Useful recommendations on how to independently remove water from a stretch ceiling if neighbors are flooded
Glossy and matte, white and multi-colored, perfectly flat stretch ceilings have firmly entered the modern interior. A variety of ceiling designs perfectly complement the style and character of the home.
In addition to numerous positive characteristics (ease of installation, duration of operation), stretch ceilings are distinguished by another amazing property - to restrain water flowing from neighbors from above.
The liquid accumulated on the stretch ceiling is collected in a bubble, which can only be disposed of through competent sequential actions.
How to independently remove water from the stretch ceiling inside, if you are flooded by neighbors, we will tell in the article.
What's the first thing to do?
The first thing to do when you find a bubble of water on the ceiling is to calm down. Excitement and haste are not the best helpers in the process of removing traces of flooding.
So, in order to quickly drain the water without compromising the appearance of the entire tension structure, it is worth adhering to a certain algorithm of initial actions:
Cut off the power supply to the house (turn off the machines). It is strictly forbidden to drain water and generally touch the damp ceiling if there is an electricity supply to the house.
Ignoring this rule is fraught with short circuit, grasses and shock from electric shock.
- Find out the cause of the flood. Perhaps the neighbors from above forgot to close the tap, or the culprit of the flood was a leak in the batteries, sewer pipe.
It is important to identify the source of the leak and eliminate it as soon as possible. If the neighbors from above were not at home, there is no way to go down to the basement and shut off the water supply through the riser, there is only one way out - to call the emergency service.
- Prepare the necessary inventory. It is impossible to carry out work on draining water from a stretch ceiling without a ladder. You also need to take care of a sufficient number of basins, bowls, large buckets, rubber hose (at least two meters long), rags.
- Remove all small items from the room, and cover large items with plastic.It is impossible to predict how the work on draining the stretch ceiling water will go, therefore it is better to take care of the safety of interior items not yet flooded with water.
How to drain the liquid yourself?
There are several ways to remove accumulated fluid on the stretch web. The choice of the method is determined by several factors: the localization of the water bubble and the presence of lamps on the stretch ceiling.
Through the hole of the built-in lighting fixtures
If a water bubble has formed near chiseled lamps or a chandelier, the easiest way to eliminate water accumulation is as follows:
- After making sure that all the machines are turned off in the counter, the lamp or chandelier is dismantled from the installation ring. To prevent water from pouring on your head when dismantling the lamp, it is better to choose a ring located a little further than a bubble with accumulated liquid.
- A hose is inserted into the setting ring, the end of which is lowered into a container to collect water. In order for the liquid to begin to flow through the hose into the substituted basin, the end of the rubber tube must be leaned against the mouth and taken several strong breaths. In the process of eliminating the flood, one person gently lifts the tensioning web in the place of water accumulation, and the second directs the hose into the bucket, changing the container if necessary.
If a little water has accumulated, then it can be drained by gently lifting the canvas and directing the flow through the adjusting ring into the prepared container.
How to drain water from a stretch ceiling, the video will tell you:
Remove over the edge of the stretch fabric
In the case when the ceiling is not equipped with lamps, you can remove the water bubble in the following way:
- determine the angle to which the accumulation of water is located as close as possible;
- carefully dismantle the finishing panel;
- in the place where the tensioning blade is fixed with a harpoon, we screw in a long self-tapping screw;
- carefully grab the screwed self-tapping screw with pliers and pull it over ourselves;
- simultaneously with the fasteners, the canvas will stretch (it must be pulled out of the baguette by about 50 cm);
- through the hole formed, the water is poured into a prepared container.
After the measures taken, the tension cloth is thoroughly dried and mounted in its original place (filled into the baguette with a spatula).
How to remove water from a stretch ceiling, video instruction:
Drying and remediation
After the effects of the flood have been removed, it is very important to dry the ceiling.... Ignoring this rule will lead to the fact that troubles in the form of a smell of mold and mildew will be added to the problem of a wrinkled stretch fabric.
A stream of hot air is directed to a wet spot (it is important not to touch the canvas with the device, but to keep it at a distance of 30-40 cm).
Unfortunately, prolonged contact with water does not go unnoticed. Yellow stains remain on the stretch canvas, which will help to remove the following means:
Ammonia... A few drops of ammonia are dissolved in a glass of water. The resulting composition treats the problem area.
- Liquid dishwashing detergent... Dissolve 0.5 tsp in 250 ml of warm water. liquid detergent. With a soft sponge dipped in soapy water, gently wipe the stain on the stretch ceiling.
- Hydrogen peroxide (9%)... Treating the stain with a cotton pad dipped in hydrogen peroxide will help to quickly get rid of small yellow streaks.
Using a washing vacuum cleaner will help not only to speed up the process of removing local contaminants, but also, in general, to clean the surface of the stretch ceiling.
Calling a specialist and the cost of work
When there is no time and confidence that it will be possible to drain the water accumulated on the stretch canvas on its own, specialists of service centers will help to solve the problem (addresses and phone numbers are not difficult to find through Internet search resources).
The cost of such services varies from 3000 to 8000 rubles. The amount of payment depends on several factors:
- flooding area and complexity;
- list of work performed;
- the volume of accumulated liquid;
- the type of stretch fabric and the method of its attachment to the wall (multi-level structures are more expensive);
- the complexity of the lighting system (for example, "starry sky" can increase the cost of work by 50%);
- pricing policy for similar services in the region.
The final amount on the check will be announced only after a thorough examination and assessment of the problem area. It is better if the solution to the problem of stretch ceiling flooding will be dealt with by a company that previously provided services for the installation of a stretch structure. This will speed up the process of restoring the deformed surface.
What should not be done and why?
In order not to completely spoil the stretch ceiling in the process of eliminating the consequences of the flood, it is important to remember a few "no".
In no case should the bubble be pierced.... Water under pressure will simply break through the stretch ceiling, and all that remains is to dismantle the canvas torn into pieces and mount the ceiling structure again.
Do not smooth out water bubbles over the entire surface of the ceiling. Such actions lead to the fact that the liquid, penetrating through the fastenings of the canvas, deforms the decorative wall decoration.
Do not treat leaks with acetone, solvents, abrasive dry powders. Not only are these funds ineffective in the fight against yellow stains, their use can completely ruin the appearance of the stretch ceiling.
When preparing the equipment necessary to remove water from the tension stream, it will not be superfluous to get hose plugs. It is very inconvenient to pinch the edge of the drain tube with your hands, and besides, there is not always enough strength to clamp the hose so that water does not leak. A plug will facilitate this process.
The more liquid containers are prepared, the better... Visually, it is very difficult to assess the amount of water accumulated on the stretch fabric. To avoid the situation of a shortage of basins and bowls for collecting waste water, you should take care of the necessary containers in advance.
The thing is that the accumulated liquid stretches the tensioning fabric, and the longer this process continues, the more the glossy surface is deformed.
It is convenient to use a medical bulb to pump fluid from the hose... Pulling water into the hose with your mouth can swallow dirt, which can lead to health problems.
So that when removing water from the stretch ceiling, the wallpaper on the walls does not suffer, the gaps between the profile and the wall must be carefully smeared with a thin layer of sealant.
A ceiling structure that is not always flooded is subject to restoration. In the event of a breakthrough in the sewage system, pipes of the heating system, the tensioning web is finally deformed and cannot be restored.
Anyone can eliminate the traces of a flood on a stretch ceiling... Under the condition of calm, well-thought-out actions, the glossy surface will very quickly restore its original appearance.