Proven ways to remove the smell of gasoline and diesel fuel from the skin, things, containers

foto28172-1Gasoline and diesel fuel have a pungent odor that is quickly absorbed into any surface.

This applies not only to containers for their storage, but also to surrounding objects, including clothing, premises, skin of hands.

Read about the means by which you can remove the smell of gasoline and diesel fuel in the article.

Improvised means

You can get rid of the smell of diesel fuel with the help of improvised means. For this, absorbent substances are used that absorb foreign aromas. Soda ash is an inexpensive and effective remedy.

foto28172-2Use it as follows:

  1. Wet the surface to be treated with clean water.
  2. Sprinkle with soda on top.
  3. Leave to act for an hour.
  4. Rinse under running water. When it comes to things, they need to be erased.

Another way to use soda is to prepare a washing solution from it, in which the item is soaked for 30-40 minutes. For 1 liter of water, take 2 tablespoons of powder.

Dry mustard is an effective absorbent.

Mode of application:

  • dissolve 100 g of washing powder and the same amount of mustard in a bowl of warm water;
  • stir the water until a homogeneous solution is obtained;
  • things are soaked in it or surfaces that smell like diesel fuel are treated;
  • exposure time - 1 hour;
  • wash the product with clean water.
Petroleum products are unstable when exposed to heat. Therefore, you can get rid of the persistent smell of gasoline or diesel fuel using an iron or a steam generator.

Mode of application:

  1. Arrange the item in such a way that it is convenient to handle it.
  2. If it is fabric, then gauze is used for ironing.
  3. The iron is passed over the surface of the product.
  4. Repeat the procedure until the characteristic aroma ceases to stand out during ironing.

Solid objects, such as seats in a car, are treated with a steam generator. After warming up, the product must be supplied with fresh air.

Laundry soap is a budgetary and effective means of odor neutralization. Use it as follows:

  • foto28172-3the bar is grated in the amount that is enough to process the thing;
  • mix the shavings with a little water;
  • apply gruel to areas from which an unpleasant odor emanates;
  • leave for 4 hours;
  • washed off with clean water.

After such processing, the thing needs to be ventilated, since the laundry soap has a pungent specific smell.

You can cope with the problem with the help of ammonia. It easily neutralizes fuel odors stuck on various surfaces.

Mode of application:

  1. Add 20 ml of ammonia to 200 ml of water.
  2. A cotton pad is moistened in a concentrated solution and the product is treated with it.
  3. Leave the composition for 5 minutes.
  4. Wipe the surface with a clean damp cloth, or rinse with water.

Volatilizing, alcohol will carry away the aromas of gasoline and diesel fuel. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Special formulations

On sale there are means with which you can remove the smell of diesel fuel from many surfaces. They differ depending on the material from which the product is made. Formulations with maximum potency:

OdorGone Professional

This versatile spray is suitable for:

  • hard and soft surfaces,
  • bags,
  • of things,
  • clothes and premises.
Before using it, initial cleaning is required using a soap solution. When the product dries, the composition is sprayed on it.

To prevent it from eroding, the thing is covered with a film, or placed in a cover for up to 8-12 hours. Price - 815 rubles.


Borger gut duft

It is an effective car odor remover... The ready-made solution can be used for processing:

  • seats,
  • upholstery,
  • salon,
  • air conditioning systems.

The composition contains binding and biocidal elements that destroy unwanted aromatic molecules in 10 minutes. Spray is sprayed throughout the car interior, windows and doors are closed, after which the air conditioner is turned on for recirculation. Price - 235 rubles.


Dr. Beckmann

The liquid concentrate is able to cope with foreign odors absorbed into clothing. It can be used to process different types of fabrics.

The composition of the odor remover for clothes and linen is hypoallergenic, has an antistatic effect, tested by dermatologists, does not irritate the skin. Price - 340 rubles.


How to remove from different surfaces?

Depending on what kind of item needs processing, the means for neutralizing foreign aromas will differ. Formulations that can be used to wash the canister are not suitable for hand care.

From the canister

A canister saturated with the aroma of diesel fuel is not suitable for storing other liquids. To get rid of the smell, you need to rinse with various means. The most readily available of these is citric acid.

Mode of application:

  • dissolve 40 g of citric acid in 5 liters of water;
  • pour the product into the canister;
  • after 12 hours, pour out the solution, rinse the container with clean water at least 3 times.
This product is suitable for processing both plastic and iron canisters. However, even after neutralizing the fuel plume, you should not use a container for storing drinking water.

From the barrel

The barrel is more difficult to rinse, as it is distinguished by its impressive size. Therefore, you need to choose the method that will work the first time. Burning out the barrel is the most effective method.


  1. Find a location away from buildings, dry grass, and other objects that could catch fire.
  2. Using a gasoline lamp, the barrel body must be burned from the outside.
  3. Then ordinary water is taken into the container under the very lid and it is boiled over an open fire for an hour.
  4. After the completion of the procedure, the barrel is treated with anti-rust.

To remove carbon deposits, the walls of the container are wiped with an old rag.

The video will tell you how to wash a barrel of gasoline and diesel fuel:

From clothes

Washing with pre-soaking will help remove the smell of diesel fuel from clothes. For this purpose, use means such as:

  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar and caustic soda;
  • laundry soap;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • ammonia solution.

You need to soak clothes for at least an hour, after which they are washed as usual. Drying things in the fresh air is a must.Read more here.

How to wash clothes from gasoline, the video will tell you:

From the car interior

A car interior that smells of diesel fuel is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. Inhalation of fuel vapors leads to headaches and decreases concentration.

You can cope with the problem by the following means:

  1. Perform wet cleaning of the interior using shampoo.
  2. Sprinkle the stains with ground coffee, and also place several cans in different places of the car.
  3. Spray all surfaces with a weak vinegar solution, then ventilate the interior for 24 hours.

If the weather permits, then a few days after treatment you need to drive with open windows.

In room

foto28172-7Wet cleaning is the most effective way to combat odors in a room. The main points to be completed:

  • wash all hard surfaces with soapy water;
  • use a steam generator to walk on the surface of furniture and carpets;
  • wash curtains;
  • wash bed linen and air-conditioned clothing.

It is recommended to keep windows and doors open for several hours and dry the laundry in the fresh air.

From hands

So that your hands stop smelling like gasoline or diesel fuel, they need to be washed well with soap... The water must be hot.

If this method does not help, then use lemon juice. It is squeezed onto a sponge and passed over the skin. Then the hands are rinsed again under running water.

It is not recommended to use aggressive agents, for example, alcohol, so as not to dry the skin.

Helpful information

Tips for removing the smell of diesel or gasoline from various surfaces:

  1. The longer you soak the item, the better.
  2. Clothes should be washed in hot water.
  3. The washed items must be rinsed by changing the water 2-3 times.
  4. The processed products must be dried outdoors or in a room with good air circulation.
  5. The sooner steps are taken to eliminate the unpleasant odor, the easier it is to get rid of it.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.


Getting rid of the smell of diesel fuel or gasoline is not difficult if you choose the right product. It can be both improvised substances and store formulations. The main thing is to use them for their intended purpose, depending on the type of surface to be treated.



