Professional advice on how to effectively and without negative consequences remove iodine from the carpet

foto30635-1Iodine is a widely used antiseptic that is found in almost every home.

If used carelessly, the liquid can spill onto the carpet and leave bright brown marks.

How to remove iodine stains from carpet at home, how to remove traces safely for carpet? Find tips and tricks in the article.

How to remove a fresh stain?

Iodine, when it hits the carpet, is quickly absorbed into the fibers. If possible, you should try to remove the stain right away.


  1. Blot the area of ​​contact with the antiseptic on the carpet with napkins or towels with good absorbency.
  2. Quickly mix starch with water to a gruel state.
  3. Apply the mixture to the stain.
  4. Leave for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Vacuum the carpet.

If after processing there are stains, then get rid of them you can use a soap solution, which is prepared as follows:

  • rub with laundry soap;
  • pour a tablespoon of shavings into a separate container;
  • pour in 1 liter of heated water;
  • stir.

The resulting solution is washed from the front and back sides, trying to avoid excessive moisture. If the color is light, then it is better to finish the surface at the end with fresh lemon juice.

How to remove traces from the coating at home?

Using the preparations that are already at hand, you can put the carpet in order quickly enough and without significant financial investments. Pharmacy preparations and funds from the kitchen will be used.

Soda and vinegar

The cleansing properties of vinegar and baking soda make it possible to remove the brown iodine stain from the surface of the carpet.


  1. Shake the spot with baking soda so that the entire mark is completely covered with powder.
  2. Pour vinegar directly onto the stain.
  3. Withstand an hour while the reaction passes.
  4. Vacuum.
If a trace remains after treatment, you can use a special carpet shampoo.


foto30635-3An aqueous solution is prepared for processing:

  • a glass of water is poured into the container;
  • add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia;
  • stir;
  • the mixture is applied to the mark;
  • leave for 20 minutes;
  • wash away.

The specific unpleasant odor requires very good ventilation.


Acetone-containing preparations, such as nail polish remover, are capable of dissolving the iodine coloring pigment. The stain is treated with a cotton swab soaked in solvent... After 5 minutes, wash the affected area of ​​the carpet with soapy water.

Hydrogen peroxide

The pharmaceutical product is poured directly from the bottle onto the stained area. If the pile of the carpet is long, it is convenient to use a swab or sponge. This will allow high quality treatment of the affected area. After a few minutes, the composition is washed off with soapy water.

If after the first treatment the contamination has not gone away, the procedure can be repeated as many times as necessary. Moreover, each stage should be completed by washing the stain with soapy water.

Sodium thiosulfate

Sodium thiosulfate is a chemical that can be used to remove stains from light colored carpet. For processing, a concentrated aqueous solution of powder is used.

foto30635-4Preparation of a solution for removing small fresh stains:

  1. Pour 1 glass of water into the prepared container.
  2. Add 1 tsp. drug.
  3. Stir.

Preparation of a solution for removing old and / or extensive soiling:

  • pour ½ glass of water into a container;
  • top up with 1 tsp. drug;
  • mix.

The resulting product is impregnated with a napkin or rag and begin to wipe the stain from the edges to the center. The treatment is completed by washing with clean water. If you need to clean it several times, then after each wiping with a cleaning compound, its remains must be washed off.


Pharmacy alcohol can be used as a solvent for cleaning carpet from iodine. It is applied neat and washed off after 10-15 minutes. At the end of cleaning, rinse with water.

Contacting dry cleaning

In cases where you are not sure that it will be possible to remove the stain without consequences, you can use the services of dry cleaning. You can find a company specializing in carpet cleaning on the Internet using the search query "carpet cleaning company" and additionally specifying the name of your city.

It is better to give preference to those firms that have been in the service provision market for a long time and have positive customer reviews. You can also find information about this on the Internet.

Most of the companies in the city provide services with a visit of a specialist at the address. The cost of processing is carried out taking into account the type and composition of the coating, as well as the size of the carpet.

In the capital, the average cost of cleaning a synthetic coating is 200 rubles per 1 m², made of wool - 250 rubles per 1 m². If the pile is long, then maintenance will cost more - about 400 rubles per 1 m².

If the composition of the carpet is complex, combining several types of materials, as well as from cotton, viscose or silk, then processing will have a higher cost - about 800 rubles per 1 m². Many companies set a limit on the minimum order amount, for example, from 2,000 rubles. After professional treatment, not only stains are removed, but also complex treatment is carried out.

Dry cleaning of carpet with stain removal can be carried out at home or with removal.

Prohibitions when deleting

In the process of removing iodine stains from carpet it is important to remember these prohibitions:

  1. foto30635-5To clean the surface, do not use aggressive agents - serious chemical solvents, as this will increase the likelihood of damage to the structure and color of the material.
  2. Do not use intense mechanical stress - this can harm the carpet itself.
  3. It is contraindicated to use bleach to clean the carpet, as the result will be unpredictable even on a light-colored surface.
  4. Do not pour multiple thinners at the same time, especially chlorine, baking soda, and vinegar. Mixing, such drugs form harmful volatile substances. In addition, the "explosive mixture" can damage the fibers and cause discoloration of patterns.

4 recommendations

The following expert advice will help with cleaning:

  1. Removing stains should be carried out with rubber gloves and good ventilation.
  2. Before applying the cleaner to the middle of the carpet, it should be tested in an inconspicuous area.
  3. After washing the stain, you should dry the carpet well to avoid mold and mildew.
  4. After removing localized contamination, it is recommended to carry out a complete cleaning of the carpet. This not only refreshes the paint, but also makes the treated area invisible.

Ways and means of how to remove an iodine stain from various surfaces are presented in this section.


You can remove iodine from the carpet not only by dry cleaning, but also at home. Simple recipes and simple ways will come to the rescue... At the same time, it is important to adhere to the recommendations of professionals and take into account the prohibitions when removing stains from the carpet.



