Proven Ways to Remove Musty Smell from Clothes
Violation of the rules for washing, drying or storing in a closet leads to the fact that washed clean clothes acquire a very unpleasant musty smell.
It will not work to disguise the "aroma" with perfume (perfume only enhances the "aroma" of mustiness). Eliminating the problem, returning freshness to your favorite things can only be done with proven, correctly selected methods and means.
How to remove a musty smell from clothes after a long lay with the help of improvised means and household chemicals, we will tell in the article.
Repeated washing of things
Repeated washing with absorbent "fragrances" will help remove musty odors from clothes.
Secrets of Correct Re-Wash:
Before washing again, things are soaked for three to four hours in a solution of borax (40 grams of powder is enough for 1.5 liters of water).
- Machine wash with added baking soda (they are poured together with the main detergent into the powder receptacle of the washing machine), as well as a fabric softener. A prerequisite for re-washing is the selection of the re-rinse mode.
- Hand wash by adding vinegar (1 tbsp.). Rinse things out in water with conditioner added.
After washing, the clothes are hung to dry in a well-ventilated place.
Removing the odor of mustiness with folk remedies
Neutralize the musty smell with the help of improvised means that can be found in any home. TOP 5 most effective folk ways:
- Table vinegar (9%)... An unpleasant-smelling fabric is abundantly moistened with a mowing solution (the acid is diluted with water in a 1: 3 ratio). Ten minutes after the processed items are sent for re-washing.
- Baking soda... Clothes are soaked in water with baking soda (5 tsp soda is dissolved in a liter of water). After thirty minutes, things are washed as usual. If it was not possible to remove unpleasant "aromas" the first time, the procedure can be repeated by doubling the amount of baking soda.
- Ammonia... Foul-smelling clothes are treated with a solution of ammonia through a spray bottle (1 tablespoon of ammonia is dissolved in ten liters) and left alone for six hours. After that, the clothes are washed a second time.
- Hydrogen peroxide - An excellent tool for removing musty odors from cotton items. It is enough to dissolve 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide in a liter of water and treat clothes with the resulting composition.In addition to the "scent" of mustiness, hydrogen peroxide copes well with old stains of sweat, blood, mold and mildew.
- Table salt... Rub the unpleasant-smelling clothes with salt and leave for half an hour. After the clothes are left to be washed again.
Special drugs
When the musty smell needs to be removed as quickly and efficiently as possible, you can use professional special means (sold in the economic department of any supermarket). TOP-3 most effective formulations:
Dr. Beckmann
Removes persistent musty odors from deep within fabric fibers... A special patented formula keeps things fresh for as long as possible. Does not cause allergic reactions. Suitable for all types of fabrics. Prevents unpleasant odors on clothes with regular use.
Method of application: 35 ml of the product is added together with the main detergent at each wash. Average price - 350 rubles. (500 ml bottle).
Product of European quality (country of origin Italy). At the same time removes stubborn "aromas":
- mustiness,
- smoke,
- food,
- sweat and creates reliable protection of fabric fibers from further penetration of unpleasant "odors".
Suitable for processing clothes and home textiles, upholstery fabrics.
Method of application: the composition is sprayed onto dry clothes, after which things are left alone for thirty minutes. The average cost is 250 rubles. (500 ml bottle).
Versatile odor remover for all surfaces (clothing, textiles, furniture, household appliances).
How to use: just spray the product over the fabric and leave the clothes to dry completely. It is not recommended to wash the processed item again. Average cost - 650 rubles. (500 ml bottle).
Before buying, make sure that the odor remover is suitable for fabrics. If necessary, the composition is tested on an inconspicuous small area of tissue.
The secrets of experienced housewives will help you solve the problem as quickly as possible. unpleasant musty smell on clothes:
- Coffee beans in an open container on the bottom shelf of the cabinet will help prevent musty odors on your clothes. Alternatively, you can use a bar of scented toilet soap instead of coffee.
- To get rid of the musty smell of mold and mildew will help airing (at least six hours) outside, at sub-zero temperatures.
- Ironing at maximum temperatures will quickly remove the unpleasant odor from linen clothes.
- Rinsing with bleach will help remove stubborn, stubborn musty odors from fabrics. It is enough to dilute 100 ml of bleach in five liters of water and soak the clothes for eight hours. After the clothes are washed again as usual.
- To wash clothes with a musty smell, instead of the usual washing powder, you can use hair shampoo (the method is most relevant for woolen, knitted and fur things).
You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.
A musty smell on your clothes can cause many unpleasant moments. You can avoid such a problem only by observing the rules of washing, drying and storing clothes, and proven folk and special remedies will help correct the situation when the smell has already appeared.