Life hacks of experienced housewives, how to clean a burnt pot at home

foto30877-1Clean pots are the pride of housewives. But routine cleaning won't help you deal with heavily burnt food.

In this case, you will need special tools or the use of home methods to put the dishes in order without damaging its surface.

More details about how and how to clean a burnt pan (enameled, cast iron, aluminum, stainless steel), we will tell in the article.

How to remove fumes with folk remedies?

It is quite difficult to clean off the burnt composition right away.... In order not to damage the pan itself, it is first advisable to fill the affected container with water and let it stand. This will soften the burnt layer and make it much easier to remove.


foto30877-2This method is the simplest, but often shows itself as ineffective when the food burns significantly.


  • fill the container with water so that the water covers all the affected areas with some margin;
  • boil;
  • cool;
  • repeat the treatment 2-3 times.

If after several boils there is still carbon residue, you can remove the softened layer with a dish sponge.


For light soiling, when the bottom of the pan is not too burnt, you can use regular kitchen salt. It is poured into a saucepan in a thick layer and left to act for 5-8 hours.... After that, they are cleaned with a hard sponge. Flush the pan in the usual way with gel.

Concentrated saline solution will help clean the pan of burnt food.

Order of use:

  1. Prepare a solution of salt per liter of water - 5 tablespoons. The liquid should cover all burnt areas, including on the walls of the dishes.
  2. Put the pan on fire.
  3. Boil for 1-1.5 hours.
  4. Cool down.
  5. Carry out processing with a sponge, removing the softened carbon deposits.
Boiling with salt will give a more pronounced effect than dry application, but it will not be able to cope with advanced cases and old pollution.


foto30877-3Baking soda is an alkaline product that can be used to remove burnt spots on the bottom of the pot.


  • prepare a cleaning solution at the rate of 0.5 cups of powder per liter of water;
  • put on fire;
  • boil for at least 60 minutes;
  • cool;
  • clean with a kitchen sponge.

Soda-vinegar solution

For processing, it is necessary to prepare a concentrated solution of table vinegar, diluted in half with water. The solution is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. After removing from heat, add a tablespoon of soda. Pour in enough powder to form extensive foam.

The pan is left to stand while the reaction proceeds.... After the foam settles, mechanical cleaning will take place faster, since the carbon deposits will soften, and in some places even move away from the bottom and walls.

For old burn-in, the treatment must be repeated several times, preparing a fresh solution for each procedure.

Soda and peroxide

The addition of peroxide will help enhance the effect of baking soda. For use, a composition is prepared at the rate of 3 parts of soda for 2 parts of water.


  1. The resulting preparation is used to treat areas affected by burnt food.
  2. Leave to act for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Rub with a hard sponge.


foto30877-4Table vinegar can be used in several ways:

  • in pure form;
  • in the form of an aqueous solution;
  • with additional boiling.

Using vinegar requires good ventilation, especially when using heated solution methods.

Vinegar is used as follows:

  1. Pour the liquid directly from the bottle into the saucepan. It may not be diluted or diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2.
  2. Heat, but do not bring to a boil.
  3. Leave for a few hours.
  4. Clean the pan with a hard sponge.

Heating is a factor that enhances the effects of acetic acid.

Activated carbon

The use of pharmacy activated carbon will help to remove small dirt, but not cope with old ones.

For processing, it is necessary to remove the tablets from the packaging and grind them to a powdery state. The number of tablets depends on the size of the burnt area.


  • black powder obtained from tablets is poured onto the bottom so as to cover the affected areas;
  • the pan is infused for several hours;
  • water is added - it needs so much to cover all the stains;
  • the pan is left for another hour and a half;
  • cleaning with a sponge.

Mustard powder

foto30877-5Using mustard powder keeps the bottom and sides of the pot clean. But this method will not overpower the burnt layer of porridge or jam.

Mustard is applied to a damp sponge and stained areas are rubbed... The resulting cleaning gruel helps wipe away small, non-old stains.

You can enhance the effect by mixing mustard powder with baking soda and pre-rubbing the mixture on the bottom of the pan.


The lactic acid in the whey will help clear burnt food. The product is poured into a saucepan in sufficient quantity to cover the burn marks. The minimum layer of poured liquid is from 20 mm.

Cover the saucepan and leave for several hours.... During this time, the acid will soften the carbon deposit, which will allow it to be removed without damaging the base material.

Apples, lemon

After burnt porridge, you can clean the pan with fresh apples. You need to choose the fruits of sour varieties. A similar result can be obtained with lemons.


  1. Cut the apples into large pieces.
  2. Place in a saucepan.
  3. To fill with water.
  4. Boil for 30-60 minutes.
The more apples, and the more sour they are, the higher the effect due to the entry of fruit acid into the fruit.


A non-standard use of toothpaste is for scrubbing burned areas inside the pot.This method will give a good effect when the pollution is fresh. The paste is squeezed onto a sponge or directly into a saucepan and rubbed on the hard side.

Coca Cola

foto30877-6To remove burnt marks Coca Cola can be used.

The drink is poured into the affected pan and left to act for several hours. Then rub with the hard side of the sponge.

The effect of the influence of the drink is due to the inclusion of carbon dioxide and orthophosphoric acid in its composition.

How to remove with special drugs?

In cases where homemade recipes have proven ineffective, you can try commercial cleaning products... These products dissolve even heavily burnt areas on the bottom and walls.

After cleaning with special preparations, the pan must be washed with dish gel and rinsed well.

Grass Azelit Anti-fat Shiny cauldron

The cleaner comes in the form of a spray... The drug is highly concentrated, it will help to cope even with old fat. The price for a volume of 0.6 liters is from 125 rubles. Read reviews here.


Sano Forte Plus Concentrated Grease Removal Gel

Gel concentrate helps to deal with burnt fat and other contaminants. Forte Plus even copes with stubborn burn marks in pots and ovens. Action is fast and effective. The cost is about 500 rubles per package.


Meine Liebe Antizhir

Anti-Fat cleaning agent - biodegradable, allows you to remove burnt fat from various types of surfaces, including pans and pots. Burnt food debris, even stubborn ones, are quickly removed without damaging the surface of the dishes. The average price is from 200 rubles.


Features of cleaning various surfaces of kitchen utensils

The method of cleaning the pan from burnt food must take into account the coating material of the cookware. This is an important point, since only certain methods of exposure are permissible for various surfaces.


The enamelled coating is unpretentious, but can be damaged by intense mechanical stress. Because of this the use of hard sponges and metal scrapers is contraindicated.

To clean the burnt bottom, both acidic and alkaline compounds are suitable. If, after processing or as a result of operation, the whiteness of the enamel has been lost, boiling with a water-vinegar solution will help to return it.

In cases where there are chips and scratches on the inner surface of the pan that violate the integrity of the coating, such utensils cannot be used for cooking.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel pans are durable, reliable and have a very long service life. You can cope with burnt places using:

  • vinegar
  • lemon,
  • serum,
  • Coca-Cola, etc.

Intensive cleaning with alkaline powders can result in scratches and loss of gloss.


foto30877-10Aluminum pans are very picky about the choice of cleaning method.

Acidic solutions for processing are absolutely not suitableas they react with the material itself. The use of alkaline powders and solutions is also difficult - they can provoke a darkening of the surface.

It is advisable to avoid prolonged boiling with cleaning compounds, as this can make the upper layers of aluminum even looser. This will increase the likelihood of burning food. Purchased products are not all intended for the care of aluminum, so the information on the packaging should be read especially carefully before purchasing the drug.


The non-stick Teflon coating can also burn if the pan is misused. Since the Teflon layer is thin enough, it can be easily damaged.

It is necessary to handle such dishes carefully, trying to avoid aggressive mechanical or chemical influences.For cleaning such surfaces, it is better to choose special preparations and a sponge designed to care for the Teflon coating.

Even with careful use according to all the rules, the protective coating becomes thinner over time. If the food starts to burn regularly, the pot probably needs to be replaced.


Ceramic coating requires gentle handling... Like Teflon, this surface has its own shelf life, after which the dishes must be replaced with a new one.

To clean the burnt bottom of such dishes, do not use alkaline agents, apply intense friction with washcloths. Also prohibited is the temperature contrast leading to deterioration of the ceramic layer.

Cleaning should be as gentle as possible... It is better to wipe off burnt areas with a sponge soaked in vegetable oil. Another option for exposure is long-term preliminary soaking.

Regular burning of food in a ceramic pan can signal the need for replacement, since the coating has ceased to cope with its main functions.

Cast iron

foto30877-11Cast iron cookware has an almost unlimited service life. Such a pot can only be damaged by mechanical action.

For cleaning such kitchen utensils almost any cleaning method can be used without restrictions.

If the dishes are burnt and require intensive processing, the surface of the bottom and walls may lose their natural protective layer. The porosity of the inner surface can also cause food to burn. If this is the case, the pan will need to be calcined with kitchen salt to restore the protective layer.

The nuances of removing various burnt food inside from the bottom

Depending on which product is burnt in the pan, you can choose the most suitable processing option.

Sugar-containing foods

When burning sweet desserts (pastries, preserves, syrup) use preferably acidic cleaning compounds... If caramel or jam is burnt, you should not leave the pan cleaning "for later". First, you need to pour high temperature water into it and let it stand for at least 3-5 hours.

If soaking does not help with the solution of the issue, the pan should be boiled with a cleaning agent, which is selected based on the material of the dishes.

If the burn from sweet food is frozen and the processing was not carried out in time, it will be difficult to clean the pan. You will have to act in several stages, combining soaking, boiling and scrubbing.


Burnt milk not only spoils the inside of the pots, but it also smells bad. For cleaning, both acids (for example, lemon) and activated carbon or soda can be used.

If milk is boiled frequently, it is recommended to purchase a special pan - a milk cooker... It has a special structure with two layers of walls.

How to wash the pan from burnt milk, the video will tell you:

Meat, potatoes

If a potato or meat dish is burnt, fill the pan with water as soon as possible and let it stand. As a result, the carbon deposits will begin to lag behind and can be removed. In order not to damage the surface, cleaning must be carried out in stages, in several passes.


Cereals are high in fiber... This makes it easier to scrub the burnt porridge from the bottom of the pot. You should start by soaking the affected bottom and walls. To do this, pour hot water into the container and leave the pan for at least half an hour. In advanced cases, you can try boiling.


Burnt fat is not easy to remove from the pan. Soaking in this case will not give an obvious result. Mustard powder and soda will help deal with fresh carbon deposits. To clean a long-burnt pan quickly, it is more convenient to use special household chemicals.

What not to do and why?

When cleaning a burnt pot you must remember about such prohibitions:

  1. foto30877-12Do not use detergents that are not intended for use on dishes, as this can harm not only the pan, but also health.
  2. Do not clean with bare hands - protective rubber gloves will be needed.
  3. Vigorous mechanical cleaning methods should not be used as they can damage the surface.
  4. The kind of coating material should not be ignored. It is necessary to choose methods of exposure only taking into account the material so as not to completely ruin the pan.


Expert advice will help you clean the dishes as efficiently as possible:

  1. If the reason for the burning of food is damage to the non-stick layer, then it is better to discard such dishes, since using such a pan is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to health due to the ingestion of carcinogenic substances.
  2. The use of the cleaning compound must be carried out according to the instructions, in compliance with safety measures.
  3. When choosing the consistency of the preparation for cleaning, it must be borne in mind that powders can scratch the surface of the material, and sprays are used only with good ventilation.


It is possible to clean the burned-out pan and restore its appearance even with the help of home methods. In difficult situations, a multi-stage approach will help, as well as the use of special household chemicals.



