Methods of struggle: how and with what can you remove a blood stain, including an old one?
Blood stains on the floor, clothes or furniture will become a real problem for those who do not know all the intricacies of the process of removing such stains.
In order not to completely spoil the already soiled surface, it is necessary to choose the right cleaning agent. The choice is influenced by many factors: the time of occurrence of contamination, the area and type of surface to be cleaned.
How and how you can remove a blood stain, including dried and old, we will tell in the article.
What to do with fresh dirt?
No matter what surface the drops of blood fall on, the first thing to do is to stop the process of absorbing pollution... To do this, the blood is washed off with the pressure of cold water (in other words, they wash the thing under the tap). If there is no tap nearby, then the soaked product is soaked for several minutes in a bowl or bucket of cold water.
How to remove traces of folk remedies?
At the first stage of cleaning, use the ingredients at hand. These are inexpensive, affordable products that, if used correctly, can quickly get rid of reddish-brown blood marks.
TOP 5 most effective tools at hand:
Hydrogen peroxide - a pharmacy product with excellent bleaching properties. Blood stains are generously treated with hydrogen peroxide. In fifteen minutes, the reddish-brown marks will disappear forever.
- Laundry soap - a time-tested means of removing dried, ingrained traces of blood.
Laundry soap can be used as an ingredient in a soap solution (the soap shavings are dissolved in warm water) and as an independent product (they rub the stain with soap). In any case, after cleaning with soap, the surface must be thoroughly washed off with warm water.
- Baking soda - a great option for cleaning blood stains on clothes, upholstery and mattresses. Soda is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.The resulting composition is applied to the dirt and left for twenty minutes. After that, the gruel is gently, in a circular motion, cleaned with a toothbrush, thereby removing frozen blood particles from the surface.
- Citric acid - the best option for removing bloody stains from white things. Citric acid powder (10 g) is dissolved in 1 tbsp. water. The gruel is applied to the stain and left for fifteen minutes. After the product is sent to the wash.
- Glycerol - a time-tested remedy for combating blood stains. Glycerin is heated in a water bath and applied in a warm form to bloody footprints. After fifteen minutes, the treated area is wiped with a cotton pad.
In a situation where the tools at hand did not help remove traces of blood without residue, it makes sense to use more aggressive chemical compounds.
How to clean with special preparations?
When improvised means were powerless in the fight against blood stains, special professional formulations come to the rescue. TOP-3 most effective means of removing blood stains:
Udalix Ultra stain remover pencil
A fast-acting remedy that removes even the most difficult and stubborn stains:
- blood,
- wine,
- tea and coffee,
- brilliant green and lipstick.
Retains the color and structure of the processed poveta. Economical consumption.
Method of application: the stain is moistened with water, then rubbed with a pencil until foam forms. After fifteen minutes, the treated area is washed off with warm water. Average cost - 130 rubles. (pencil 35 g).
Antipyatin soap
A universal remedy for all types of stains. Active enzymes from bile and natural enzymes will easily cleanse traces of:
- blood,
- fat,
- wine,
- tea,
- coffee,
- paints.
Method of application: rub the contaminated area with soap and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water. Antipyatin stain remover is effective even at low temperatures.
Average cost - 60 rubles. (soap 90 gr).
VANISH Oxi Action
Thanks to active oxygen, Vanish will flawlessly clean clothes and home textiles from blood stains. Suitable for both colored and white fabrics.
Method of application: Dissolve 100 ml of liquid stain remover in 4 liters of warm water. The contaminated product is soaked in the prepared solution for at least six hours, after which it is washed as usual.
Pre-treatment is recommended for stubborn stains... For this, the contaminated area is treated with an undiluted stain remover (a special dispenser is used). Fifteen minutes after the treatment, the stain removal process is carried out according to the standard scheme. The average cost is 180 rubles. (volume 450 ml).
Before using any special tool, it is necessary to find out for which specific surfaces it is intended and how it is used. It is important to strictly follow all the manufacturer's recommendations and not exceed the time of interaction of the chemical composition with the contaminated surface (there are great risks of final damage to the product).
Features of cleaning various surfaces
Before proceeding with the removal of blood stains, it will not be superfluous to inquire about the peculiarities of cleaning various surfaces. After all, it depends on how competently the method of removing bloody traces is selected, whether the original appearance of the surface will be restored or the product will be completely damaged.
The difficulty in cleaning the mattress is that large items cannot be placed in a bathtub or washing machine. The mattress can only be cleaned locally, paying special attention to drying the area already cleared of the stain (an incompletely dried mattress is an ideal place for the growth of fungi and mold).
If the stains have already dried, a boric acid solution will help clean the mattress. Using an old toothbrush, rub the stain with boric acid with diluted water (1: 1 ratio), after which the already cleaned mattress is wiped with a damp sponge and left in a well-ventilated area until completely dry.
The choice of carpet stain removers determines the material of the pile.
So for carpets made of synthetic threads, ammonia will help remove traces of blood (breaks down blood molecules, accelerates their removal from the fleecy surface).
It is enough to treat the contamination with an ammonia solution (3 drops of ammonia are dissolved in 100 ml of cool water) and leave for five minutes.
After the wet trail is gently blotted with a clean dry cloth. It is important not to exceed the contact time of the ammonia with the carpet surface. Otherwise, white streaks may appear on the spot.
Clean the wool carpet with a mixture of salt (1 tablespoon) starch (2 tablespoons) and hydrogen peroxide (70 ml)... The ingredients are mixed in a glass container until smooth and gently applied with a soft toothbrush to the stain. After five minutes with a napkin, the cleaning paste together with blood particles are collected from the pile cover.
If cleaning with improvised means did not lead to the desired result, in order to avoid final damage to the product, it is worth using dry cleaning services. Also, home cleaning is not recommended for very long pile carpets, expensive silk and viscose coverings.
If the walls are covered with paper wallpaper, potato starch will help remove blood stains.... The dry powder is diluted with water until a thick slurry stands. The resulting mass is applied to the stain and left to dry completely. After the paste is easily cleaned off along with the dirt with a dry soft brush.
Dense non-woven wallpaper can be wiped with a sponge dipped in soapy water (laundry soap is rubbed on a grater and mixed with warm water until it becomes thick sour cream). It is necessary to scrub the wallpaper very carefully, avoiding joints at the seams.
Painted walls are the easiest to clean. If soapy water, hydrogen peroxide, or starch paste doesn't help remove the blood stain, you can simply repaint the wall.
The success of the process of removing blood stains from linoleum directly depends on how quickly cleaning began. The easiest way to remove fresh traces is using ammonia... With a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with ammonia, cover the traces of blood on the floor. Fifteen minutes later, the linoleum is wiped with a clean damp cloth.
Bed sheets
Fresh marks on the sheet will help remove hydrogen peroxide. Rinse the cold under cold running water, after which, spreading the laundry on a flat surface, treat the stain with hydrogen peroxide.
It is much more difficult to remove already dried, stubborn stains from the sheet.... Alternatively, you can use the vinegar stain treatment method (diluted with water in equal proportions) or the pre-soak method using oxygen bleach.
Upholstered furniture
It is possible to quickly remove a blood stain from the upholstery of upholstered furniture only if there is a quick reaction to the resulting contamination. A soapy solution will help clean the fabric upholstery. To prepare it, dissolve 5 tbsp in a liter of water. liquid detergent for dishes. The resulting composition is moistened with a stain and left for thirty minutes.
After that, very carefully, trying not to go beyond the contours of the stain, without pressing, the traces of blood are cleaned with a soft sponge. Already cleaned upholstery of a sofa or armchair, wipe with a damp cloth and left to dry in a well-ventilated place.
Removing blood stains from leather upholstery is easy. It is enough to wipe the stain with a damp sponge. The only condition for proper cleaning is minimal skin contact with water and aggressive detergents. How to remove a blood stain from a sofa, read here.
In order not to permanently ruin the clothes, the process of removing blood stains carried out in the following sequence:
- The remaining blood is blotted with a paper napkin.
- The selected product is tested on an inconspicuous area of clothing, after which it is applied to the stain.
- After ten to fifteen minutes, the contamination is wiped with a damp sponge.
If necessary, the steps are repeated several times until the stain is completely removed.
Blood stains from light summer dresses can be removed by soaking in saline... Clothes stained with blood must not be washed or ironed at high temperatures. The result of such actions is ingrained traces of blood and permanently damaged clothing. Will tell you about removing blood stains from jeans this article, from clothes - this.
The video will tell you about removing blood stains from clothes:
What not to do and why?
So that removing stains does not end with the final damage of the product (regardless of what material it is made of), you should familiarize yourself with some restrictions and prohibitions in advance.
It is strictly forbidden to wash away traces of blood with hot water (more than 30 ° C)... When heated, the protein in the blood instantly coagulates, and the iron particles are oxidized, as a result of which indelible yellow spots remain on the surface.
Do not rub fresh traces of blood with paper towels or a sponge. The result of such actions is an enlarged spot. To remove dirt, the cleaning agent is applied gently, locally, with light blotting movements, taking care not to touch the clean surface around.
It is forbidden to hack with professional chemicals indoors, without gloves and a respirator. Do not mix ammonia and whiteness. When combined, these two ingredients give off more dangerous, toxic fumes.
Clean fluffy fabrics only in the direction of the fluff... The agent is applied to the sponge (and not on the dirt), after which, starting from the edges, smoothly moving towards the center, the dirt is treated.
Before applying any product to blood stains, it should be tested on a small, inconspicuous area of the contaminated surface.
Was there hydrogen peroxide on hand? It doesn't matter, it will be perfectly replaced by liquid for storing contact lenses (it contains hydrogen peroxide).
Replace ammonia in the fight against blood traces with a liquid window cleaner (it contains a sufficient amount of ammonia).
In the fight against blood stains, be patient. It is not always possible to remove such complex pollution the first time. But perseverance and correctly selected means can work wonders, without leaving a trace of blood from a contaminated surface.