Proven ways and means of how to remove traces of iodine from linoleum

foto30595-1Maintaining the original appearance of linoleum is not difficult if it is not about removing iodine stains.

The brown traces of this pharmaceutical product are quickly absorbed into the synthetic coating, which, when the cleaning process is delayed, leads to the need to completely replace the linoleum.

How to remove iodine from linoleum? Practically proven methods and means will help to quickly remove stains and restore the original appearance of linoleum.

What's the first thing to do?

Before applying any cleaning agent to the iodine stain, it must be blotted with paper or cloth... This simple action will prevent the drug from smearing on the surface, stop the process of absorption of the drug into the synthetic flooring.

How to remove stains?

Cleaning linoleum from iodine stains begins with the most gentle means at hand. This will help avoid permanent damage to the synthetic coating, save money (special cleaning compounds are not cheap).

Baking soda

Baking soda can help remove iodine stains on linoleum.

In order to achieve the desired cleanliness result as quickly as possible, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions:

  1. foto30595-2Traces of iodine on the floor are gently wiped with a damp sponge.
  2. Baking soda is diluted with water to a gruel state.
  3. The prepared product is applied to a damp spot, then covered with a napkin and left until the soda is completely dry.
  4. The dry powder is removed from the linoleum with a damp cloth (no need to rub the soda).

The baking soda absorbs iodine particles, discoloring the stain on the floor. If the drug has already been absorbed into the synthetic coating, the soda cleaning procedure will have to be repeated at least two times to remove it.


When you need to quickly remove an iodine stain on linoleum, and there are no special tools at hand, ordinary potatoes will come to the rescue.

Algorithm of actions:

  • a large tuber potato is cut into two parts;
  • with neat, circular movements, they begin to rub the stain on the floor with a cut of potatoes;
  • the cut is periodically updated (cut off the dried layer).

The procedure is repeated until the trace of iodine disappears completely.

After cleaning, the floor must be washed with warm water.This mandatory procedure will help get rid of whitish stains from potato starch.

How to peel with lemon?

If contact with an alkaline environment (cleaning with baking soda) does not help remove the iodine trail on the floor, the stain is immersed in an acidic environment. For this, use fresh lemon. Quite large citrus is cut into slices.

The spots are liberally moistened with lemon juiceand then cover with slices of fresh lemon. In this form, the stain is left for ten to fifteen, for which the alkali will finally discolor the brown traces of iodine on the floor.

After the linoleum has returned to its original appearance, it is washed with clean cool water.

Vitamin C

No lemon? Look for ascorbic acid from your home medicine cabinet. This drug works great with iodine stains on linoleum.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. foto30595-3Two or three tablets of ascorbic acid are ground into powder. To do this, they are laid out between two sheets of parchment paper and rolled with a rolling pin.
  2. The dry powder is diluted with water to a thick slurry. The prepared composition is applied to the stain (it is convenient to use a toothbrush) and left for ten minutes.
  3. The cleaning paste together with the iodine particles are removed from the linoleum with a damp soft sponge.

The effectiveness of this method directly depends on the quality of the pharmaceutical product.


Remove iodine stains on linoleum with vodka (in principle, any alcohol-containing liquid).

The actions are simple: traces of iodine on the floor are rubbed thoroughly with a cotton swab, abundantly moistened with vodka... Friction is continued until the stain is discolored.

In a situation where sparing improvised means did not help remove iodine stains from linoleum, it makes sense to use more aggressive cleaning compounds.

How to withdraw whiteness?

Chlorine-containing products (eg Whiteness) perfectly remove stains from any surfaces (including linoleum).

Algorithm of actions:

  • The whiteness is diluted with water (ratio 1:10);
  • linoleum is abundantly moistened with the prepared composition and left until brown traces are completely discolored.
You can work with Whiteness only with rubber gloves, with open windows and doors.

Cleaning abrasive powders

foto30595-4On the shelves of hardware stores there are enough a wide range of abrasive cleaning agents for:

  • tiles,
  • plumbers,
  • kitchen.

In addition to their direct purpose to clean surfaces from grease, soot and dirty deposits, such powders (for example, Comet, Pemolux, Velvet) do an excellent job with iodine stains on linoleum. This is because abrasive cleaning products contain soda and lye - the enemies of iodine.

It is enough to treat traces of iodine on the floor with a damp sponge, abundantly crushed with abrasive powder. A few circular motions and no trace of brown marks will remain.

Abrasive powders leave scratches and scuffs, therefore this method of cleaning is best used only as a last resort, when other means are powerless in the fight against ode stains on the floor.

Cleaning prohibitions

There are three “no's” to remember before you start removing iodine stains from linoleum:

  1. It is impossible to rub the iodine stain with an emery cloth (metal brush, scraper). Using these tools will create a hole in the spot and damage the synthetic flooring.
  2. Do not use two or more types of cleaning agents at the same time. It is not known how such a "cocktail" will affect the appearance of the coating. Most often, the result of such a scraper is a completely spoiled linoleum.
  3. Chlorine bleach (Whiteness) must not be used undiluted. A highly concentrated product can make linoleum dull, change the color and structure of the coating.
Before using any previously unknown composition, it must be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​linoleum.


foto30595-5A few tips from experienced housewives will speed up the process of removing marks iodine from linoleum will help preserve the appearance of the coating after cleaning.

If, in the process of removing traces of iodine, the linoleum begins to lose color, you must immediately stop cleaning, rinse the treated area with clean water.

And only after that, try to repeat the process of removing pollution, but using another, more gentle means.

When cleaning the floor from iodine traces, it is necessary to ensure that the cleaning agent does not get on the clean area of ​​linoleum. The treatment of the spot begins at the edge, smoothly moving towards the center.

Ways and means of how to remove an iodine stain from various surfaces are presented in this section.


Small (or not so) specks of iodine on linoleum will not be a huge problem and the reason for replacing the floor covering, if you approach the process of removing contamination wisely, using proven effective cleaning agents.



