Transparent clean windows, on which there are no streaks - the dream of any housewife. The problem can be solved not only by using purchased household chemicals. The funds that are on the farm will come to the rescue.
By adhering to recipes and balanced proportions, it is easy to prepare effective formulations for cleaning windows that will keep the glass clean.
In this article, we will tell you how to wash windows with folk remedies if you do not have a special one designed for washing glass at hand.
How to wash windows without streaks with improvised compositions, if there are no special ones?
When planning window cleaning, you should prepare free space - remove foreign objects, remove curtains. It's also important to take care of the tool in advance.
Soapy water
Before you start washing the glass directly, the frames, window sills and slopes should be put in order. Soapy water is an effective and simple product that allows you to remove dirt and dust from windows without scratching.
The soap solution is prepared using one of the following cleaning agents:
- bar soap, grated;
- washing powder;
- liquid soap;
- gel for washing dishes or for washing.
The selected product is carefully diluted in water in an arbitrary proportion. It is necessary to wash the frames with the prepared solution. After removing contamination, the composition is washed off the windows with clean water.
In advanced cases, you can apply a soap solution in advance., and give the medium time to act. To do this, you can leave the applied product for 10 minutes. After that, wash the windows.
For heavily soiled glasses, you can also use a soap-based cleaner. But it must be borne in mind that after this, the windows will need to be washed very carefully.
Soda plus vinegar
Using pure baking soda can wash away dirt, but this method can lead to scratches due to the abrasiveness of the powder. Because of this, as an independent cleaning agent, the drug is not recommended for cleaning frames, or for washing glasses.
To maintain the cleanliness of the windows, a composition with the participation of soda can be used:
- water - 2 liters;
- vinegar - ½ cup;
- soda - ¼ glass.
Lemon is often used to clean windows. Using this option, cleansing is achieved through the action of the acid in the product.
The easiest option:
- Pour a glass of water into a container with a spray.
- Add ¼ cup lemon juice.
- Apply to glass with a spray bottle.
- Wipe with a soft cloth.
You can only use freshly squeezed juice, not canned juice.
Chalk solution
For very dirty windows, a composition based on finely ground chalk will help. If the windows have not been washed for a long time, there are streaks and traces of insects, then the chalk is diluted with water to a state of gruel, and in such water it is distributed over the glass surface.
As a means of regular treatment, the solution can be less concentrated:
- Pour 0.5 liters of water into a container.
- Pour in 25 grams of chalk powder.
- Stir until smooth.
- Apply.
- Wait for the composition to dry.
- Wipe with a cloth.
- Wash off.
Tooth powder can be used instead of chalk.
Glycerin as an independent product is not intended specifically for cleaning windows.
Its tasks:
- give the surface a shine;
- prevent the appearance of ice;
- reduce the amount of deposited dust.
For these purposes, glycerin is often added to window cleaning solutions. One of the simple recipes:
- In a small container, mix water (40 ml) and glycerin (60 ml).
- Add 3 drops of ammonia.
- Stir.
- Use for wiping glasses.
The composition with glycerin must be rubbed in, leaving no damp places for self-drying. Read more about the method. here.
Blue is not inherently a stand-alone cleaning agent that can deal with tough dirt. Adding it in small amounts (a pinch per liter of water) to any self-prepared mixture for cleaning windows, allows glasses to acquire an interesting bluish tint.
For washing frames, the composition with blue is not used due to the risk of staining from uneven staining.
Food-grade potato starch is one of the remedies that can be used to remove dusty windows by washing them without streaks.
A simple and effective recipe includes only 2 components:
- liter of water;
- a tablespoon of starch.
Ammonia is a pharmaceutical agent that is often used in everyday life to remove dirt from various surfaces.
For washing windows the following use case is suitable:
- Pour a liter of water into the container.
- Add ammonia - 10 ml.
- Mix.
If the windows are heavily stained, then vinegar can also be added to the composition. Read more about this method of cleaning windows. here.
A solution of vinegar in water is a good option to wash the glass without streaks and clean the frames. It should be borne in mind that for cleaning frames, vinegar should be used only in a diluted form so as not to damage the plastic.
Standard solution preparation option:
- pour ½ l of water into a container;
- pour in vinegar (1/4 cup);
- pour in dishwashing detergent (1/2 tsp);
- mix.
He will tell you more about washing windows with vinegar this publication.
Fabric softener
An unexpected but effective use is for fabric softener. Cooking is very simple:
- Pour a liter of water into a convenient container.
- Add a glass of conditioner.
- Stir the composition.
- Use with a napkin.
- Polish with dry cloth.
Learn more about washing windows with fabric softener here.
What can't be used?
In an effort to clean faster and more efficiently, you can easily damage windows. To prevent this from happening, it is important to remember some of the prohibitions:
- You should not mix various components in a row, trying to make the composition more saturated. Some substances cannot be combined together, as they either neutralize the action of each other, or, conversely, can lead to the fact that the washing solution becomes too caustic. In the latter case, the seals and the plastic itself may suffer.
- Do not try to speed up the window cleaning process by using abrasive brushes and coarse-grained compounds, such as coarse salt, etc. Sharp edges of grains and a stiff brush may well scratch both the glass itself and the frame.
- In order for the glass to remain streak-free, the final stage of care should be polishing and the obligatory wiping of the surface dry.
- Components that family members are allergic to must not be used as ingredients in the cleaning solution.
8 recommendations
Carry out a quality window cleaning the following expert recommendations will help:
- All work must be carried out with rubber gloves.
- The more pronounced the odor of the window cleaning solution, the better the ventilation should be.
Ideally, use microfiber cloths or lint-free, absorbent cloths such as cotton or linen as a cloth.
- The procedure for washing windows is first from the inside, then - from the outside.
- A saline solution will help to cope with icy windows in winter.
- When the windows are running, it may be necessary to wash several times in a row, since during the first entry it is necessary to first remove the main contaminants.
- If there is a lot of work ahead - putting in order several windows, then it is advisable to take care of a suitable tool in advance that will facilitate the work. An example of such an inventory is handy buckets, a squeegee, a mop for cleaning windows, etc.
- Frames, like glass, must be wiped dry at the end of cleaning.
Washing windows without streaks using folk remedies is not a difficult task. The main thing in this matter is to adhere to the verified recipe and follow the recommendations of specialists.