quality service and in providing a guarantee.
If you contact an unverified master in private, you can get into fraud - poor-quality repairs, payment of an overpriced tariff, installation instead of new parts - used.
Prevention of malfunctions
Reduce the likelihood of breakdowns with the issuance of the "HE1" error the following preventive measures will help:
- Use of voltage stabilization equipment to prevent burnout of parts.
- Water softening. In most settlements, it is tough, which leads to the formation of scale, including on the heating element. As a result, it becomes unusable.
- Avoid placing the washing machine in a damp room. This can lead to oxidation of elements and electrical contacts.
The washing machine will work for a long time if it is properly looked after and all operating requirements are observed.
These include:
- ensure correct installation of the device and high-quality connection to communications;
- avoid getting moisture on the device, especially on its upper part, in which the electronic unit of the control module is located;
- it is advisable to buy a washing machine at official points of sale that provide a guarantee for the equipment.
You can find out about all error codes of Samsung washing machines here.
In many cases, it can be difficult to fix the problems that lead to the HE1 error. Breakdown requires partial disassembly of the device itself, removal of panels and replacement of part of the parts.
With poor technical training, as well as in cases where the problem is in the control module, it is advisable to use the help of an experienced specialist.